Cameras for All-Sky Meteor Surveillance

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Cameras for All-Sky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS)
The CAMS station at Lick Observatory, in California, set up in April 2011. The CAMS box at the top contains the cameras.
Mission statement CAMS is an automated video surveillance of the night sky to validate the IAU Working List of Meteor Showers.
Founder Peter Jenniskens
EstablishedOctober 10, 2010 (2010-10-10)
FundingPD-icon.svg This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Website ,

CAMS (the Cameras for All-Sky Meteor Surveillance project) is a NASA-sponsored international project that tracks and triangulates meteors during night-time video surveillance in order to map and monitor meteor showers. Data processing is housed at the Carl Sagan Center of the SETI Institute [1] in California, USA. Goal of CAMS is to validate the International Astronomical Union's Working List [2] of Meteor Showers, discover new meteor showers, and predict future meteor showers.


CAMS Methods

CAMS [3] networks around the world use an array of low-light video surveillance cameras to collect astrometric tracks and brightness profiles of meteors in the night sky. Triangulation of those tracks results in the meteor's direction and speed, from which the meteors’ orbit in space is calculated and the material's parent body can be identified.

The CAMS software modules, written by Peter S. Gural, have scaled up the video-based triangulation of meteors. The most widely used scripts to run these modules on PCs at the stations were written by Dave Samuels and Steve Rau. Through a series of computational and statistical algorithms, each streak of light in the video is identified and the track is verified as being a meteor or belonging to another light source like planes, or light reflected from moving clouds, birds, and bats.

The first CAMS camera stations were set up in October 2010 at Fremont Peak Observatory and in Mountain View, followed in April 2011 by a station at Lick Observatory, in California. A station in Foresthill was added to the CAMS California network in April 2015. CAMS has since expanded into 15 networks worldwide. Networks of cameras are located in the USA (California, Northern California, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Maryland, and Florida), in the BeNeLux (The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany), and in the United Arab Emirates on the northern hemisphere, and in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Namibia, Brazil, and Chile on the southern hemisphere.

CAMS Notable contributions

Demonstrate the presence of yet-to-be discovered long-period comets and improve their orbits

Discovery of new meteor showers and validation of previously reported showers

On February 4, 2011, CAMS detected a brief meteor shower from a still undiscovered long-period comet, thereby proving the existence of that comet. The meteors radiated from the direction of the star Eta Draconis resulting in the new shower called the February Eta Draconids (FEDs) [6] This was just the first of a long list of newly discovered meteor showers. As of Feb 17, 2021, CAMS has helped establish [7] 92 out of 112 single showers [8] and recognized 323 out of 700 meteor showers in the Working List.

  1. CAMS detected a new shower now called the gamma Piscis Austrinids [9]
  2. CAMS detected rho Phoenicids, a shower previously known only from radar observations.
  1. On December 13, CAMS captured 3003 Geminids and 1154 sporadic meteors which shattered all previous records on the number of meteors detected in a single night [10]
  1. CAMS detected the annual eta Eridanids (ERI) from comet C/1852 K1 (Charcornac)
  2. CAMS verified from video the April Rho Cygnids (ARC), originally discovered from radar by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR)

Monitoring unusual activity of meteor showers

In recent years, the effort has shifted from mapping the annual meteor showers to monitoring unusual meteor shower activity.

Examples of newly detected showers with unusual meteor activity
Meteor Shower NameIAU CodeIAU Shower numberYearFeatures
Arids11302021newly detected
June theta2 Sagittariids [11] 11292021newly detected
gamma Crucids [12] GCR10472021either newly detected or possible return of 1980 alpha Centaurids?
29 Piscids [13] PIS10462020newly detected; then stream showed once in October, then again in November
September upsilon Taurids [14] SUT10452020newly detected shower
gamma Piscis Austrinids10362020newly detected
sigma Phoenicids [15] SPH10352020newly detected
chi Cygnids [16] CCY7572015newly detected and returned in 2020
Volantids [17] VOL7582015newly detected as the New Year's Eve shower. Returned New Year's Eve 2020.
  1. Detected a new shower in the June Aquilid Complex, the June theta2 Saggitarriids (IAU number 1129). The shower was also strong in 2020.
  2. Detected an unusual shower, the zeta Pavonids (IAU number 853). The shower activity profile had a full width at half maximum duration of only 0.46 degrees centered on 1.41 degree solar longitude. [18]
  3. Strong activity from the beta Tucanids (IAU number 108) detected, initially mistaken for the nearby delta Mensids (IAU 130), this shower was also strong in radar observations last year in 2020. A total of 29 beta Tucanids were triangulated by CAMS networks this year, compared to 5 meteors last year. [19]
  4. Detected a strong outburst of gamma Crucids (IAU number 1047) in February. This shower may have been a return of the 1980 alpha Centaurids outburst reported by visual meteor observers.
  1. A significant meteor activity from A-Carinids, an otherwise weak annual shower that was detected by CAMS [20]
  2. CAMS discovered meteors of chi Phoenicids, a new long-period comet [21]
  3. Outburst of Ursids caused by the 1076 A.D. dust of comet 8P/Tuttle [22] [23]
  4. CAMS recognized early sightings of chi Cygnids in late August, forecasting the return of that shower. Shower was last seen in 2015. The shower indeed returned and was observed in detail in September. [24] [25]
  1. CAMS detected an outburst of 15 Bootids, whose orbital elements resemble those of bright comet C/539 W1, [26] [27] suggesting that this meteor shower was caused by the same bright comet as was described in Histories of the Wars, an 553 A.D. book. Expectation is that the comet is on its way back, and predictions were made on where to search in the sky based on the orbital elements of the meteoroid stream.
  2. CAMS captured an outburst of June epsilon Ophiuchids. The parent body was identified as periodic Jupiter Family comet 300P/Catalina [28]
  3. CAMS detected an outburst of Phoenicids from comet Blanpain.
  4. A predicted alpha Monocerotid outburst ("the unicorn shower") was observed by the CAMS Florida, but best viewing was over the Atlantic Ocean. Shower was wider and weaker than anticipated, which according to Jenniskens: "This suggests we crossed the dust trail further from the trail center than anticipated." [29]
  1. CAMS captured an outburst of October Draconids from 21P/Giacobini-Zinner.
  2. CAMS again detected the October Camelopardalids.
  1. Earth traveled through the 1-revolution dust trail of a long-period comet C/2015 D4 (Borisov). Jenniskens noted that "Only about once every 25 years is such an intermediate long-period comet discovered that passes close enough to Earth's orbit to have dust trail encounters. This one passed perihelion in 2014." [30] CAMS South Africa network captured 167 meteors.
  2. CAMS captured 12 meteors from an outburst of October Camelopardalids (OCT) [31]
  1. An outburst of gamma Draconids was detected by CAMS [32]
  2. CAMS picked up an outburst of Ursids in December.
  1. A mobile system of CAMS was used to observed an outburst of the 2011 Draconid meteor shower in Europe. First results from 28 Draconid trajectories and orbits show that the meteors originated from the 1900 dust ejecta of comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

Guiding astronomers in locating the site of freshly fallen meteorites

In 2016, Lowell Observatory CAMS in Arizona captured a -20 magnitude fireball from which 15 meteorites were recovered. [33] The results showed where LL type chondrites originate in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. [34]

In 2012, the Novato meteorite that generated sonic booms was detected by CAMS, [35] and retrieved by local resident Lisa Webber following publication of tracking information. The meteorite was identified as a L6 type chondrite fragmental breccia. [36] [37]

Visualization and data access

The upgraded and refined NASA CAMS Meteor Shower Portal built by SpaceML meteorshowers
.org Nasa-meteor-shower-portal-spaceml.png
The upgraded and refined NASA CAMS Meteor Shower Portal built by SpaceML

Every night, the combined CAMS networks generate a map of meteor shower activity. Those maps can be accessed the next morning at the CAMS online portal at , built by Frontier Development Lab, [38] offering scientists the opportunity to engage with data and offering amateur astronomers guidance on what meteor showers are active.

Building on top of these features, the online portal has been refined and upgraded by SpaceML [39] at , offering additional features such as the ability to zoom into meteor showers, presence of constellations serving as a geographic reference, and a timeline view that allows viewing and exporting specific meteor shower activity for scientific communication.

When clicking on one of the points in the websites above, the user is presented with a visualization of the CAMS-detected meteoroid streams in a solar system planetarium setting developed by Ian Webster. The site can be directly accessed at . Each point in this visualization moves in the orbit of one CAMS-triangulated meteor.

See also

Related Research Articles

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The October Draconids, in the past also unofficially known as the Giacobinids, are a Northern hemisphere meteor shower whose parent body is the periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. They are named after the constellation Draco, where they seemingly come from. Almost all meteors which fall towards Earth ablate long before reaching its surface. The Draconids are best viewed after sunset in an area with a clear dark sky.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Peter Jenniskens</span> Dutch astronomer

Petrus Matheus Marie (Peter) Jenniskens is a Dutch-American astronomer and a senior research scientist at the Carl Sagan Center of the SETI Institute and at NASA Ames Research Center. He is an expert on meteor showers, and wrote the book Meteor Showers and their Parent Comets, published in 2006 and Atlas of Earth’s Meteor Showers, published in 2023. He is past president of Commission 22 of the International Astronomical Union (2012–2015) and was chair of the Working Group on Meteor Shower Nomenclature (2006–2012) after it was first established. Asteroid 42981 Jenniskens is named in his honor.

The Andromedids meteor shower is associated with Biela's Comet, the showers occurring as Earth passes through old streams left by the comet's tail. The comet was observed to have broken up by 1846; further drift of the pieces by 1852 suggested the moment of breakup was in either 1842 or early 1843, when the comet was near Jupiter. The breakup led to particularly spectacular showers in subsequent cycles.

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45P/Honda–Mrkos–Pajdušáková is a short-period comet discovered by Minoru Honda December 3, 1948. It is named after Minoru Honda, Antonín Mrkos, and Ľudmila Pajdušáková. The object revolves around the Sun on an elliptical orbit with a period of 5.25 years. The nucleus is 1.3 kilometers in diameter. On August 19 and 20, 2011, it became the fifteenth comet detected by ground radar telescope.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tau Herculids</span> Annual meteor shower in May/June

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sutter's Mill meteorite</span> Meteorite that fell to Earth on 22 April 2012

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Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez is a Spanish astronomer, astrophysicist and science writer. His work focuses on the early development of the solar system. He is the cofounder of the Spanish Meteor Network.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">209P/LINEAR</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Novato meteorite</span>

The Novato meteorite is an ordinary chondrite which entered the Earth's atmosphere and broke up over Northern California at 19:44 Pacific Time on 17 October 2012. The falling bolide created a bright fireball and sonic booms and fragmented into smaller pieces as the intense friction of passing through the atmosphere heated it and absorbed its kinetic energy. The meteoroid was about 35 centimeters (14 in) across.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chelyabinsk meteor</span> Near-Earth asteroid that fell over Russia in 2013

The Chelyabinsk meteor was a superbolide that entered Earth's atmosphere over the southern Ural region in Russia on 15 February 2013 at about 09:20 YEKT. It was caused by an approximately 18 m (59 ft) diameter, 9,100-tonne (10,000-short-ton) near-Earth asteroid that entered the atmosphere at a shallow 18.3 ± 0.4 degree angle with a speed relative to Earth of 19.16 ± 0.15 kilometres per second. The light from the meteor was briefly brighter than the Sun, visible as far as 100 km (60 mi) away. It was observed in a wide area of the region and in neighbouring republics. Some eyewitnesses also reported feeling intense heat from the fireball.

<span class="nowrap">2015 TB<sub>145</sub></span> Potentially hazardous near-Earth asteroid

2015 TB145 is a sub-kilometer asteroid, classified as near-Earth object and potentially hazardous asteroid of the Apollo group, approximately 650 meters (2,000 feet) in diameter. It safely passed 1.27 lunar distances from Earth on 31 October 2015 at 17:01 UTC, and passed by Earth again in November 2018.

300P/Catalina is a periodic, near-Earth comet in the Solar System with an orbital period of 4.4 years. It is the second comet ever listed on the Sentry Risk Table. At 1.4 kilometers in diameter, it is one of the largest objects ever listed on the Sentry Risk Table.


PD-icon.svg This article incorporates public domain material from "CAMS". Ames Research Center. NASA.

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