Brahman (disambiguation)

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Brahman is a term in Hinduism for the metaphysical ultimate reality, the highest unchanging Universal Principle in the universe.

Brahman may also refer to:

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Bow often refers to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kshatriya</span> Ruling and warrior class in the Hindu Varna system of India

Kshatriya is one of the four varna of Hindu society, associated with warrior aristocracy. The Sanskrit term kṣatriyaḥ is used in the context of later Vedic society wherein members were organised into four classes: brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya and shudra.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Historical Vedic religion</span> 1500–500 BC Indo-Aryan religious practices of northwest India

The historical Vedic religion constituted the religious ideas and practices among some of the Indo-Aryan peoples of the northwest Indian subcontinent during the Vedic period. These ideas and practices are found in the Vedic texts, and some Vedic rituals are still practiced today. It is one of the major traditions which shaped Hinduism, though present-day Hinduism is markedly different from the historical Vedic religion.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Iyer</span> Hindu Brahmin caste

Iyers are an ethnoreligious community of Tamil-speaking Hindu Brahmins. Most Iyers are followers of the Advaita philosophy propounded by Adi Shankara and adhere to the Smarta tradition. This is in contrast to the Iyengar community, who are adherents of Sri Vaishnavism. The Iyers and the Iyengars are together referred to as Tamil Brahmins. The majority of Iyers reside in Tamil Nadu, India.

Brahma is the Hindu Creator God.

Sian or Siyan may refer to:

Varṇa, in the context of Hinduism, refers to a social class within a hierarchical caste system. The ideology is epitomized in texts like Manusmriti, which describes and ranks four varnas, and prescribes their occupations, requirements and duties, or Dharma.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Purohita</span> Family priest

Purohita, in the Hindu context, means chaplain or family priest within the Vedic priesthood. In Thailand and Cambodia, it refers to the royal chaplains.

Deshastha Brahmin is a Hindu Brahmin subcaste mainly from the Indian state of Maharashtra and North Karnataka. Other than these states, according to authors K. S. Singh, Gregory Naik and Pran Nath Chopra, Deshastha Brahmins are also concentrated in the states of Telangana (which was earlier part of Hyderabad State and Berar Division), Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh (Which was earlier part of Central Provinces and Berar) Author Pran Nath Chopra and journalist Pritish Nandy say, "Most of the well-known saints from Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh were Deshastha Brahmins". The mother tongue of Deshastha Brahmins is either Marathi, Kannada or Telugu.

<i>Smarta</i> tradition Tradition in Hinduism linked to Advaita Vedanta

The Smartatradition, also called Smartism, is a movement in Hinduism that developed and expanded with the Puranas genre of literature. It reflects a synthesis of four philosophical strands, namely Mimamsa, Advaita, Yoga, and theism. The Smarta tradition rejects theistic sectarianism, and is notable for the domestic worship of five shrines with five deities, all treated as equal – Ganesha, Shiva, Shakti, Vishnu and Surya. The Smarta tradition contrasted with the older Shrauta tradition, which was based on elaborate rituals and rites. There has been a considerable overlap in the ideas and practices of the Smarta tradition with other significant historic movements within Hinduism, namely Shaivism, Brahmanism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism.

Karhaḍe Brahmins are a Hindu Brahmin sub-caste mainly from the Indian state of Maharashtra, but are also distributed in states of Goa, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

The Brahman languages, Biyom and Tauya, form a subbranch of the Rai Coast branch of the Madang languages of Papua New Guinea. The family is named after the cattle station and town of Brahman, which lies between the territories of the two languages.

Busa or BUSA may refer to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nambudiri</span> Malayali Brahmin caste from Kerala, India

The Nambudiri, also transliterated as Nampoothiri, Nambūdiri, Namboodiri, Namboothiri and Nampūtiri, are a Malayali Brahmin caste, native to what is now the state of Kerala, India, where they constituted part of the traditional feudal elite. As the highest ranking caste in South India, they owned a large portion of the land in the region of Malabar until the Kerala Land Reforms starting in 1957, and intermarried with the Nair monarchs and aristocracy through Sambandham. This marriage relation between the Nambudiris, who were feudal Brahmin lords, and the Nairs, who were kings and warriors, formed a crucial aspect in the administration (Jenmi) of colonial Kerala. The Nambudiris have traditionally lived in ancestral homes known as Illams and have been described by anthropologist Joan Mencher as, "A wealthy, aristocratic landed caste of the highest ritual and secular rank." Venerated as the carriers of the Sanskrit language and ancient Vedic culture, the Nambudiris held more power and authority than the kings and were "above and outside the political systems of the kingdoms."

Boo is an onomatopoeic word for a loud, startling sound, as an exclamation intended to scare, or as a call of derision.

The Rai Coast languages are a family of languages in the Madang stock of New Guinea.

Brahm may refer to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Buddhism, the Fulfilment of Hinduism</span>

"Buddhism, the Fulfilment of Hinduism" is a lecture delivered by Indian Hindu monk and expounder Swami Vivekananda on 26 September 1893 at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago. In this lecture, he expressed his opinion that "Buddhism was the fulfilment of Hinduism."

Brahmin is a varna (class) in Hinduism specialising as scholars, priests, teachers (acharya) and protectors of sacred learning across generations.

Hussaini Brahmin is a Mohyal Brahmin community of the Punjab-region.