Analytic polyhedron

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In mathematics, especially several complex variables, an analytic polyhedron is a subset of the complex space Cn of the form


where D is a bounded connected open subset of Cn, are holomorphic on D and P is assumed to be relatively compact in D. [1] If above are polynomials, then the set is called a polynomial polyhedron. Every analytic polyhedron is a domain of holomorphy and it is thus pseudo-convex.

The boundary of an analytic polyhedron is contained in the union of the set of hypersurfaces

An analytic polyhedron is a Weil polyhedron, or Weil domain if the intersection of any k of the above hypersurfaces has dimension no greater than 2n-k. [2]

See also


  1. See ( Åhag et al. 2007 , p. 139) and ( Khenkin 1990 , p. 35).
  2. ( Khenkin 1990 , pp. 35–36).

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