Bell Aliant High Speed Internet

Last updated
Bell Aliant High Speed Internet
Area served
Atlantic Canada
Parent BCE
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Bell Aliant High Speed Internet is the residential broadband Internet technology offered by Bell Aliant. It is available in Atlantic Canada.


Bell Aliant High Speed Internet includes a wired modem, wireless internet, and Internet Security service options. [1] [2]

Bell Aliant has two stand-alone unlimited High Speed Internet options: High-Speed, which offers up to 1.5 Mbit/s download and up to 640 kbit/s upload and High-Speed Ultra, which offers up to 7 Mbit/s download and up to 640 kbit/s upload. [1]

In a Bundle (with satellite or IPTV and home phone), Bell Aliant High Speed offers unlimited internet up to 7 Mbit/s download and up to 640 kbit/s upload. [3] [4]
