Bandwidth-sharing game

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A bandwidth-sharing game is a type of resource allocation game designed to model the real-world allocation of bandwidth to many users in a network. The game is popular in game theory because the conclusions can be applied to real-life networks.[ citation needed ]


The game

The game involves players. Each player has utility for units of bandwidth. Player pays for units of bandwidth and receives net utility of . The total amount of bandwidth available is .

Regarding , we assume

The game arises from trying to find a price so that every player individually optimizes their own welfare. This implies every player must individually find . Solving for the maximum yields .


With this maximum condition, the game then becomes a matter of finding a price that satisfies an equilibrium. Such a price is called a market clearing price.

Possible solution

A popular idea to find the price is a method called fair sharing. [1] In this game, every player is asked for the amount they are willing to pay for the given resource denoted by . The resource is then distributed in amounts by the formula . This method yields an effective price . This price can proven to be market clearing; thus, the distribution is optimal. The proof is as so:


We have . Hence,

from which we conclude

and thus

Comparing this result to the equilibrium condition above, we see that when is very small, the two conditions equal each other and thus, the fair sharing game is almost optimal.

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  1. Shah, D.; Tsitsiklis, J. N.; Zhong, Y. (2014). "Qualitative properties of α-fair policies in bandwidth-sharing networks". The Annals of Applied Probability. 24 (1): 76–113. arXiv: 1104.2340 . doi:10.1214/12-AAP915. ISSN   1050-5164. S2CID   3731511.