Brannock Device

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Brannock Device Brannock uspat1725334-fig1.png
Brannock Device
Brannock Device at shoe museum in Zlin, Czechia Zlin, muzeum, Princip Bata, Brannock meridlo panskeho chodidla.jpg
Brannock Device at shoe museum in Zlín, Czechia

The Brannock Device is a measuring instrument invented by Charles F. Brannock for measuring a person's shoe size. Brannock spent two years developing a simple means of measuring the length, width, and arch length of the human foot. He eventually improved on the wooden RITZ Stick, the industry standard of the day, [2] patenting his first prototype in 1925 [3] and an improved version in 1927. [1] The device has both left and right heel cups and is rotated through 180 degrees to measure the second foot. Brannock later formed the Brannock Device Company to manufacture and sell the product, and headed the company until 1992 when he died at age 89. The Smithsonian Institution has the nearly complete records of the development of the Brannock Device and subsequent marketing. [4]


The Brannock Device Company was headquartered in Syracuse, New York, until shortly after Charles Brannock's death. Salvatore Leonardi purchased the company from the Brannock Estate in 1993, and moved manufacturing to a small factory in Liverpool, New York.

On May 31, 2018, the Syracuse minor league baseball team had a one-night promotion and rebranded as the Syracuse Devices in honor of the Brannock Device. [5]

Sizing system

The modern Brannock device takes three measurements of each foot:

Foot length
the length from heel to the tip of the longest toe (in increments of barleycorns)
Arch length
the length from heel to the inside of the ball of the foot, or medial metatarsophalangeal joint
the width of the foot perpendicular to the length

Foot and arch lengths correspond to numeric Brannock sizes, and foot widths correspond to letter Brannock widths AAAA (narrowest) to EEEE (widest), as follows:

Women's Brannock sizes are offset from men's by one:

Brannock Men's Size
Heel-to-Toe (Foot) LengthHeel-to-Ball (Arch) LengthAAAAAAAAAABCDEEEEEEEEEE
7+23 inches (195 mm)5+2950 inches (142 mm)1+34 inches (44 mm)1+1516 inches (49 mm)2+18 inches (54 mm)2+516 inches (59 mm)2+12 inches (64 mm)2+1116 inches (68 mm)2+78 inches (73 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)
7+56 inches (199 mm)5+69100 inches (145 mm)1+1316 inches (46 mm)2 inches (51 mm)2+316 inches (56 mm)2+38 inches (60 mm)2+916 inches (65 mm)2+34 inches (70 mm)2+1516 inches (75 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)
8 inches (203 mm)5+45 inches (147 mm)1+78 inches (48 mm)2+116 inches (52 mm)2+14 inches (57 mm)2+716 inches (62 mm)2+58 inches (67 mm)2+1316 inches (71 mm)3 inches (76 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)
8+16 inches (207 mm)5+91100 inches (150 mm)1+1516 inches (49 mm)2+18 inches (54 mm)2+516 inches (59 mm)2+12 inches (64 mm)2+1116 inches (68 mm)2+78 inches (73 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)
8+13 inches (212 mm)6+150 inches (153 mm)2 inches (51 mm)2+316 inches (56 mm)2+38 inches (60 mm)2+916 inches (65 mm)2+34 inches (70 mm)2+1516 inches (75 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)
8+12 inches (216 mm)6+13100 inches (156 mm)2+116 inches (52 mm)2+14 inches (57 mm)2+716 inches (62 mm)2+58 inches (67 mm)2+1316 inches (71 mm)3 inches (76 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)
8+23 inches (220 mm)6+625 inches (158 mm)2+18 inches (54 mm)2+516 inches (59 mm)2+12 inches (64 mm)2+1116 inches (68 mm)2+78 inches (73 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)
8+56 inches (224 mm)6+720 inches (161 mm)2+316 inches (56 mm)2+38 inches (60 mm)2+916 inches (65 mm)2+34 inches (70 mm)2+1516 inches (75 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)
9 inches (229 mm)6+2350 inches (164 mm)2+14 inches (57 mm)2+716 inches (62 mm)2+58 inches (67 mm)2+1316 inches (71 mm)3 inches (76 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)
9+16 inches (233 mm)6+57100 inches (167 mm)2+516 inches (59 mm)2+12 inches (64 mm)2+1116 inches (68 mm)2+78 inches (73 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)
9+13 inches (237 mm)6+1725 inches (170 mm)2+38 inches (60 mm)2+916 inches (65 mm)2+34 inches (70 mm)2+1516 inches (75 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)
9+12 inches (241 mm)6+79100 inches (172 mm)2+716 inches (62 mm)2+58 inches (67 mm)2+1316 inches (71 mm)3 inches (76 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)
9+23 inches (246 mm)6+910 inches (175 mm)2+12 inches (64 mm)2+1116 inches (68 mm)2+78 inches (73 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)
9+56 inches (250 mm)7+1100 inches (178 mm)2+916 inches (65 mm)2+34 inches (70 mm)2+1516 inches (75 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)
10 inches (254 mm)7+325 inches (181 mm)2+58 inches (67 mm)2+1316 inches (71 mm)3 inches (76 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)
10+16 inches (258 mm)7+23100 inches (184 mm)2+1116 inches (68 mm)2+78 inches (73 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)
10+13 inches (262 mm)7+1750 inches (186 mm)2+34 inches (70 mm)2+1516 inches (75 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)
10+12 inches (267 mm)7+920 inches (189 mm)2+1316 inches (71 mm)3 inches (76 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)
10+23 inches (271 mm)7+1425 inches (192 mm)2+78 inches (73 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)
10+56 inches (275 mm)7+67100 inches (195 mm)2+1516 inches (75 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)
11 inches (279 mm)7+3950 inches (198 mm)3 inches (76 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)
11+16 inches (284 mm)7+89100 inches (200 mm)3+116 inches (78 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)
11+13 inches (288 mm)8 inches (203 mm)3+18 inches (79 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)
11+12 inches (292 mm)8+11100 inches (206 mm)3+316 inches (81 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)
11+23 inches (296 mm)8+1150 inches (209 mm)3+14 inches (83 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)
11+56 inches (301 mm)8+33100 inches (212 mm)3+516 inches (84 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)
12 inches (305 mm)8+1125 inches (214 mm)3+38 inches (86 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)
12+16 inches (309 mm)8+1120 inches (217 mm)3+716 inches (87 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)
12+13 inches (313 mm)8+3350 inches (220 mm)3+12 inches (89 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)
12+12 inches (318 mm)8+77100 inches (223 mm)3+916 inches (90 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)5+716 inches (138 mm)
12+23 inches (322 mm)8+2225 inches (226 mm)3+58 inches (92 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)5+12 inches (140 mm)
12+56 inches (326 mm)8+99100 inches (228 mm)3+1116 inches (94 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)5+916 inches (141 mm)
13 inches (330 mm)9+110 inches (231 mm)3+34 inches (95 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)5+716 inches (138 mm)5+58 inches (143 mm)
13+16 inches (334 mm)9+21100 inches (234 mm)3+1316 inches (97 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)5+12 inches (140 mm)5+1116 inches (144 mm)
13+13 inches (339 mm)9+825 inches (237 mm)3+78 inches (98 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)5+916 inches (141 mm)5+34 inches (146 mm)
13+12 inches (343 mm)9+43100 inches (240 mm)3+1516 inches (100 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)5+716 inches (138 mm)5+58 inches (143 mm)5+1316 inches (148 mm)
13+23 inches (347 mm)9+2750 inches (242 mm)4 inches (102 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)5+12 inches (140 mm)5+1116 inches (144 mm)5+78 inches (149 mm)
13+56 inches (351 mm)9+1320 inches (245 mm)4+116 inches (103 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)5+916 inches (141 mm)5+34 inches (146 mm)5+1516 inches (151 mm)
14 inches (356 mm)9+1925 inches (248 mm)4+18 inches (105 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)5+716 inches (138 mm)5+58 inches (143 mm)5+1316 inches (148 mm)6 inches (152 mm)
14+16 inches (360 mm)9+87100 inches (251 mm)4+316 inches (106 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)5+12 inches (140 mm)5+1116 inches (144 mm)5+78 inches (149 mm)6+116 inches (154 mm)
14+13 inches (364 mm)9+4950 inches (253 mm)4+14 inches (108 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)5+916 inches (141 mm)5+34 inches (146 mm)5+1516 inches (151 mm)6+18 inches (156 mm)
14+12 inches (368 mm)10+9100 inches (256 mm)4+516 inches (110 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)5+716 inches (138 mm)5+58 inches (143 mm)5+1316 inches (148 mm)6 inches (152 mm)6+316 inches (157 mm)
14+23 inches (373 mm)10+15 inches (259 mm)4+38 inches (111 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)5+12 inches (140 mm)5+1116 inches (144 mm)5+78 inches (149 mm)6+116 inches (154 mm)6+14 inches (159 mm)
14+56 inches (377 mm)10+31100 inches (262 mm)4+716 inches (113 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)5+916 inches (141 mm)5+34 inches (146 mm)5+1516 inches (151 mm)6+18 inches (156 mm)6+516 inches (160 mm)
15 inches (381 mm)10+2150 inches (265 mm)4+12 inches (114 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)5+716 inches (138 mm)5+58 inches (143 mm)5+1316 inches (148 mm)6 inches (152 mm)6+316 inches (157 mm)6+38 inches (162 mm)
15+16 inches (385 mm)10+53100 inches (267 mm)4+916 inches (116 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)5+12 inches (140 mm)5+1116 inches (144 mm)5+78 inches (149 mm)6+116 inches (154 mm)6+14 inches (159 mm)6+716 inches (164 mm)
15+13 inches (389 mm)10+1625 inches (270 mm)4+58 inches (117 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)5+916 inches (141 mm)5+34 inches (146 mm)5+1516 inches (151 mm)6+18 inches (156 mm)6+516 inches (160 mm)6+12 inches (165 mm)
15+12 inches (394 mm)10+34 inches (273 mm)4+1116 inches (119 mm)4+78 inches (124 mm)5+116 inches (129 mm)5+14 inches (133 mm)5+716 inches (138 mm)5+58 inches (143 mm)5+1316 inches (148 mm)6 inches (152 mm)6+316 inches (157 mm)6+38 inches (162 mm)6+916 inches (167 mm)
15+23 inches (398 mm)10+4350 inches (276 mm)4+34 inches (121 mm)4+1516 inches (125 mm)5+18 inches (130 mm)5+516 inches (135 mm)5+12 inches (140 mm)5+1116 inches (144 mm)5+78 inches (149 mm)6+116 inches (154 mm)6+14 inches (159 mm)6+716 inches (164 mm)6+58 inches (168 mm)
15+56 inches (402 mm)10+97100 inches (279 mm)4+1316 inches (122 mm)5 inches (127 mm)5+316 inches (132 mm)5+38 inches (137 mm)5+916 inches (141 mm)5+34 inches (146 mm)5+1516 inches (151 mm)6+18 inches (156 mm)6+516 inches (160 mm)6+12 inches (165 mm)6+1116 inches (170 mm)

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Lotus shoes are footwear that were worn by women in China who had bound feet.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cutthroat flume</span>

The Cutthroat flume is a class of flow measurement flume developed during 1966/1967 that is used to measure the flow of surface waters, sewage flows, and industrial discharges. Like other flumes, the Cutthroat flume is a fixed hydraulic structure. Using vertical sidewalls throughout, the flume accelerates flow through a contraction of sidewalls until the flow reaches the "throat" of the flume, where the flow is then expanded. Unlike the Parshall flume, the Cutthroat flume lacks a parallel-walled throat section and maintains a flat floor throughout the flume.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">DIN 7876</span> German standard for manufacture of swimfins

DIN 7876 is a German standard specifying how swimming fins should be dimensioned, tested and marked for conformity. In 1980, the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) published consecutively numbered German standards DIN 7876, DIN 7877 and DIN 7878 dedicated respectively to the swimming fin, the diving mask and the breathing tube, which constitute basic underwater diving equipment. DIN 7876 of October 1980 is entitled Tauch-Zubehör – Schwimmflossen – Maße, Anforderungen und Prüfung in German and subtitled “Diving accessories for skin divers; Flippers, dimensions, requirements and testing” in English. This standard establishes certain quantitative and qualitative specifications for swimming fins, with particular reference to foot pockets and heel straps. Swimming fin manufacturers fulfilling such requirements may mark their products as compliant with this standard. The status of DIN 7876 is currently zurückgezogen, meaning: “withdrawn”.


  1. 1 2 USpatent 1725334,"Foot-measuring instrument",published 1929-08-20
  2. Aeppel, Timothy (10 January 2011). "Maker of Foot Measurer Tries to Stop Other Shoe From Dropping -- On It -- Iconic Bannock Device Hangs On By Its Toes Against Foreign-Made Rivals". United States: Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition. p. A.1.
  3. USpatent 1682366,C. F. Brannock,"Foot-measuring instrument",published 28 Aug, 1928
  4. "From the Collections: Charles Brannock". Smithsonian Institution. May 21, 2014.
  5. Hill, Benjamin. "Chiefs give Brannock Devices their due", , New York, 4 June 2018. Retrieved on 15 August 2019.
