Categorical probability

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In mathematics, categorical probability is a category-theoretic approach to probability theory. The idea goes back to at least Lawvere's 1962 paper. [1]


Some constructs in the theory are

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  2. an arrow s : NN,

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In mathematics, especially in topology, a pyknotic set is a sheaf of sets on the site of compact Hausdorff spaces. The notion was introduced by Barwick and Haine to provide a convenient setting for homological algebra. The term pyknotic comes from the Greek πυκνός, meaning dense, compact or thick. The notion can be compared to other approaches of introducing generalized spaces for the purpose of homological algebra such as Clausen and Scholze‘s condensed sets or Johnstone‘s topological topos.

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  1. W. Lawvere, The category of probabilistic mappings, 1962.

Further reading