The Bible is a canonical collection of texts treated as religious scripture in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other religions.
Bible or The Bible may also refer to:
Alien primarily refers to:
Canon or Canons may refer to:
Link or Links may refer to:
Kings or King's may refer to:
Snow is precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice.
A testament is a document that the author has sworn to be true. In law it usually means last will and testament.
Harmony, in music, is the use of simultaneous pitches, or chords.
A nova is an exploding star.
Touch is one of the sensations processed by the somatosensory system.
Genesis may refer to:
A rose is a perennial plant of the genus Rosa, or the flower it bears.
Siren or sirens may refer to:
The rapture is a predicted event in certain systems of Christian eschatology.
A witness is someone who has first-hand knowledge of something, such as a crime or wedding, and usually by seeing it.
X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet.
A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft.
The Word or The Words may refer to:
POV most commonly refers to:
A taxi or taxicab is a vehicle for hire with a driver.
Doom is another name for damnation.