Associations in English law

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Associations in English law are groups of people which are formed and act for a common purpose. In the United Kingdom, English and Scots law differ in the rules of contract and property, although a number of Acts of Parliament regarding associations are common to both jurisdictions. The five main types of association in English law are:

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General partnership

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The Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 (c.12) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which introduced the concept of the limited liability partnership into English and Scots law. It created an LLP as a body with legal personality separate from its members which is governed under a hybrid system of law partially from company law and partially from partnership law. Unlike normal partnerships the liability of members of an LLP on winding up is limited to the amount of capital they contributed to the LLP.

In relation to juristic persons, the constitutional documents are the documents which define the existence of an entity and regulate the structure and control of that entity and its members. The precise form of the constitutional documents depends upon the type of entity, such as corporations or private associations.

There are many ways in which a business may be owned under the legal system of England and Wales.

An unincorporated entity has not been granted formal corporate status by incorporation. An unincorporated entity will generally be a separate entity for accounting purposes, but may or may not be a separate legal entity. For example, partnerships in England and Scotland are separate entities for accounting purposes, but while English partnerships are not separate legal entities, in Scotland they are separate legal persons.

United Kingdom partnership law concerns the way that partnerships are formed or governed within the United Kingdom. Depending upon where the partnership was formed, English law, Scots law or Northern Irish law may apply in addition to statutes that create a framework across the UK. Under Scots law a partnership is a distinct legal entity and can borrow money from a bank in the name of the partnership, while English law only allows borrowing in the names of individual partners. Partnerships are a form of business association, which arises automatically when people carry on business with a view to a profit. Partners are jointly and severally liable, just as they own the property in common.

Voluntary association Group of people with shared interests or aims

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Under English law, an unincorporated association is a group of people who come together

  1. for a common purpose
  2. intending to create a legally binding relationship between themselves.


  1. "Choose a legal structure for a new business - Unincorporated association". GOV.UK. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  2. "Particular bodies: unincorporated associations: definition". CTM41305. HMRC. Retrieved 27 December 2013.