BANA test

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The BANA test (referring to the enzymatic breakdown of [N-benzoyl-dL-arginine-2-napthylamide]) is used to determine the proteolytic activity of certain oral anaerobes that contribute to oral malodor. Some bacteria, e.g. Prophyromona gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Bacteroides forsythus (Red complex) produce waste products that are quite odiferous, and as a result contribute to bad breath. [1]

When a sample of a patient's saliva that contains these bacteria is placed within the BANA testing compound, it causes the breakdown of the N-benzoyl enzyme. As a result of this biodegradation occurs, the test compound changes color, indicating a positive reaction. [2]

Uses: Used to identify volatile Sulphur compounds in halitosis patients.

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  1. Dhalla, N; Patil, S; Chaubey, K. K; Narula, I. S (2015). "The detection of BANA micro-organisms in adult periodontitis before and after scaling and root planing by BANA-Enzymatic™ test kit: An in vivo study". Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. 19 (4): 401–405. doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.154167 . PMC   4555797 . PMID   26392688.
  2. Bathla, Shalu (2011). Periodontis Revisited. JP Medical. p. 242. ISBN   978-93-5025-367-0.

Further reading