Benvenuti Situla

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Benvenuti Situla
Situla veneta.jpg
Material Bronze
Height31.5 cm
Width25.4 cm
Createdc. 600 BC
Discoveredbefore 1887
Este, Vento, Italy
Present location Este, Vento, Italy

The Benvenuti Situla is a bronze situla that dates to c. 600 BC. It is a product of the situla art that spread north from the Etruscans in this period, in this case to the Este culture that flourished in Este, Veneto during the 7th century BC. The vessel is now conserved in the local National Museum Atestino. [1] The relief work on the vessel depicts scenes of aristocratic life. [2] These include banqueting as well as scenes of military victory. The iconography of the relief scenes of the situla may indicate Etruscan influence. [3]


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  1. Leo Benvenuti; Museo nazionale Atestino; Giulia Fogolari (1976). La situla Benvenuti nel Museo di Este. Atesa.
  2. E. Norman Gardiner (11 June 2012). Athletics in the Ancient World. Courier Corporation. pp. 122–. ISBN   978-0-486-14745-1.
  3. Joshua Whatmough (8 May 2015). The Foundations of Roman Italy. Taylor & Francis. pp. 211–. ISBN   978-1-317-59324-9.

Luca Zaghetto La situla Benvenuti di Este. Il poema figurato degli Antichi Veneti, Bologna 2017.