In the mathematical subjects of information theory and decision theory, Blackwell's informativeness theorem is an important result related to the ranking of information structures, or experiments. It states that there is an equivalence between three possible rankings of information structures: one based in expected utility , one based in informativeness , and one based in feasibility . This ranking defines a partial order over information structures known as the Blackwell order, or Blackwell's criterion. [1] [2]
The theorem states equivalent conditions under which any expected utility maximizing decision maker prefers information structure over , for any decision problem. The result was first proven by David Blackwell in 1951, and generalized in 1953. [3] [4]
A decision maker faces a set of possible states of the world and a set of possible actions to take. For every and , her utility is . She does not know the state of the world , but has a prior probability for every possible state. For every action she takes, her expected utility is
Given such prior , she chooses an action to maximize her expected utility. We denote such maximum attainable utility (the expected value of taking the optimal action) by
We refer to the data as a decision making problem.
An information structure (or an experiment) can be seen as way to improve on the utility given by the prior, in the sense of providing more information to the decision maker. Formally, an information structure is a tuple , where is a signal space and is a function which gives the conditional probability of observing signal when the state of the world is . An information structure can also be thought of as the setting of an experiment.
By observing the signal , the decision maker can update her beliefs about the state of the world via Bayes' rule, giving the posterior probability
where . By observing the signal and updating her beliefs with the information structure , the decision maker's new expected utility value from taking the optimal action is
and the "expected value of " for the decision maker (i.e., the expected value of taking the optimal action under the information structure) is defined as
If two information structures and have the same underlying signal space, we abuse some notation and refer to and as information structures themselves. We say that is a garbling of if there exists a stochastic map [1] (for finite signal spaces , a Markov matrix) such that
Intuitively, garbling is a way of adding "noise" to an information structure, such that the garbled information structure is considered to be less informative.
A mixed strategy in the context of a decision-making problem is a function which gives, for every signal , a probability distribution over possible actions in . With the information structure , a strategy induces a distribution over actions conditional on the state of the world , given by the mapping
That is, gives the probability of taking action given that the state of the world is under information structure – notice that this is nothing but a convex combination of the with weights . We say that is a feasible strategy (or conditional probability over actions) under .
Given an information structure , let
be the set of all conditional probabilities over actions (i.e., strategies) that are feasible under .
Given two information structures and , we say that yields a larger set of feasible strategies than if
Blackwell's theorem states that, given any decision-making problem and two information structures and , the following are equivalent: [1] [5]
Blackwell's theorem allows us to construct a partial order over information structures. We say that is more informative in the sense of Blackwell (or simply Blackwell more informative) than if any (and therefore all) of the conditions of Blackwell's theorem holds, and write .
The order is not a complete one, and most experiments cannot be ranked by it. More specifically, it is a chain of the partially-ordered set of information structures. [2]
The Blackwell order has many applications in decision theory and economics, in particular in contract theory. For example, if two information structures in a principal-agent model can be ranked in the Blackwell sense, then the more informative one is more efficient in the sense of inducing a smaller cost for second-best implementation. [6] [7]
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In mathematics, the Bussgang theorem is a theorem of stochastic analysis. The theorem states that the cross-correlation between a Gaussian signal before and after it has passed through a nonlinear operation are equal to the signals auto-correlation up to a constant. It was first published by Julian J. Bussgang in 1952 while he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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