Badi Ade

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Badi Ade (also spelled Baadicade or Badi Ado) is a Somali Hawiye clan. Sometimes called Beesha Baadicade, the clan is a sub-tribe of the Gungundhabe Hawiye branch of the Somalis tribe [1] [2] [3] Baadicadde members live in the Hiiraan, Shabeellaha Dhexe, Shabeellaha Hoose and Banaadir and also live in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.

Baadicade are predominantly pastoralists, although some agro-pastoralist families are emerging on the western side of Shebelle River. Geographically, they are mainly known to concentrate on the western side of Hiraan and Middle Shabelle. Nevertheless, some business acumen individuals of the clan have established well in the Bakara market of Mogadishu [4]

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  1. Bokolmayo refugee camp
  2. Malkadida refugee camp
  3. Kobe refugee camp


  1. Puccioni, Nello (1931). "Antropologia e etnografia delle genti della Somalia".
  2. Piccioli, Angelo (1934). "La nuova Italia d'oltremare: l'Opera del fascismo nelle colonie italiane".
  3. Ashmore, Harry S. (1961). "Encyclopaedia Britannica: A New Survey of Universal Knowledge".
  4. IRB (2018). "Somalia: The Badi-Ade Clan, Including Distinguishing Features, Locations, Occupations, and Position in Clan Hierarchy; Treatment by Authorities and Other Clans".