Anti-rights movements

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Anti-rights movements are movements, groups or campaigns that actively work against the recognition, protection, and advancement of human rights. These movements can target a variety of rights and marginalized groups. They often use misinformation, fear-mongering, and lobbying to undermine legal protections and social acceptance for targeted groups. [1] [2] ODI described anti-rights movements as "a loose coalition of actors [that] has succeeded in stalling progress and undermining rights and freedoms," and that are "are well-organised and extremely well-funded compared to progressive rights movements." [3]

UN Women described anti-gender, gender-critical and men's rights movements as examples of anti-rights movements in 2024. [4] [5] Other movements described as anti-rights include anti-immigration and anti-racial equality movements.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Initiative for Inclusive Feminism</span>

The Initiative for Inclusive Feminism is a Norwegian national intersectional feminist organization that works for equality, diversity and inclusion on the basis of human rights. It is Norway's main intersectional feminist organization. IFI emphasizes that feminism must be based on human rights and the struggles of vulnerable minorities, and IFI advocates for several vulnerable minority groups, focusing on issues like trans inclusion and anti-racism. Since 2022 IFI has organized Inclusive March 8 together with Sex og politikk, FRI and other organizations.

Transphobia in Norway has evolved over time. Since the late 20th century and into the early 21st century, acceptance of transgender people has greatly increased. Norway has made significant progress in transgender rights, with strong support from political parties ranging from the most left-wing to the Conservative Party. In the 2020s, Norway has seen an increase in the anti-gender movement, from both gender critical radical feminist groups and the far right. Recently, hate crimes against transgender people have increased, and several anti-trans groups campaign against transgender people. The 2024 Extremism Commission's report cited sources that pointed to "the connections between radical feminism and Christian conservatism" in relation to anti-trans activism, noting that "these are groups and individuals who use violent and dehumanizing language and are also threatening and extremely active."


  1. "Anti-Rights Actors". AWID . Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  2. "Countering the Anti-Rights Movement Globally". Women Deliver . Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  3. "Women Deliver 2023: we can't let the anti-rights movement prevail". ODI. Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  4. "LGBTIQ+ communities and the anti-rights pushback: 5 things to know". UN Women. 28 May 2024. Retrieved 15 June 2024.
  5. "UN Women says gender-critical activists are 'anti-rights movement'". The Times. Retrieved 16 June 2024.