Bottled Demon is a 1990 role-playing game adventure for Shadowrun published by FASA.
Bottled Demon is an adventure in which the player characters are hired in a bar. [1]
Bottled Demon was written by James D. Long, with a cover by John Zeleznik, and was published by FASA Corp. in 1990 as a 64-page book. [2]
Games International magazine reviewed Bottled Demon and stated that "Bottled Demon is an object-oriented adventure for Shadowrunners that will get paranoid players asking the age-old question: why us?" [1]
Drakar och Demoner is a Swedish fantasy role-playing game first published in 1982 by the game publishing company Äventyrsspel.
Michael Austin Stackpole is an American science fiction and fantasy author best known for his Star Wars and BattleTech books. He was born in Wausau, Wisconsin, but raised in Vermont. He has a BA in history from the University of Vermont. From 1977 on, he worked as a designer of role-playing games for various gaming companies, and wrote dozens of magazine articles with limited distribution within the industry. He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game is a role-playing game set in the fictional Star Trek universe published by FASA Corporation from 1982 to 1989.
The Doctor Who Role Playing Game is a Doctor Who roleplaying game published by FASA in 1985. The game allows players to assume similar roles to the Doctor and his companions or as agents of the Celestial Intervention Agency.
MechWarrior is a role-playing game set in the fictional BattleTech universe.
L. Ross Babcock III is a game designer who has worked primarily on role-playing games.
Action Aboard: Adventures on the King Richard is a 1981 role-playing game adventure for Classic Traveller, written by Bill Paley, with a cover by William H. Keith, and published by FASA.
Fate of the Sky Raiders is a 1982 role-playing game adventure for Traveller published by FASA.
Witness for the Defense is a 1983 role-playing game adventure for Star Trek: The Role Playing Game published by FASA.
Dreamchipper is an adventure published by FASA in 1989 for the cyberpunk near-future role-playing game Shadowrun.
BattleTech Compendium is a sourcebook published by FASA in 1990 for the table-top miniatures mecha wargame BattleTech.
Seattle Sourcebook is a supplement published by FASA in 1990 for the near-future dystopian role-playing game Shadowrun.
The Outcasts is an adventure published by FASA in 1985 for the science fiction role-playing game Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, which is itself based on the TV series Star Trek.
Termination: 1456 is an adventure published by FASA in 1984 for the science fiction role-playing game Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, based on Star Trek: The Next Generation.
DNA / DOA is a 1989 adventure published by FASA for the near-future cyberpunk role-playing game Shadowrun. Written by Dave Arneson, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, it was criticized for being more like a D&D adventure than a modern high-tech cyberpunk scenario.
Mercurial is an adventure published by FASA in 1989 for the near-future cyberpunk role-playing game Shadowrun.
Decision at Midnight is an adventure published by FASA in 1986 for the Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, itself based on the TV series Star Trek.
An Imbalance of Power is an adventure published by FASA in 1986 for the science fiction role-playing game Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, itself based on the TV series Star Trek.
The Universal Brotherhood is an adventure published by FASA in 1990 for the dystopic near-future cyberpunk role-playing game Shadowrun.