Aristotle Metadata Registry

Last updated
Aristotle Metadata Registry
Developer(s) Aristotle Metadata Community
Initial releasev1.0-rc0 / 2015-05-28 [1]
Stable release
v3.0.16 / 2020-01-16 [2]
Written in Python, Django, Vue.js
Standard(s) ISO/IEC 11179, ISO/TC 215, DCAT & DDI
Type Metadata Registry
License Commercial software

The Aristotle Metadata Registry is commercial Metadata Registry software based on the ISO/IEC 11179 standard for Metadata Registries. It is influenced by the AIHW METeOR Metadata Registry [3] and the Canadian Institute of Health Information Indicator Bank. Aristotle-MDR is designed to describe data holdings databases and associated structural metadata. The Aristotle Metadata Registry was publicly launched at the 2015 IASSIST Conference in Toronto. [3] In 2016, the founders of the Aristotle Metadata Registry were hired by Data61 (a division of CSIRO) to continue development of the platform.


Commercial support

Commercial support for the Aristotle Metadata Registry is provided by Aristotle Cloud Services Australia (ACSA), a Canberra-based Australian limited liability company. ACSA was founded by the core members of the Data61 Aristotle Metadata team in November 2017 to provide commercial support to government clients and provides a number security and enterprise features within the Aristotle Cloud product line. Aristotle Cloud Services Australia is a member of both the Data Documentation Initiative and member of the Canberra start-up hub Entry29. Aristotle Cloud Services Australia was one of the major sponsors of the 2019 IASSIST conference.

In 2021, Aristotle Cloud Services Australia was a national finalist in the 59th Australian Export & Investment Awards.

Current implementations

Extension API

Aristotle-MDR implements the object-oriented nature of ISO/IEC 11179 that has allowed the community to build extensions to the original metadata scope of ISO/IEC 11179. [4] Current additional metadata types provided by the community include: [5]


Tabilon is a data request portal powered by Aristotle that provides a streamlined process for researchers to request data from different organizations and institutions. To use Tabilon, researchers create a data passport, which allows them to browse through the platform's metadata and select the data they need for their research. The data request is then sent to a data custodian for approval, who is responsible for managing the data on the platform and ensuring that it is shared and used in accordance with relevant regulations and policies. Tabilon enforces strict privacy policies to protect the personal information of researchers and data custodians, and ensures that data is encrypted and stored securely.

Related Research Articles

In metadata, the term data element is an atomic unit of data that has precise meaning or precise semantics. A data element has:

  1. An identification such as a data element name
  2. A clear data element definition
  3. One or more representation terms
  4. Optional enumerated values Code (metadata)
  5. A list of synonyms to data elements in other metadata registries Synonym ring

In computing and data management, data mapping is the process of creating data element mappings between two distinct data models. Data mapping is used as a first step for a wide variety of data integration tasks, including:

A metadata registry is a central location in an organization where metadata definitions are stored and maintained in a controlled method.

The ISO/IEC 11179 metadata registry (MDR) standard is an international ISO/IEC standard for representing metadata for an organization in a metadata registry. It documents the standardization and registration of metadata to make data understandable and shareable.

NIEMOpen, frequently referred to as NIEM, originated as an XML-based information exchange framework from the United States, but has transitioned to an OASISOpen Project. This initiative formalizes NIEM's designation as an official standard in national and international policy and procurement. NIEMOpen's Project Governing Board recently approved the first standard under this new project; the Conformance Targets Attribute Specification (CTAS) Version 3.0. A full collection of NIEMOpen standards are anticipated by end of year 2024.

A representation term is a word, or a combination of words, that semantically represent the data type of a data element. A representation term is commonly referred to as a class word by those familiar with data dictionaries. ISO/IEC 11179-5:2005 defines representation term as a designation of an instance of a representation class As used in ISO/IEC 11179, the representation term is that part of a data element name that provides a semantic pointer to the underlying data type. A Representation class is a class of representations. This representation class provides a way to classify or group data elements.

A data element name is a name given to a data element in, for example, a data dictionary or metadata registry. In a formal data dictionary, there is often a requirement that no two data elements may have the same name, to allow the data element name to become an identifier, though some data dictionaries may provide ways to qualify the name in some way, for example by the application system or other context in which it occurs.

In metadata, a data element definition is a human readable phrase or sentence associated with a data element within a data dictionary that describes the meaning or semantics of a data element.

Semantic translation is the process of using semantic information to aid in the translation of data in one representation or data model to another representation or data model. Semantic translation takes advantage of semantics that associate meaning with individual data elements in one dictionary to create an equivalent meaning in a second system.

A representation term is a word, or a combination of words, used as part of a data element name. Representation class is sometimes used as a synonym for representation term.

Metadata publishing is the process of making metadata data elements available to external users, both people and machines using a formal review process and a commitment to change control processes.

The Extended Metadata Registry (XMDR) is a project proposing and testing a set of extensions to the ISO/IEC 11179 metadata registry specifications that deal with the development of improved standards and technology for storing and retrieving the semantics of data elements, terminologies, and concept structures in metadata registries.

In metadata, an indicator is a Boolean value that may contain only the values true or false. The definition of an Indicator must include the meaning of a true value and should also include the meaning if the value is false.

In information science and ontology, a classification scheme is the product of arranging things into kinds of things (classes) or into groups of classes; this bears similarity to categorization, but with perhaps a more theoretical bent, as classification can be applied over a wide semantic spectrum.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Data Reference Model</span>

The Data Reference Model (DRM) is one of the five reference models of the Federal Enterprise Architecture.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Metadata</span> Data about data

Metadata is "data that provides information about other data", but not the content of the data itself, such as the text of a message or the image itself. There are many distinct types of metadata, including:

METeOR, Australia’s repository for national metadata standards for health, housing and community services statistics and information. METeOR is a Metadata registry based on the 2003 version of the ISO/IEC 11179 Information technology - Metadata registries standard. The development of METeOR was commissioned by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to store, manage and disseminate metadata in the Australian health, community services and housing assistance sectors. Development of METeOR was performed by Aggmedia and Synop, and based on the open-source Sytadel CMS.

A metadata standard is a requirement which is intended to establish a common understanding of the meaning or semantics of the data, to ensure correct and proper use and interpretation of the data by its owners and users. To achieve this common understanding, a number of characteristics, or attributes of the data have to be defined, also known as metadata.

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Data management and interchange is a standardization subcommittee of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which develops and facilitates standards within the field of data management and interchange. The international secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) located in the United States.


  1. "GitHub - Aristotle Metadata Registry v1.0.0-rc0". GitHub .
  2. "PyPI Aristotle Metadata Registry Entry".
  3. 1 2 Samuel Spencer (2015-06-03). "Aristotle Metadata Registry - A new contender for government metadata management". IASSIST. Retrieved 2016-04-17. Based on the system architecture of METEoR, the Aristotle Metadata Registry is a rebuilt implementation that provides a free open-source, easy to install and scalable metadata registry.
  4. "ISO/IEC 11179-3". ISO. Archived from the original on 2016-04-06. Retrieved 2016-04-01. It is not expected that this metamodel will completely accommodate all users. Particular sectors, such as document management, scientific data and statistical data, require metadata attributes not addressed in this standard. This standard provides Slots (see as a mechanism to extend metadata items with custom attributes. Classes, relationships, and attributes may be added as extensions to existing packages in this conceptual data model, or complete new packages may be added.
  5. "Aristotle Metadata Registry Extensions". GitHub . 4 May 2022.