Barnard 92

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Barnard 92 in front of background stars Barnard92NASA.jpg
Barnard 92 in front of background stars

Barnard 92 (B92) is a dark nebula located in the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud. It was discovered by American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard.

B92 was initially referred to as "the black hole," [1] given its appearance, after it was first catalogued in 1913. [2] It was later discovered to be a dark nebula, and the title is now misleading, as the name black hole is used in modern astrophysics to describe a region of spacetime in which gravity is too strong for light to escape.

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  1. Barnard, Edward Emerson (1927). A photographic atlas of selected regions of the Milky Way. Carnegie Institution of Washington. ISBN   9780511761133.
  2. "More M24: Barnard 92 Dark Nebula". Retrieved 2023-08-26.