Anne Hessing Cahn

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Anne Hessing Cahn is a political author who holds a doctorate in political science from MIT. She was notable for her criticism of the CIA among other US agencies and leaders, particularly Team B and other aspects of the last days of the Cold War.



Cahn was Scholar in Residence at The American University. She served the US Government as Chief of the Social Impact Staff at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1977–81), Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (1980–81), and president and executive director of the Committee for National Security (1982–88)[ citation needed ]. In 2001 she chaired the board of directors, for 20/20 Vision, a private organization founded to "increase citizen participation in public policy decisions on energy, security and the environment." She was also on the board of directors for the United States Institute of Peace or USIP, established in 1984, which is an independent, nonpartisan, national institution established and funded by the United States Congress.

Cahn was married to physicist John W. Cahn, who died in 2016. She has three children (Martin Cahn, a physician in Seattle; Andy Cahn, a science teacher in Kenmore, Washington; and Lorie Cahn, an environmental scientist in Jackson, Wyoming), and six grandchildren.

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