Brown v. Van Braam

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Brown v. Van Braam
Seal of the United States Supreme Court.svg
Argued February 9–10, 1797
Decided February 13, 1797
Full case nameBrown v. Van Braam
Citations3 U.S. 344 ( more )
3 Dall. 344; 1 L. Ed. 629; 1797 U.S. LEXIS 203
Court membership
Chief Justice
Oliver Ellsworth
Associate Justices
James Wilson  · William Cushing
James Iredell  · William Paterson
Samuel Chase

Brown v. Van Braam, 3 U.S. (3 Dall.) 344 (1797), was a United States Supreme Court case holding that: "Under the practice of the courts of Rhode Island, as adopted by the judiciary act, (1 U. S. Stats, at Large, 73,) the entry of a default, after a plea of the general issue, no similar being on the record, does not operate a discontinuance, and a judgment on the default is valid. Under the same practice the court may assess the damages in an action of assumpsit on a foreign bill payable in pounds sterling. Interest on affirmance is to be calculated on the aggregate sum of principal and interest in the judgment below, to the time of affirmance, but no further.." [1]


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  1. Reports of decisions in the Supreme Court of the United States: with notes, and a digest, Volume 1 (Little, Brown, and Co., 1870) pg. 254