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Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 11, also known as CCDC11 is a protein, that is encoded by CCDC11 gene located at chromosome 18 in humans. [1]



The CCDC11 gene is located on chromosome 18q21.1 and is made of 39303 BP. [2] The CCDC11 protein is made of 514 amino acids and has a mass of 61835 Da. [2] Its aliases include coiled-coil domain containing protein 11, FLJ32743, OTTHUMP00000163503. [2]


CCDC has orthologs all the way back to betaproteobacteria which is a class of Proteobacteria. [2] The following table represents a small selection of orthologs found using searches in BLAST and BLAT. This is by no means a comprehensive list; however, it shows the diversity of species that CCDC11 is found.

SpeciesOrganism Common NameNCBI AccessionLength (AAs)Sequence IdentitySequence Similarity
Homo sapiens Human NP_659457 514100%100%
Pan troglodytes Chimpanzee XP_523923.3 51499%99%
Callithrix jacchus Marmoset XP_002757278.1 51492%95%
Ailuropoda melanoleuca Panda XP_002939158.1 51483%91%
Canis familiaris Dog XP_547689.3 51482%91%
Bos taurus Cow XP_002697813.1 51481%91%
Loxodonata africana Elephant XP_003406348.1 51480%91%
Rattus norvegicus Rat XP_001053914.2 51471%87%
Mus musculus Mouse NP_083224.2 51470%87%
Ornithorhynchus anatinus Platypus XP_001509001.2 46549%72%
Monodelphis domestica Opossum XP_001372850.2 50747%70%
Xenopus tropicalis Frog NP_001120281.1 51639%65%
Anolis carolinensis Lizard XP_003227331.1 51437%62%
Nematostella vectensis Sea anemone XP_001628275.1 44036%58%
Branchiostoma floridae Lancelet XP_002609924.1 52835%61%
Trichoplax adhaerens Trichoplax XP_002111027.1 51433%60%
Danio rerio Zebra fish NP_001038595.2 51932%58%
Amphimedon queenslandica Sponge XP_003389146.1 51331%60%

Gene neighborhood

The below image from NCBI shows the gene neighborhood of CCDC11 on chromosome 18. CCDC11 has methyl-CPG binding domain protein 1, MBD1, upstream and myosin VB3, MYO5B, downstream. All CCDC11, MBD1 and MYO5B are oriented negatively. Note the close proximity between MBD1 and CCDC11.

Gene neighborhood of CCDC11.jpg

Predicted Post-Translational Modification

Tools on the ExPASy Proteomics site [3] predict the following post-translational modifications:

ToolPredicted Modification Homo sapiens Mus musculus Bos taurus
YinOYang [4] O-β-GlcNAcT239, S510T239T239, S509, T510
NetPhos [5] phosphorylation T8, T17, S43, S53, S56, S57, Y112, T134, S170, S240, S425, S461T17, S43, S53, S56, S107, Y112, S114, S170, T284, S287, S492T17, S56, T64, S107, T112, T122, T325, S442, S482, S507

One tool on the ExPASy, iPSORT, showed no signal peptide;however, it indicated CCDC11 to be mitochondrial. Another tool on the ExPASy, SOSUI, indicated the protein to be a soluble protein.

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  1. "coiled-coil domain containing 11" . Retrieved 25 Feb 2012.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "GeneCards" . Retrieved 25 Feb 2012.
  3. "ExPASy Proteomics tools". Archived from the original on 10 August 2011. Retrieved 15 Apr 2012.
  4. "YinOYang" . Retrieved 15 Apr 2012.
  5. "NetPhos" . Retrieved 15 Apr 2012.