Amenemhat (High Priest of Amun)

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See Amenemhat (disambiguation), for other individuals with this name.
High Priest of Amun
Predecessor Menkheperreseneb II
Successor Mery (High Priest of Amun)
Dynasty 18th Dynasty
Pharaoh Amenhotep II
BurialThebes, TT97

Amenemhat was an ancient Egyptian High Priest of Amun at Karnak, during the reign of pharaoh Amenhotep II of the 18th Dynasty.

A son of the wab-priest and "Overseer of the sandal makers of Amun", Djehutyhotep, Amenemhat is attested by several funerary cones now exhibited at the University College, London (UC 37551) [1] and in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; [2] he also left an inscription outlining his career at Gebel el-Silsila. [3]
He was probably buried in TT97 at Qurna, near Thebes.

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  1. "UC 37551". University College London .
  2. C. W. Hayes, The Scepter of Egypt II, pg. 147
  3. O’Connor and Cline (eds), Thutmose III: A New Biography, pg. 157