Year Author Novella Publisher or publication Ref. 1966 Brian W. Aldiss *"The Saliva Tree " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 5] Roger Zelazny *"He Who Shapes " Amazing Stories [ 5] Avram Davidson "Rogue Dragon" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 5] Samuel R. Delany The Ballad of Beta-2 Ace Books [ 5] C. C. MacApp "The Mercurymen" Galaxy Science Fiction [ 5] Frederik Pohl "Under Two Moons" If [ 5] A. E. van Vogt "Research Alpha" If [ 5] James H. Schmitz Cordwainer Smith "On the Storm Planet" Galaxy Science Fiction [ 5] 1967 Jack Vance *"The Last Castle " Galaxy Science Fiction [ 6] Avram Davidson Clash of Star-Kings Ace Books [ 6] Charles L. Harness "The Alchemist" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 6] 1968 Michael Moorcock *"Behold the Man " New Worlds [ 7] Philip José Farmer "Riders of the Purple Wage " Dangerous Visions (Doubleday ) [ 7] Anne McCaffrey "Weyr Search " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 7] Robert Silverberg "Hawksbill Station " Galaxy Science Fiction [ 7] Theodore Sturgeon "If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister? " Dangerous Visions (Doubleday ) [ 7] 1969 Anne McCaffrey *"Dragonrider " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 8] Samuel R. Delany "Lines of Power" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 8] Keith Laumer "The Day Before Forever" The Day Before Forever and Thunderhead (Doubleday ) [ 8] Dean McLaughlin "Hawk Among the Sparrows" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 8] Robert Silverberg "Nightwings " Galaxy Science Fiction [ 8] 1970 Harlan Ellison *"A Boy and His Dog " The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World (Avon Books ) [ 9] Charles L. Harness "Probable Cause" Orbit 4 (G. P. Putnam's Sons ) [ 9] Fritz Leiber "Ship of Shadows" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 9] Anne McCaffrey "Dramatic Mission" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 9] Robert Silverberg "To Jorslem" Galaxy Science Fiction [ 9] 1971 Fritz Leiber *"Ill Met in Lankhmar " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 10] Poul Anderson "The Fatal Fulfillment" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 10] James Blish "A Style in Treason" Anywhen (Doubleday ) [ 10] Harlan Ellison "The Region Between" Galaxy Science Fiction [ 10] Clifford D. Simak "The Thing in the Stone" If [ 10] Kate Wilhelm "April Fool's Day Forever" Orbit 7 (G. P. Putnam's Sons ) [ 10] 1972 Katherine MacLean *"The Missing Man " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 11] Jerzy Kosinski Being There Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [ 11] Keith Roberts "The God House" New Worlds Quarterly #1 [ 11] Kate Wilhelm "The Infinity Box" Orbit 9 (G. P. Putnam's Sons ) [ 11] Kate Wilhelm "The Plastic Abyss" Abyss (Doubleday ) [ 11] 1973 Arthur C. Clarke *"A Meeting with Medusa " Playboy [ 12] Phyllis Gotlieb "Son of the Morning " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 12] Ursula K. Le Guin "The Word for World Is Forest " Again, Dangerous Visions (Doubleday ) [ 12] Richard A. Lupoff "With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New Alabama " Again, Dangerous Visions (Doubleday ) [ 12] Frederik Pohl "The Gold at the Starbow's End " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 12] Gene Wolfe "The Fifth Head of Cerberus " Orbit 10 (G. P. Putnam's Sons ) [ 12] 1974 Gene Wolfe *"The Death of Doctor Island " Universe 3 (Random House ) [ 13] Michael Bishop "Death and Designation Among the Asadi" If [ 13] Michael Bishop "The White Otters of Childhood" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 13] Jack Dann "Junction" Fantastic [ 13] Gardner Dozois "Chains of the Sea" Chains of the Sea (Thomas Nelson ) [ 13] 1975 Robert Silverberg *"Born with the Dead " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 14] Michael Bishop "On the Street of the Serpents" Science Fiction Emphasis 1 (Ballantine Books ) [ 14] George R. R. Martin "A Song for Lya " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 14] 1976 Roger Zelazny *"Home Is the Hangman " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 15] William K. Carlson "Sunrise West" Vertex [ 15] Lisa Tuttle "The Storms of Windhaven " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 15] George R. R. Martin James Tiptree, Jr. "A Momentary Taste of Being " The New Atlantis (Hawthorn Books) [ 15] 1977 James Tiptree, Jr. *"Houston, Houston, Do You Read? " Aurora: Beyond Equality (Gold Medal Books ) [ 16] Michael Bishop "The Samurai and the Willows" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 16] Richard Cowper "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 16] Gene Wolfe "The Eyeflash Miracles" Future Power (Random House ) [ 16] 1978 Spider Robinson *"Stardance " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 17] Jeanne Robinson * Vonda N. McIntyre "Aztecs" 2076: The American Tricentennial (Pyramid Books ) [ 17] 1979 John Varley *"The Persistence of Vision " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 18] Gene Wolfe "Seven American Nights" Orbit 20 (Harper & Row ) [ 18] 1980 Barry B. Longyear *"Enemy Mine " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 19] Samuel R. Delany "The Tale of Gorgik " Asimov's SF Adventure Magazine [ 19] Frederik Pohl "Mars Masked" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 19] Hilbert Schenck "The Battle of the Abaco Reefs" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 19] Joan D. Vinge "Fireship" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 19] Richard Wilson "The Story Writer" Destinies [ 19] 1981 Suzy McKee Charnas *"Unicorn Tapestry " New Dimensions 11 (Pocket Books ) [ 20] Avram Davidson "There Beneath the Silky-Trees and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me" Other Worlds 2 (Zebra Books ) [ 20] Gordon R. Dickson "Lost Dorsai " Destinies [ 20] Thomas M. Disch "The Brave Little Toaster " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 20] Marta Randall "Dangerous Games" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 20] Michael Shea "The Autopsy" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 20] 1982 Poul Anderson *"The Saturn Game " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 21] Gregory Benford "Swarmer, Skimmer" SF Digest [ 21] Jack Dann "Amnesia" The Berkley Showcase, Vol 3 (Berkley Books ) [ 21] Phyllis Eisenstein "In the Western Tradition " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 21] Vernor Vinge "True Names " Binary Star 5 (Dell Publishing ) [ 21] Kate Wilhelm "The Winter Beach" Redbook [ 21] 1983 John Kessel *"Another Orphan " The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 22] Fritz Leiber "Horrible Imaginings" Death (Playboy ) [ 22] Brad Linaweaver "Moon of Ice" Amazing Stories [ 22] George R. R. Martin "Unsound Variations" Amazing Stories [ 22] Joanna Russ "Souls" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 22] 1984 Greg Bear *"Hardfought " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 23] Michael Bishop "The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 23] Michael Bishop "Her Habiline Husband" Universe 13 (Doubleday ) [ 23] Avram Davidson "Eszterhazy and the Autogóndola-Invention" Amazing Stories [ 23] Vonda N. McIntyre "Transit" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 23] Robert Silverberg "Homefaring" Amazing Stories [ 23] 1985 John Varley *"Press Enter ■ " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 24] Avram Davidson "Young Doctor Eszterhazy" Amazing Stories [ 24] Nancy Kress "Trinity" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 24] Frederik Pohl "The Greening of Bed-Stuy" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 24] Lucius Shepard "A Traveler's Tale" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 24] Michael Swanwick "Marrow Death" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 24] 1986 Robert Silverberg *"Sailing to Byzantium " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 25] Kim Stanley Robinson "Green Mars " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 25] Bruce Sterling "Green Days in Brunei" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 25] James Tiptree, Jr. "The Only Neat Thing to Do" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 25] Kate Wilhelm "The Gorgon Field" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 25] Roger Zelazny "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 25] 1987 Lucius Shepard *"R&R " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 26] Gregory Benford "Newton Sleep" The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 26] Kim Stanley Robinson "Escape from Kathmandu " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 26] Robert Silverberg "Gilgamesh in the Outback " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 26] F. Paul Wilson "Dydeetown Girl" Far Frontiers 4 (Baen Books ) [ 26] 1988 Kim Stanley Robinson *"The Blind Geometer " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 27] John M. Ford "Fugue State" Under the Wheel (Baen Books ) [ 27] Keith Roberts "The Tiger Sweater" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 27] Geoff Ryman The Unconquered Country Bantam Spectra [ 27] Robert Silverberg "The Secret Sharer" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 27] Walter Jon Williams "Witness" Wild Cards (Bantam Spectra ) [ 27] 1989 Connie Willis *"The Last of the Winnebagos " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 28] Bradley Denton "The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 28] Lucius Shepard The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter Asimov's Science Fiction [ 28] Norman Spinrad "Journals of the Plague Years" Full Spectrum (Bantam Spectra ) [ 28] Walter Jon Williams "Surfacing" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 28] Jane Yolen The Devil's Arithmetic Viking Kestrel [ 28] 1990 Lois McMaster Bujold *"The Mountains of Mourning " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 29] John Crowley "Great Work of Time " Novelty (Doubleday ) [ 29] George Alec Effinger "Marîd Changes His Mind" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 29] Megan Lindholm "A Touch of Lavender" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 29] Judith Moffett "Tiny Tango" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 29] Howard Waldrop A Dozen Tough Jobs Mark V. Ziesing [ 29] 1991 Joe Haldeman *"The Hemingway Hoax " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 30] Lois McMaster Bujold "Weatherman " Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 30] Pat Cadigan "Fool to Believe" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 30] James Patrick Kelly "Mr. Boy " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 30] Pat Murphy "Bones" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 30] 1992 Nancy Kress *"Beggars in Spain " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 31] Paul Ash "Man Opening a Door" Analog Science Fact & Fiction [ 31] Michael Bishop Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana Axolotl Press [ 31] Mike Resnick Bully! Asimov's Science Fiction [ 31] Kristine Kathryn Rusch The Gallery of His Dreams Asimov's Science Fiction [ 31] Connie Willis "Jack" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 31] 1993 James Morrow * City of Truth St. Martin's Press [ 32] Emma Bull "Silver or Gold" After the King: Stories in Honor of J.R.R. Tolkien (Tor Books ) [ 32] Bradley Denton "The Territory" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 32] Jerry Oltion "Contact" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 32] Lee Goodloe Maureen F. McHugh "Protection" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 32] Lucius Shepard "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 32] Michael Swanwick Griffin's Egg Asimov's Science Fiction [ 32] 1994 Jack Cady *"The Night We Buried Road Dog " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 33] Ray Aldridge "The Beauty Addict" Full Spectrum 4 (Bantam Spectra ) [ 33] Nancy Kress "Dancing on Air" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 33] G. David Nordley "Into the Miranda Rift" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 33] Kate Wilhelm Naming the Flowers Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 33] Walter Jon Williams Wall, Stone, Craft Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 33] 1995 Mike Resnick *"Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 34] Harlan Ellison Mefisto In Onyx Omni [ 34] Nina Kiriki Hoffman "Haunted Humans" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 34] Ursula K. Le Guin "Forgiveness Day" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 34] Geoff Ryman "Fan" Unconquered Countries (St. Martin's Press ) [ 34] Michael Swanwick "Cold Iron" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 34] 1996 Elizabeth Hand *"Last Summer at Mars Hill " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 35] Gregory Benford "Soon Comes Night" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 35] Nicola Griffith "Yaguara" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 35] Mike Resnick "Bibi" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 35] Susan Shwartz Brian Stableford "Mortimer Gray's History of Death " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 35] 1997 Jack Dann *"Da Vinci Rising " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 36] Ursula K. Le Guin "A Woman's Liberation" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 36] George R. R. Martin "Blood of the Dragon" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 36] Jack McDevitt "Time Travelers Never Die " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 36] Maureen F. McHugh "The Cost to Be Wise" Starlight 1 (Tor Books ) [ 36] Allen Steele "The Death of Captain Future" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 36] 1998 Jerry Oltion *"Abandon in Place " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 37] Adam-Troy Castro "The Funeral March of the Marionettes" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 37] Paul Levinson "Loose Ends" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 37] Robert Reed "Chrysalis" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 37] Bud Sparhawk "Primrose and Thorn" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 37] Allen Steele "…Where Angels Fear to Tread" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 37] 1999 Sheila Finch *"Reading the Bones " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 38] Catherine Asaro "Aurora in Four Voices " Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 38] Avram Davidson The Boss in the Wall, A Treatise on the House Devil Tachyon Publications [ 38] Grania Davis Eliot Fintushel "Izzy and the Father of Terror" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 38] David Gerrold "Jumping Off the Planet " Science Fiction Age [ 38] Geoffrey A. Landis "Ecopoiesis" Science Fiction Age [ 38] 2000 Ted Chiang *"Story of Your Life " Starlight 2 (Tor Books ) [ 39] Michael A. Burstein "Reality Check" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 39] Adam-Troy Castro "The Astronaut from Wyoming" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 39] Jerry Oltion L. Timmel Duchamp "Living Trust" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 39] Andy Duncan "The Executioners' Guild" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 39] David Marusek "The Wedding Album " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 39] 2001 Linda Nagata *"Goddesses " Sci Fiction [ 40] Andy Duncan "Fortitude" Realms of Fantasy [ 40] Jonathan Lethem "Ninety Percent of Everything" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 40] James Patrick Kelly John Kessel Mike Resnick "Hunting the Snark" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 40] Lucius Shepard "Crocodile Rock" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 40] Walter Jon Williams "Argonautica" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 40] 2002 Jack Williamson *"The Ultimate Earth " Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 41] Catherine Asaro "A Roll of the Dice" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 41] Brenda W. Clough "May Be Some Time " Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 41] Jack Dann "The Diamond Pit " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 41] Lucius Shepard "Radiant Green Star" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 41] 2003 Richard Chwedyk *"Bronte's Egg " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 42] Adam-Troy Castro "Sunday Night Yams at Minnie and Earl's" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 42] Andy Duncan "The Chief Designer " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 42] Charles Coleman Finlay "The Political Officer " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 42] Bud Sparhawk "Magic's Price" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 42] 2004 Neil Gaiman * Coraline HarperCollins [ 43] Eleanor Arnason "The Potter of Bones" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 43] Kage Baker "The Empress of Mars " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 43] John Kessel "Stories for Men" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 43] Ian R. MacLeod "Breathmoss" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 43] 2005 Walter Jon Williams *"The Green Leopard Plague " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 44] Catherine Asaro "Walk in Silence" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 44] Adam-Troy Castro "The Tangled Strings of the Marionettes" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 44] Vernor Vinge "The Cookie Monster " Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 44] Connie Willis "Just Like the Ones We Used to Know" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 44] 2006 Kelly Link *"Magic for Beginners " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 45] Bud Sparhawk "Clay's Pride" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 45] Robert J. Sawyer "Identity Theft" Down These Dark Spaceways (Science Fiction Book Club ) [ 45] Paul Witcover "Left of the Dial" Sci Fiction [ 45] Albert E. Cowdrey "The Tribes of Bela" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 45] 2007 James Patrick Kelly * Burn Tachyon Publications [ 46] Michael A. Burstein "Sanctuary" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 46] Paul Melko "The Walls of the Universe" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 46] William Shunn "Inclination " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 46] 2008 Nancy Kress *"Fountain of Age " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 47] Judith Berman "Awakening" Black Gate [ 47] Matt Hughes "The Helper and His Hero" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 47] Lucius Shepard "Stars Seen Through Stone" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 47] Bruce Sterling "Kiosk" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 47] Gene Wolfe "Memorare " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 47] 2009 Catherine Asaro *"The Spacetime Pool " Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 48] Gregory Benford "Dark Heaven" Alien Crimes (Science Fiction Book Club ) [ 48] Kelley Eskridge "Dangerous Space" Dangerous Space (Aqueduct Press ) [ 48] Charles Coleman Finlay "The Political Prisoner" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 48] Vera Nazarian The Duke in His Castle Norilana Books [ 48] 2010 Kage Baker * The Women of Nell Gwynne's Subterranean Press [ 49] Carolyn Ives Gilman "Arkfall" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 49] Nancy Kress "Act One" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 49] James Morrow Shambling Towards Hiroshima Tachyon Publications [ 49] Jason Sanford "Sublimation Angels" Interzone [ 49] John Scalzi The God Engines Subterranean Press [ 49] 2011 Rachel Swirsky *"The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers Beneath the Queen's Window " Subterranean Magazine [ 50] Paolo Bacigalupi The Alchemist Subterranean Press [ 50] J. Kathleen Cheney "Iron Shoes" Alembical 2 (Paper Golem) [ 50] Ted Chiang The Lifecycle of Software Objects Subterranean Press [ 50] Geoffrey A. Landis "The Sultan of the Clouds" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 50] Paul Park "Ghosts Doing the Orange Dance" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 50] 2012 Kij Johnson *"The Man Who Bridged the Mist " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 51] Mary Robinette Kowal "Kiss Me Twice " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 51] Catherynne M. Valente Silently and Very Fast Clarkesworld Magazine [ 51] Carolyn Ives Gilman "The Ice Owl" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 51] Ken Liu "The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary" Panverse 3 (Panverse Publishing) [ 51] Adam-Troy Castro "With Unclean Hands" Analog Science Fiction and Fact [ 51] 2013 Nancy Kress * After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall Tachyon Publications [ 52] Aliette de Bodard On a Red Station, Drifting Immersion Press [ 52] Jay Lake "The Stars Do Not Lie" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 52] Ken Liu "All the Flavors" GigaNotoSaurus [ 52] Robert Reed "Katabasis" Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 52] Lawrence M. Schoen "Barry's Tale" Buffalito Buffet (Hadley Rille Books) [ 52] 2014 Vylar Kaftan *"The Weight of the Sunrise " Asimov's Science Fiction [ 53] Andy Duncan "Wakulla Springs" [ 53] Ellen Klages Nancy Kress "Annabel Lee" New Under the Sun (Phoenix Pick) [ 53] Veronica Schanoes "Burning Girls" [ 53] Lawrence M. Schoen "Trial of the Century" [ 53] Catherynne M. Valente Six-Gun Snow White Subterranean Press [ 53] 2015 Nancy Kress * Yesterday's Kin Tachyon Publications [ 54] Daryl Gregory We Are All Completely Fine Tachyon Publications [ 54] Ken Liu "The Regular" Upgraded (Wyrm Publishing) [ 54] Mary Rickert "The Mothers of Voorhisville" [ 54] Lawrence M. Schoen Calendrical Regression NobleFusion Press [ 54] Rachel Swirsky "Grand Jeté (The Great Leap)" Subterranean Magazine [ 54] 2016 Nnedi Okorafor * Binti [ 55] C. S. E. Cooney The Bone Swans of Amandale Bone Swans: Stories (Mythic Delirium ) [ 55] Eugene Fischer "The New Mother" Asimov's Science Fiction [ 55] Usman T. Malik "The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn" [ 55] Kelly Robson "Waters of Versailles " [ 55] Beth Cato Wings of Sorrow and Bone Harper Voyager Impulse [ 55] 2017 Seanan McGuire * Every Heart a Doorway Publishing [ 56] S. B. Divya Runtime Publishing [ 56] Kij Johnson The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe Publishing [ 56] Victor LaValle The Ballad of Black Tom Publishing [ 56] John P. Murphy "The Liar " Fantasy & Science Fiction [ 56] Kai Ashante Wilson A Taste of Honey Publishing [ 56] 2018 Martha Wells * All Systems Red [ 57] Sarah Gailey River of Teeth Publishing [ 57] Ellen Klages Passing Strange Publishing [ 57] Sarah Pinsker "And Then There Were (N-One) " Uncanny Magazine [ 57] Lawrence M. Schoen Barry's Deal NobleFusion Press [ 57] JY Yang The Black Tides of Heaven Publishing [ 57] 2019 Aliette de Bodard * The Tea Master and the Detective Subterranean Press [ 58] Kate Heartfield Alice Payne Arrives Publishing [ 58] Martha Wells Artificial Condition Publishing [ 58] P. Djèlí Clark The Black God's Drums Publishing [ 58] Jonathan P. Brazee Fire Ant Semper Fi Press [ 58] Kelly Robson Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach Publishing [ 58] 2020 Amal El-Mohtar * This Is How You Lose the Time War Saga Press [ 59] Max Gladstone * Ted Chiang "Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom " Exhalation: Stories (Alfred A. Knopf ) [ 59] P. Djèlí Clark The Haunting of Tram Car 015 Publishing [ 59] Vylar Kaftan Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water Publishing [ 59] Rivers Solomon The Deep Saga Press [ 59] Daveed Diggs William Hutson Jonathan Snipes A. C. Wise Catfish Lullaby Broken Eye Books [ 59] 2021 P. Djèlí Clark * Ring Shout Publishing [ 60] Yaroslav Barsukov Tower of Mud and Straw Metaphorosis Magazine [ 60] Nino Cipri Finna Publishing [ 60] Ekpeki Oghenechovwe Donald "Ife-Iyoku, the Tale of Imadeyunuagbon " Dominion: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction From Africa and the African Diaspora (Aurelia Leo) [ 60] R. B. Lemberg The Four Profound Weaves Tachyon Publications [ 60] Tochi Onyebuchi Riot Baby Publishing [ 60] 2022 Premee Mohamed *And What Can We Offer You Tonight Neon Hemlock Press [ 61] Becky Chambers A Psalm for the Wild-Built Tordotcom [ 61] Aliette de Bodard Fireheart Tiger Tordotcom [ 61] Aimee Ogden Sun-Daughters, Sea-Daughters Tordotcom [ 61] Zin E. Rocklyn Flowers for the Sea Tordotcom [ 61] E. Catherine Tobler The Necessity of Stars Neon Hemlock Press [ 61] Eugenia Triantafyllou "The Giants of the Violet Sea" Uncanny Magazine [ 61] 2023 C. L. Polk * Even Though I Knew the End Tordotcom [ 62] Becky Chambers A Prayer for the Crown-Shy Tordotcom [ 62] R. S. A. Garcia "Bishop's Opening" Clarkesworld Magazine [ 62] Jordan Kurella I Never Liked You Anyway Vernacular Books [ 62] Kelly Robson High Times in the Low Parliament Tordotcom [ 62] 2024 Ai Jiang *"Linghun" Dark Matter Ink [ 63] Kelly Barnhill The Crane Husband Tordotcom [ 63] Ursula Vernon (as T. Kingfisher)Thornhedge Tor ; Titan UK [ 63] Fonda Lee Untethered Sky Tordotcom [ 63] Malka Older The Mimicking of Known Successes Tordotcom [ 63] Nghi Vo Mammoths at the Gates Tordotcom [ 63]