Anchiale stolli

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Anchiale stolli
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Phasmatodea
Family: Phasmatidae
Subfamily: Phasmatinae
Tribe: Phasmatini
Genus: Anchiale
A. stolli
Binomial name
Anchiale stolli
Sharp, 1898

Anchiale stollii Tepper, 1903

Anchiale stolli [1] is a medium-sized stick insect found in the Solomon Islands. [2]



Anchiale stolli are geenish-brown in color. Females are about 195 mm (7.7 in) long and males are about 125 mm (4.9 in) long. Both sexes have fully developed wings but only males are capable of flying. [3]

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  1. Sharp. 1898. In Willey. Zoological Results: based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897 89.
  2. Phasmida Species File
  3. Phasmid Study Group: Anchiale stolli