Asymmetric competition

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Asymmetric competition is a form of business competition where firms compete in certain markets or contexts but not in others. In such scenarios, a firm may decide to allocate competitive resources and marketing actions disproportionately among its competitors, rather than in direct correlation with their market share. This approach allows firms to focus their efforts strategically, targeting specific competitors in selected areas where they can gain a competitive advantage.


To visualize asymmetric competition, techniques such as multidimensional scaling and perceptual mapping can be employed. Multidimensional scaling helps in understanding the relative positioning of firms in a competitive landscape by representing similarities and differences in a geometric space. Perceptual mapping, on the other hand, provides a visual representation of how consumers perceive various brands or products in relation to one another, based on attributes that are important to them.

These visualization techniques enable firms to identify areas of competitive overlap and differentiation, thereby informing their strategic decisions on where to focus their competitive efforts. By leveraging asymmetric competition, firms can effectively concentrate their resources on markets and competitors that offer the most significant opportunities for growth and market penetration.


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Bertrand competition is a model of competition used in economics, named after Joseph Louis François Bertrand (1822–1900). It describes interactions among firms (sellers) that set prices and their customers (buyers) that choose quantities at the prices set. The model was formulated in 1883 by Bertrand in a review of Antoine Augustin Cournot's book Recherches sur les Principes Mathématiques de la Théorie des Richesses (1838) in which Cournot had put forward the Cournot model. Cournot's model argued that each firm should maximise its profit by selecting a quantity level and then adjusting price level to sell that quantity. The outcome of the model equilibrium involved firms pricing above marginal cost; hence, the competitive price. In his review, Bertrand argued that each firm should instead maximise its profits by selecting a price level that undercuts its competitors' prices, when their prices exceed marginal cost. The model was not formalized by Bertrand; however, the idea was developed into a mathematical model by Francis Ysidro Edgeworth in 1889.

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