An Element of Danger is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1986 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes that features several superheroes from DC Comics.
The player characters, members of the Justice League of America, learn that Mr. Element and Matter Master have escaped from prison. The heroes must find and stop the two villains before they can combine their signature weapons into a weapon of mass destruction. [1] The players can generate their own superheroes using the rules in DC Heroes, or they can use the pregenerated characters for Firestorm, Firehawk, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman.
Mayfair Games published the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes in 1985. An Element of Danger was published the following year, a 32-page softcover book by Steve Perrin, with cartography by Jerry O'Malley and Greg Scott, and cover art by Ed Hannigan (sketch), Denys Cowan (pencil), Bob Smith (inks), and Bob LeRose (color). [2]
Pete Tamlyn reviewed An Element of Danger for White Dwarf #88, and was disappointed in the adventure: "Sadly, it is rather dull. I had a suspicion that Steve [Perrin] hacked this one out in a couple of days. It is uninteresting, unexciting and has a deus ex machina ending which makes the whole thing a waste of time. Not recommended". [1]
Golden Heroes is a superhero role-playing game that was originally written and published on an amateur basis in 1982. Games Workshop then published a more complete version in 1984. It was written by Simon Burley and Peter Haines and was illustrated by a group of artists who were working for 2000 AD at the time.
Marvel Super Heroes (MSHRPG) is a role playing game set in the Marvel Universe, first published by TSR as the boxed set Marvel Super Heroes: The Heroic Role-Playing Game under license from Marvel Comics in 1984. In 1986, TSR published the Marvel Superheroes Advanced Game, an expanded edition. Jeff Grubb designed both editions, and Steve Winter wrote both editions. Both use the same game system.
Superworld is a superhero-themed role-playing game published by Chaosium in 1983 that uses the generic Basic Role-Playing rules system. The game began as just one part of the Worlds of Wonder product before being published as a stand-alone game. In competition against other well-established and popular superhero games, Superworld never found an audience, and was discontinued after only three supplements were published for it.
DC Heroes is an out-of-print superhero role-playing game set in the DC Universe and published by Mayfair Games. Other than sharing the same licensed setting, DC Heroes is unrelated to the West End Games DC Universe or the more recent Green Ronin Publishing DC Adventures game.
Marvel Super Heroes: The Heroic Role-Playing Game is a role-playing game boxed set published by TSR in 1984 for the Marvel Super Heroes role-playing game, and was the debut product for the game.
Avengers Coast-to-Coast is a role-playing game supplement published by TSR in 1986 for the Marvel Super Heroes role-playing game.
Murderworld! is a role-playing game adventure published by TSR in 1984 for the Marvel Super Heroes role-playing game.
Lone Wolves is a role-playing game adventure published by TSR in 1984 for the Marvel Super Heroes role-playing game.
Avengers Assembled! is a role-playing game supplement published by TSR in 1984 for the Marvel Super Heroes role-playing game.
Secret Wars is a role-playing game adventure published by TSR in 1984 for the Marvel Super Heroes role-playing game.
Legion of Super-Heroes Volume I is a 1986 role-playing game supplement for DC Heroes published by Mayfair Games.
The Island of Dr. Destroyer is an adventure published by Hero Games in 1981 for the superhero role-playing game Champions.
Legacy of EAGLES is an adventure published by Games Workshop in 1984 for the superhero role-playing game Golden Heroes.
Queen Victoria & The Holy Grail is an adventure published by Games Workshop in 1985 for the superhero role-playing game Golden Heroes.
King of Crime is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1986 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes.
Eternity Inc. is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1986 for the superhero role-playing game (RPG) DC Heroes.
Pawns of Time is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1986 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes, the first in the four-part "Chessman" series.
Don't Ask! is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1986 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes that features Ambush Bug from DC Comics.
Who Watches the Watchmen? is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1986 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes that features the Watchmen.
Deathstroke is an adventure published by Hero Games in 1983 for the superhero role-playing game Champions.