anti-hemB | |
Identifiers | |
Symbol | anti-hemB |
Rfam | RF02837 |
Other data | |
RNA type | Gene; sRNA |
GO | GO:0005515 ,GO:0097311 |
SO | SO:0000370 |
PDB structures | PDBe |
The anti-hemB RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure that was found in all known bacteria in the genus Burkholderia , and in a variety of other betaproteobacteria. [1] The anti-hemB RNA motif consists primarily of two stem-loops, followed by a predicted rho-independent transcription termination stem-loop. As anti-hemB RNAs are generally not located in a 5' UTR, the RNAs are presumed to be non-coding RNAs. The terminator stem-loop implies that anti-hemB RNAs are transcribed as independent molecules.
The name "anti-hemB" is to distinguish the motif from its reverse complement, which was called the "hemB" motif, a motif that is often in the apparent 5' UTRs of hemB genes. It was considered ambiguous as to which of these orientations is correct, as both directions exhibit covariation (see secondary structure prediction), and both fold into plausible RNA structures. However, the anti-hemB was judged the more likely orientation, because it had fewer A-C base pairs, which do not contribute to RNA stability. In reverse complement, an A-C pair becomes the stable G-U wobble pair.
An inverted repeat is a single stranded sequence of nucleotides followed downstream by its reverse complement. The intervening sequence of nucleotides between the initial sequence and the reverse complement can be any length including zero. For example, 5'---TTACGnnnnnnCGTAA---3' is an inverted repeat sequence. When the intervening length is zero, the composite sequence is a palindromic sequence.
Stem-loop intramolecular base pairing is a pattern that can occur in single-stranded RNA. The structure is also known as a hairpin or hairpin loop. It occurs when two regions of the same strand, usually complementary in nucleotide sequence when read in opposite directions, base-pair to form a double helix that ends in an unpaired loop. The resulting structure is a key building block of many RNA secondary structures. As an important secondary structure of RNA, it can direct RNA folding, protect structural stability for messenger RNA (mRNA), provide recognition sites for RNA binding proteins, and serve as a substrate for enzymatic reactions.
The Coronavirus 3′ stem-loop II-like motif is a secondary structure motif identified in the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of astrovirus, coronavirus and equine rhinovirus genomes. Its function is unknown, but various viral 3′ UTR regions have been found to play roles in viral replication and packaging.
The SAM riboswitch is found upstream of a number of genes which code for proteins involved in methionine or cysteine biosynthesis in Gram-positive bacteria. Two SAM riboswitches in Bacillus subtilis that were experimentally studied act at the level of transcription termination control. The predicted secondary structure consists of a complex stem-loop region followed by a single stem-loop terminator region. An alternative and mutually exclusive form involves bases in the 3' segment of helix 1 with those in the 5' region of helix 5 to form a structure termed the anti-terminator form. When SAM is unbound, the anti-terminator sequence sequesters the terminator sequence so the terminator is unable to form, allowing the polymerase read-through the downstream gene. When S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) is bound to the aptamer, the anti-terminator is sequestered by an anti-anti-terminator; the terminator forms and terminates the transcription. However, many SAM riboswitches are likely to regulate gene expression at the level of translation.
The mini-ykkC RNA motif was discovered as a putative RNA structure that is conserved in bacteria. The motif consists of two conserved stem-loops whose terminal loops contain the RNA sequence ACGR, where R represents either A or G. Mini-ykkC RNAs are widespread in Proteobacteria, but some are predicted in other phyla of bacteria. It was expected that the RNAs are cis-regulatory elements, because they are typically located upstream of protein-coding genes.
The gamma-150 RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure that is found in bacteria within the order Pseudomonadales. Because gamma-150 RNAs are not consistently in 5' UTRs, the gamma-150 motif is presumed to correspond to a non-coding RNA.
The lacto-2 RNA motif is an RNA structure that is conserved amongst bacteria within the order Lactobacillales. The motif consists of a stem-loop whose stem is interrupted by many internal loops and bulges. Nucleotide identities in many places are conserved, and one internal loop in particular is highly conserved.
The TD-1 RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure found only in the species Treponema denticola, at least among bacteria whose genomes were sequenced in 2007 when the RNA motif was identified. The T. denticola genome contains 28 predicted TD-1 RNAs, and all but two of these are positioned such that they are likely to be in the 5' UTR of the downstream gene. This arrangement suggests that TD-1 RNAs likely correspond to cis-regulatory elements. However, due to the variety of genes apparently regulated by TD-1 RNAs, no specific hypothesis as to its function was suggested.
The TD-2 RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure found in Treponema denticola, as well as metagenome sequences extracted from a termite hindgut, which is known to be enriched for Spirochaetes. Since TD-2 RNAs are not typically positioned in 5′ UTRs, the motif is presumed to correspond to a non-coding RNA.
The MAEB RNA motif is a conserved stem-loop RNA structure present in many species in the genus Burkholderia. MAEB stem-loops typically occur in blocks of repeats, usually with 2–6 consecutive instances of MAEB stem-loops separated by a short and conserved linker sequence. As many as 12 consecutive MAEB stem-loops have been observed in a single block.
Barley yellow dwarf virus 5' UTR is a non-coding RNA element containing structural elements required for translation of the viral genome.
Nucleic acid tertiary structure is the three-dimensional shape of a nucleic acid polymer. RNA and DNA molecules are capable of diverse functions ranging from molecular recognition to catalysis. Such functions require a precise three-dimensional tertiary structure. While such structures are diverse and seemingly complex, they are composed of recurring, easily recognizable tertiary structure motifs that serve as molecular building blocks. Some of the most common motifs for RNA and DNA tertiary structure are described below, but this information is based on a limited number of solved structures. Many more tertiary structural motifs will be revealed as new RNA and DNA molecules are structurally characterized.
The Chlorobi-RRM RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure identified by bioinformatics. It is found within bacteria in the phylum Chlorobi, and is exclusively detected in the presumed 5' untranslated regions of genes that encode putative RNA-binding proteins. Since many RNA-binding proteins regulate their own expression in a feedback mechanism by binding or acting up their 5' UTR, it was proposed that the Chlorobi-RRM is a component in an analogous feedback mechanism. Structurally, the motif consists of two stem-loops, the second of which might function as a rho-independent transcription terminator.
The Cyano-2 RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure identified by bioinformatics. Cyano-2 RNAs are found in Cyanobacterial species classified within the genus Synechococcus. Many terminal loops in the two conserved stem-loops contain the nucleotide sequence GCGA, and these sequences might in some cases form stable GNRA tetraloops. Since the two stem-loops are somewhat distant from one another it is possible that they represent two independent non-coding RNAs that are often or always co-transcribed. The region one thousand base pairs upstream of predicted Cyano-2 RNAs is usually devoid of annotated features such as RNA or protein-coding genes. This absence of annotated genes within one thousand base pairs is relatively unusual within bacteria.
The Lnt RNA motif refers to a conserved RNA structure found in certain bacteria. Specifically, Lnt RNAs are known only in species within the phylum Chlorobi, and are located in the possible 5' untranslated regions of genes that are annotated as encoding apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase enzymes. There is some doubt as to whether the indicated motif is transcribed as RNA, or whether its reverse complement is transcribed. If the reverse complement is transcribed it would potentially in 5' UTRs of genes encoding bacteriochlorophyll A, and would be close to the start codon of those genes.
The traJ-II RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure discovered in bacteria by using bioinformatics. traJ-II RNAs appear to be in the 5' untranslated regions of protein-coding genes called traJ, which functions in the process of bacterial conjugation. A previously identified motif known as TraJ 5' UTR is also found upstream of traJ genes functions as the target of FinP antisense RNAs, so it is possible that traJ-II RNAs play a similar role as targets of an antisense RNA. However, some sequence features within the traJ-II RNA motif suggest that the biological RNA might be transcribed from the reverse-complement strand. Thus is it unclear whether traJ-II function as cis-regulatory elements. traJ-II RNAs are found in a variety of proteobacteria.
A kissing stem-loop, or kissing stem loop interaction, is formed in RNA when two bases between two hairpin loops pair. These intra- and intermolecular kissing interactions are important in forming the tertiary or quaternary structure of many RNAs.
Coronavirus genomes are positive-sense single-stranded RNA molecules with an untranslated region (UTR) at the 5′ end which is called the 5′ UTR. The 5′ UTR is responsible for important biological functions, such as viral replication, transcription and packaging. The 5′ UTR has a conserved RNA secondary structure but different Coronavirus genera have different structural features described below.
Coronavirus genomes are positive-sense single-stranded RNA molecules with an untranslated region (UTR) at the 3′ end which is called the 3′ UTR. The 3′ UTR is responsible for important biological functions, such as viral replication. The 3′ UTR has a conserved RNA secondary structure but different Coronavirus genera have different structural features described below.