The Certified Public Manager (CPM) is a United States professional designation established in 1979 for the purpose of improving performance and advancing best practice standards for public sector managers. The CPM is a comprehensive management development program based upon a selected set of competencies. The CPM is awarded upon completion of a CPM program accredited by the National Certified Public Manager Consortium. CPM graduates come from public, private, and non-profit career fields. The words "certified public manager" are registered service marks by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Requirements for the CPM vary by program, but all require at least 300 hours of training, including classes, application projects, structured readings, and examinations. Each CPM candidate is required to pass a series of courses centering on various management principles. The courses are designed around a set of core competencies and each CPM program requires an evaluation of all major curricular competencies.
The following competencies are present in all CPM curriculum: [1]
Competency | Description |
Personal and Organizational Integrity | Increasing awareness, building skills and modeling behaviors related to identifying potential ethical problems and conflicts of interest; appropriate workplace behavior; and legal policy |
Managing Work | Meeting organizational goals through effective planning, prioritizing, organizing and aligning human, financial, material, and information resources. Empowering others by delegating clear job expectations; providing meaningful feedback and coaching; creating a motivational environment and measuring performance. Monitoring workloads and documenting performance. Dealing effectively with performance problems. |
Leading People | Inspiring others to positive action through a clear vision; promotes a diverse workforce. Encouraging and facilitating cooperation, pride, trust, and group identity; fostering commitment and team spirit. Articulating vision, ideas, and facts in a clear and organized way; effectively managing emotions and impulses. |
Developing Self | Demonstrating commitment to continuous learning, self-awareness, and individual performance planning through feedback, study, and analysis. |
Systemic Integration | Approaching planning, decision making, and implementation from an enterprise perspective; understanding internal and external relationships that impact the organization. |
Public Service Focus | Delivering superior services to the public and internal and external recipients; including customer/client identification expectations, needs, and developing and implementing paradigms, processes, and procedures that exude a positive spirit; demonstrating agency and personal commitment to quality. |
Change Leadership | Acting as a change agent; initiating and supporting change within the organization by implementing strategies to help others adapt to changes in the work environment, including personal reactions to change; emphasizing and fostering creativity and innovation; being proactive. |
The structure of CPM competencies arise from a holistic approach to management. Communication, organizational management, and ethical principles are emphasized as well as financial responsibility and effective change management. System thinking is introduced within the CPM program to emphasize the importance of broad open system management within organization. The program also places importance on personal development and change leadership.
The idea for the CPM began in the early 1970s at the University of Georgia with the realization that the state was experiencing explosive growth in information and knowledge, significant new social legislation, and rapidly altering social values. During this time the Carl Vinson Institute of Government and the Georgia Merit System were offering management training to public employees. It was recognized that these two organizations were offering duplications of training in some areas of management and were failing to meet the needs of other management areas. In 1974 University of Georgia’s Institute of Government, the Georgia Center for Continuing Education, and the Georgia State Merit System for Personnel Administration convened to discuss ways to broaden and refine Georgia state management training programs to meet the challenges of rapid change in the state and society. A consensus was reached that management in the state government needed to become more professional. [2]
Ken Henning is considered the father of the CPM. He observed that most state training programs consisted of separate courses in which content was varied and lacked consistent focus. Henning felt that an integrated program would achieve a more organized approach to competencies needed by management. The CPM program was modeled after the CPA program, consisting of the creation of a coordinated program addressing specific and various training needs relevant to management as well as with content involving study and preparation, practice and application of learning, examination, and prestigious recognition. The CPM would also involve the eventual creation of the American Academy of Certified Public Managers similar to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as a central capstone organization.
Planners believed that awarding certificates of attendance were insufficient in the creation of a program based on quality. Early planners for the CPM determined that an innovative and rigorous program of study, application of knowledge, examination, and certification should be developed. University courses and the Georgia Merit System collaborated to reduce training duplication, and maximize efforts. Initially a program was developed in which six courses would be taught, three by the Georgia Merit System and three by the University of Georgia. After a series of meetings, two long-term goals for the CPM were created:
After gathering strong support for the CPM program from the governor, legislative leadership, top management of state agencies, University of Georgia, regional intergovernmental personnel assistance (IPA) offices of the U.S. Civil Service Commission, the University of Georgia’s Institute for Government and Center for Continuing Education and the Georgia State Merit System of Personnel Administration co-authored a detailed proposal.
February 9, 1976 the Georgia House of Representatives passed Resolution Act No. 97 in response to Governor Busbee’s request authorizing and directing the State Personnel Board and the State Merit System of Personnel Administration to implement the Certified Public Manager Program in the State Government of Georgia. On February 19, 1976 the Senate adopted the resolution and the legislature unanimously passed the resolution on February 26, 1976. On March 1, 1976 the CPM was formally established.
In 1977 the Georgia Society of Public Managers was created affiliated with a national organization to be known as the American Academy of Certified Public Managers. In 1980 the National CPM Consortium was developed with the completion of its constitution. The National CPM Consortium included Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Vermont. The role of the CPM Consortium is to direct the general nature in which each program should operate, but it is not designed to dictate curriculum or administrative specifics for each program. Since then, the CPM program has expanded across the United States.
On October 6, 1980 the Certified Public Manager Board ratified the constitution of the National Certified Public Manager® Consortium. The Consortium is designed to monitor accreditation standards and facilitate program development of CPM programs around the nation.
The CPM is linked with several professional organizations, including the American Academy of Certified Public Managers, an organization for individuals with CPM accreditation and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), which provides free membership for CPM graduates. Annually, the Texas CPM and ASPA host a CPM/ASPA conference. In 2007 a new ASPA section called the Section on Certified Public Management was created to promote professional development and training regarding ethical values and technical competencies associated with outstanding public service. In addition, the SCPM holds conferences, forums, seminars, and discussion events. [3]
The Texas CPM program is designed to match professional development with the educational standards of ICMA. [4]
In 2010 CPM began the first stage of international expansion by creating a CPM credential program for the Swedish National Defense College. [5] The program will provide training for faculty, staff, and students in Sweden and the opportunity to attain CPM designation. The contract for the CPM program at the Swedish National Defense College was signed along with the William P. Hobby Center for Public Service which is affiliated with Texas State University - San Marcos and the National CPM Consortium. The program in Sweden is viewed as the first step toward more international expansion of the CPM.
In 2015, Leiden University Centre for Professional Learning in the Netherlands was the first international program to become a member of the National Certified Public Manager Consortium and be granted Associate status. Associate status grants authorization to develop an Accredited Certified Public Manager® [6] Program. Leiden intends to develop a pilot multi-country program serving the European Union.
Professional certification, trade certification, or professional designation, often called simply certification or qualification, is a designation earned by a person to assure qualification to perform a job or task. Not all certifications that use post-nominal letters are an acknowledgement of educational achievement, or an agency appointed to safeguard the public interest.
Institute for Supply Management (ISM) is the oldest, and the largest, supply management association in the world. Founded in 1915, the U.S.-based not-for-profit educational association serves professionals and organizations with a keen interest in supply management, providing them education, training, qualifications, publications, information, and research.
Engineering management is the application of engineering methods, tools, and techniques to business management systems. Engineering management is a career that brings together the technological problem-solving ability of engineering and the organizational, administrative, legal and planning abilities of management in order to oversee the operational performance of complex engineering-driven enterprises.
The Canadian Securities Institute is a Canadian organization that offers licensing courses, advanced certifications, continuing education and custom training for financial services professionals in Canada and internationally.
Property management is the operation, control, maintenance, and oversight of real estate and physical property. This can include residential, commercial, and land real estate. Management indicates the need for real estate to be cared for and monitored, with accountability for and attention to its useful life and condition. This is much akin to the role of management in any business.
A property manager or estate manager is a person or firm charged with operating a real estate property for a fee. The property may be individual title owned or owned under the sectional title, share block company owned, and may be registered for residential, commercial office, and retail or industrial use. In 2006, the Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Occupational Statistics reported that there were 329,000 property managers employed in the United States, with the number expected to grow to by 50,000 by 2016.
The American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM) was a US-based board of standards, certifying body, and accreditation council focused on the finance sector and wealth management professionals. AAFM was superseded by the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM).
The Master of Health Administration, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), or Master of Health Management (MHM), is a master's-level professional degree granted to students who complete a course of study in the knowledge and competencies needed for careers in health administration, involving the management of hospitals and other health services organizations, as well as public health infrastructure and consulting. Programs can differ according to setting; although practitioner-teacher model programs are typically found in colleges of medicine, health professions, or allied health, classroom-based programs can be found in colleges of business or public health.
CIM | Chartered Managers Canada is Canada's senior professional association, certification body, and academic institute for managers and leaders.
Health information management (HIM) is information management applied to health and health care. It is the practice of analyzing and protecting digital and traditional medical information vital to providing quality patient care. With the widespread computerization of health records, traditional (paper-based) records are being replaced with electronic health records (EHRs). The tools of health informatics and health information technology are continually improving to bring greater efficiency to information management in the health care sector.
Following is a partial list of professional certifications in financial services, with an overview of the educational and continuing requirements for each; see Professional certification § Accountancy, auditing and finance and Category:Professional certification in finance for all articles. As the field of finance has increased in complexity in recent years, the number of available designations has grown, and, correspondingly, some will have more recognition than others. Note that in the US, many state securities and insurance regulators do not allow financial professionals to use a designation — in particular a "senior" designation — unless it has been accredited by either the American National Standards Institute or the National Commission for Certifying Agencies.
Certified safety professional is a certification offered by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals. The accreditation is used in the United States by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies and internationally by the International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission and 193 Countries Consortium.
Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International was founded in 1935.
The United States’ Emergency Management Institute (EMI), of the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), serves as the United States’ focal point for the development and delivery of emergency management training. The emergency management training improves the capabilities of state, territorial, local, and tribal government officials; volunteer organizations; FEMA's disaster workforce; other Federal agencies; and the public and private sectors to minimize the impact of disasters and emergencies on the American public. EMI curricula are structured to meet the needs of this diverse audience, with an emphasis on separate organizations working together in all-hazards emergencies to save lives and protect property. Particular emphasis is placed on governing doctrine, such as, the National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the National Preparedness Guidelines. EMI is fully accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and the American Council on Education (ACE). The instruction is based upon the principles of emergency management and instructional systems design. This instruction creates a framework within whole community to reduce vulnerability to hazards and to cope with disasters. EMI develops courses and implements training delivery systems to include residential onsite training; offsite delivery in partnership with emergency management training systems, colleges, and universities; and technology-based mediums to conduct individual training courses for emergency management and response personnel across the United States.
The American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) is the world's largest professional organization for airport executives, representing airport management personnel at public-use commercial and general aviation airports. AAAE was founded in 1928.
Certified General Accountants of Ontario (CGA Ontario) is the professional association of certified general accountants in the province of Ontario, Canada. It is the largest affiliate organization of CGAs in the world, responsible for the accreditation, regulation and professional development of more than 20,000 CGAs in fields such as business and industry, government, the public sector, and professional practice. CGA Ontario also administers and delivers the CGA program of professional studies to more than 8,000 students, granting exclusive rights to the CGA designation in Ontario.
Human services is an interdisciplinary field of study with the objective of meeting human needs through an applied knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. The process involves the study of social technologies, service technologies, and scientific innovations designed to ameliorate problems and enhance the quality of life of individuals, families and communities to improve the delivery of service with better coordination, accessibility and accountability. The mission of human services is to promote a practice that involves simultaneously working at all levels of society in the process of promoting the autonomy of individuals or groups, making informal or formal human services systems more efficient and effective, and advocating for positive social change within society.
The International Information System Security Certification Consortium, or ISC2, is a non-profit organization which specializes in training and certifications for cybersecurity professionals. It has been described as the "world's largest IT security organization". The most widely known certification offered by ISC2 is the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.
The Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM) is a globally recognized professional credential offered by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Being certified as a CPSM indicates the holder has achieved mastery of supply management’s core competencies. The certification program’s emphasis on strategic supply chain integration, along with procurement and Supply Chain Management, prepares the practitioner to move beyond tactical thinking in order to generate strategic solutions and to evolve continually in the rapidly changing supply management environment.
American Academy of Certified Public Managers
Good Governance Worldwide
National Certified Public Manager® Consortium