Aurora Award for Best Novelette/Novella

Last updated

The Aurora Awards are granted annually by the Canadian SF and Fantasy Association and SFSF Boreal Inc.


The Award for Best Novella/Novelette was first awarded in 2021. It became a dedicated category, distinct from the Award for Best Novel and Award for Best Short Fiction, providing additional exposure for medium length sci-fi and fantasy literature, and represents writing with scope and word count between the two.

Derek Künsken won the first award for his 2020 novella/novelette "Tool Use by the Humans of Danzhai County".

English-language Award

Winners and nominees

  *   Winners and joint winners

2021 Derek Künsken *"Tool Use by the Humans of Danzhai County" [Text1] Asimov's (Vol 44, No 7&8), Jul/Aug 2020 [1] [2]
Ian Rogers "Go Fish" [Text2], 15 Apr 2020 [1] [2]
Rich Larson "How Quini the Squid Misplaced His Klobucar" [Text3], 15 Jan 2020
L. X. Beckett "The Immolation of Kev Magee" [Text4] Clarkesworld (#167), Aug 2020
Rebecca Campbell "An Important Failure" [Text5] Clarkesworld (#167), Aug 2020
A. C. Wise "To Sail the Black" [Text6] Clarkesworld (#170), Nov 2020
2022 Premee Mohamed *The Annual Migration of Clouds ECW Press [3] [4] [5]
Julie E. Czerneda "Decay in Five Stages" Derelict (2021), ed. David B Coe and Joshua Palmatier [3] [4] [5]
Hayden Trenholm & Liz Westbrook-Trenholm "Lay Down Your Heart" Seasons Between Us: Tales of Identities and Memories (2021), ed. Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law
Silvia Moreno-Garcia The Return of the Sorceress Subterranean Press
Premee Mohamed These Lifeless Things Solaris Books
2023 Fonda Lee *"The Jade Setter of Janloon" Subterranean Press [6]
C. L. Polk "Even Though I Knew the End" Tordotcom [6]
Kelly Robson " High Times in the Low Parliament " Tordotcom
Eric Choi A Sky and a HeavenJust Like Being There
Silvia Moreno-Garcia "The Tiger Came to the Mountains"Amazon Original Stories

See also


  1. 1 2 "sfadb: Aurora Awards 2021". Retrieved 2022-07-28.
  2. 1 2 "2021 Aurora Awards". Aurora Awards.
  3. 1 2 "sfadb: Aurora Awards 2022". Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  4. 1 2 "2022 Nominee List | Aurora Awards" . Retrieved 2022-07-28.
  5. 1 2 locusmag (2022-08-15). "2022 Aurora Awards Winners". Locus Online. Retrieved 2023-02-19.
  6. 1 2 "sfadb: Aurora Awards 2023". Retrieved 2023-08-24.