Champions Gamemaster's Screen

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Champions Gamemaster's Screen, 1981.jpg

Champions Gamemaster's Screen is a 1981 role-playing game supplement for Champions published by Hero Games.



Champions Gamemaster's Screen is a pair of stand-up gamemaster's screens screens that contain charts and tables for playing Champions. [1]

Gamemaster's Screen for Champions is a GM's screen with charts and tables from the 1st-ed. rules. [2] Gamemaster's Screen is a GM's screen displaying 3rd-ed. Combat charts for quick reference; it includes a scenario ("Adventure #1"), The Island of Dr. Destroyer (previously sold separately). [2]

Publication history

Gamemaster's Screen for Champions was designed by Steve Peterson and George MacDonald, and was published by Hero Games, in 1981 as two cardstock screens. [2] Gamemaster's Screen was published in 1985 as a cardstock screen with a 16-page bound-in pamphlet. [2]


Aaron Allston reviewed Champions Gamemaster's Screen in The Space Gamer No. 51. [1] Allston commented that "GMs who really want a good-looking cardstock screen should pick this up; misers (like me) will improvise." [1]

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  1. 1 2 3 Allston, Aaron (May 1982). "Capsule Reviews". The Space Gamer . Steve Jackson Games (51): 35.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Prometheus Books. p. 41. ISBN   0-87975-653-5.