Antonio Boselli

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Risen Christ, 1514 Antonio boselli (attr.), cristo risorto, 1514.JPG
Risen Christ, 1514

Antonio Boselli (born circa 1470 - 1480 and died 1527 - 1532) was an Italian painter of the Renaissance period, active mainly in Bergamo.


He was born in San Giovanni Bianco in the Val Brembana, and painted from 1495 to 1527, in a style more reminiscent of the Quattrocento. In Bergamo, he painted the Saints Peter, Paul, and Luke for the church of San Cristoforo. He also painted a Virgin, St Peter, and Magdalen (1495) in a church in Ponteranica. he painted in Romacolo and Zogno. He painted for the church of San Cristoforo, Seriate. [1]

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  1. La Pittura in Lombardia: Il Quattrocento, by Electa Lombardia, Milan, multiple editors, (1993); page 445.