Budic I of Brittany

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Budic I of Brittany (born c. 420) was the king of Brittany, inheriting the title over the territory from his father, Aldrien of Brittany.



There is not extensive information on the life of Budic I of Brittany, but sources are able to confirm a few details of his life. It is possible that in the early portion of his reign, he ruled together with his brother Maxent of Brittany. After the murder of Constantine, Budic I's uncle and a majority of his family, Constantine's two sons found sanctuary at Budic's court. This attack was allegedly perpetrated by Vortigern, governor of the city of Dubris, one of the most important ports in the kingdom. Vortigern had formed a pact with the powerful Jute kings, Hengist and Horsa. [1] The two youths, Ambrosius Aurelianus and Uthyr Pendragon, were both heirs to the throne of Sub-Roman Britain. It is likely that the contemporary usurper to the throne, Vortigern wished them dead so self-imposed exile for their own safety would be the likely explanation for this move. Upon reaching maturity, the two would travel again to Britain where they would seek to regain their titles to the throne.

Budic I was succeeded as King of Brittany by his son, Meliau of Brittany.

Marriage and descendants

Budic married a woman named Anaumide and the couple had the following children:

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  1. Whilst some authors categorize them as Saxons, they were originally from Jutland. They led a combined force of Saxons, Jutes and Britons and established themselves in Kent as a Jute faction. ( "Historic Kent - Early Rulers". Archived from the original on 2010-04-16. Retrieved 2012-06-18., "Heritage History — Putting the "Story" back into History". Archived from the original on 2010-12-16. Retrieved 2012-06-18., , Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England de Barbara Yorke, History of England, de Charles W. Oman, The origin of the English, Germanic, and Scandinavian languages, and nations, Longman, etc.).
Budic I of Brittany
Born: c. 420 Died: ?
Regnal titles
Preceded by King of Brittany Succeeded by