Arithmetic genus

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In mathematics, the arithmetic genus of an algebraic variety is one of a few possible generalizations of the genus of an algebraic curve or Riemann surface.


Projective varieties

Let X be a projective scheme of dimension r over a field k, the arithmetic genus of X is defined as

Here is the Euler characteristic of the structure sheaf . [1]

Complex projective manifolds

The arithmetic genus of a complex projective manifold of dimension n can be defined as a combination of Hodge numbers, namely

When n=1, the formula becomes . According to the Hodge theorem, . Consequently , where g is the usual (topological) meaning of genus of a surface, so the definitions are compatible.

When X is a compact Kähler manifold, applying hp,q = hq,p recovers the earlier definition for projective varieties.

Kähler manifolds

By using hp,q = hq,p for compact Kähler manifolds this can be reformulated as the Euler characteristic in coherent cohomology for the structure sheaf :

This definition therefore can be applied to some other locally ringed spaces.

See also

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In mathematics, and especially differential and algebraic geometry, K-stability is an algebro-geometric stability condition, for complex manifolds and complex algebraic varieties. The notion of K-stability was first introduced by Gang Tian and reformulated more algebraically later by Simon Donaldson. The definition was inspired by a comparison to geometric invariant theory (GIT) stability. In the special case of Fano varieties, K-stability precisely characterises the existence of Kähler–Einstein metrics. More generally, on any compact complex manifold, K-stability is conjectured to be equivalent to the existence of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics.


  1. Hartshorne, Robin (1977). Algebraic Geometry. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 52. New York, NY: Springer New York. p. 230. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-3849-0. ISBN   978-1-4419-2807-8. S2CID   197660097.

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