Chemotactic drug-targeting

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Targeted drug delivery is one of many ways researchers seek to improve drug delivery systems' overall efficacy, safety, and delivery. Within this medical field is a special reversal form of drug delivery called chemotactic drug targeting. [1] [2] By using chemical agents to help guide a drug carrier to a specific location within the body, this innovative approach seeks to improve precision and control during the drug delivery process, decrease the risk of toxicity, and potentially lower the required medical dosage needed. [2] [3] [4] [5] The general components of the conjugates are designed as follows: (i) carrier – regularly possessing promoter effect also on internalization into the cell; (ii) chemotactically active ligands acting on the target cells; (iii) drug to be delivered in a selective way and (iv) spacer sequence which joins drug molecule to the carrier and due to it enzyme labile moiety makes possible the intracellular compartment specific release of the drug. Careful selection of chemotactic component of the ligand not only the chemoattractant character could be expended, however, chemorepellent ligands are also valuable as they are useful to keep away cell populations degrading the conjugate containing the drug. In a larger sense, chemotactic drug-targeting has the potential to improve cancer, inflammation, and arthritis treatment by taking advantage of the difference in environment between the target site and its surroundings. [6] [7] [8] Therefore, this Wikipedia article aims to provide a brief overview of chemotactic drug targeting, the principles behind the approach, possible limitations and advantages, and its application to cancer and inflammation.


Chemotactic drug-targeting Chemotactic drug-targeting.png
Chemotactic drug-targeting

Importance of chemotaxis in chemotactic drug targeting

In general terms, chemotaxis is a biological process where living entities, such as cells or organisms, detect, maneuver, and react in response to a chemical signal in their environment. [1] Such a phenomenon is critical for many biological processes, including but not limited to wound healing, detection of food, and avoidance of many toxins. [2] Chemotaxis also plays an essential role in several diseases, such as tumor metastasis, the recruitment of T-lymphocytes during inflammation, and HIV-1 entry into T cells. [6] [9] [10] At the core of chemotaxis are specialized sensory cells called chemoreceptors. These cells allow an organism to detect chemical molecules within its environment and respond accordingly. Such chemical molecules are either known as chemoattractants or chemorepellents, which play a crucial role in attracting or repelling the organism towards or away from the source of the chemical signal, respectively. Thus, with this natural process of chemotaxis in mind, researchers have sought to apply the same phenomenon to targeted drug delivery, a medical technique aimed at delivering drugs to a specific cell, tissue, or organ within the body while minimizing its disruptive effects on healthy tissue. [4] By using both chemotaxes to help guide the drug delivery process, researchers aim to reduce toxicity by avoiding healthy tissues, improve drug efficacy by focusing only on the intended site, and decrease drug dosage by delivering the directly rather than throughout the whole body. [3] [11]

Chemotactic drug targeting systems

Chemotactic drug delivery systems are an emerging field of drug delivery that aims to apply the natural phenomenon of chemotaxis in guiding and delivering a drug to a specific tissue or cell within the body. Thus, similar to how organisms use chemotaxis, researchers have designed drug delivery systems to detect, maneuver, and react to chemical molecules released by a desired cell or its surrounding area.


Recent progress in the field of microfluidics has led to the development of microdroplets, a new drug-delivery system that uses uniform droplets to deliver drugs to specific locations within the body. [2] [12] These microdroplets allow researchers to load drugs during the polymerization step of their formation and provide variations in porosity, which can control the time it takes to release a therapeutic payload. [13] Thus, by using the natural process of chemotaxis, researchers aim to guide these tiny droplets by using chemical gradients released by a specific cell, tissue, or organ within the body. [2] [4] [12] In fact, a few examples of microdroplet systems that use chemotaxis are self-propelling, ionic liquid-based, and synthetic base. [2] [12] These microdroplet-based drug delivery systems offer several advantages over traditional drug delivery methods, which are talked about later in the advantage and limitations subsection of this article. Overall, the development of microdroplet-based drug delivery systems using the phenomenon of chemotaxis is just one of may avenues to potentially revolutionize the field of medicine and targeted drug delivery. [14]


Another drug delivery system that has shown potential for chemotactic applicability is protocells. [15] In general, protocells are artificial cells that mimic living cells but cannot reproduce and have genetic mutations like living cells do. [15] Moreover, protocells combine the advantages of liposomes with that of mesoporous silica nanoparticles. [16] These advantages include but are not limited to stability, large capacity for various cargos, low toxicity, immunogenicity, and the ability to circulate the blood for long periods. [16] Thus, researchers aim to create a tunable chemotactic protocell that can move towards or away from a chemical signal. [17] [18] In fact, researchers have devised a way to use the enzymes catalase, urease, and ATPase to move the protocell closer or further away from the reactant, giving them direction and movement control of these protocells. [17] [18] Overall, the development of chemotactic controlled protocols holds great promise for the targeted delivery of drugs to specific areas of the body, potentially increasing treatment efficacy while minimizing side effects. However, more research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of protocells as drug delivery systems and optimize their design and functionality for specific applications.

Biological and bio-hybrid drug carriers

Finally, biological and bio-hybrid drug carriers have shown potential for chemotactic applications. In general, these systems are inspired by microorganisms or cells to help design drug delivery systems that mimic their surface, shape, texture, and movement. [4] [19] One phenomenon that has become increasingly popular in improving the movement and release of bio-hybrid drug carriers is that of chemotaxis. Indeed, thanks to their natural chemotactic sensing property, bacteria can be used to locate a tumor, carry a therapeutic payload to the site, and release that drug in a controlled manner. [4] Researchers can also genetically modify these bacteria to produce a specific protein like anti-tumor cytotoxins for cancer treatment. [4]

Yet, this is not to say that they don't come with their own set of challenges and limitations. For one, the genetic modifications of the bacteria used can be manipulated by recent or unforeseen mutations, leading to a decrease in the efficacy of the drug and drug carrier. [4] Moreover, the therapeutic proteins produced may have incomplete protein folding, decreasing the drug's effectiveness or causing unforeseen side effects. [4] Generally speaking, using bacteria may provide some advantages, but further research and development are still needed to address their limitations.

Another example of bio-hybrid drug carriers is human cells, like macrophages, which offer compatibility with the human immune system and a simple way to load drugs as a bio-hybrid drug carrier. [4] Leukocytes demonstrate great promise because Tumor cells secrete large amounts of chemoattractants when the cell undergoes inflammation. [4] This secretion of chemoattractants naturally attracts leukocytes, such as macrophages, to the T cell location. [4] Thus, with their well-known chemotactic homing behavior to inflammation or pathogens' sites in mind, researchers can manipulate leukocytes to carry and deliver a therapeutic payload to the tumor site. However, this is not to say that Biological and bio-hybrid drug carriers do not have challenges and limitations of their own. For example, Leukocytes cannot penetrate deeply into the tumors, have a low capacity for carrying drugs, and slow down when the tumor size reduces. Thus, similar to bacteria drug carriers, further research and development are still needed to address their limitations and improve the overall drug delivery system.


The applications of chemotactic drug delivery systems include but are not limited to cancer therapy, wound healing, and inflammation. The ability to target specific cells and locations within the body through chemical cues has opened up new avenues for the field of drug delivery, allowing for increased drug efficacy and reducing harmful side effects.


Cancer is not just one disease but a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth and metastasis of such cells to other body parts. [20] [21] There are also several types of cancers, each with its own distinctive characteristics and stages that may require different treatment or targeted drug delivery approaches. [21] [22] Yet, even these treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, since the discovery of cancer, researchers have constantly been developing new and innovative cancer treatments, including chemotactic drug delivery. For example, and as mentioned earlier in this article, researchers have sought to use microdroplets, protocells, and biological and bio-hybrid drug carriers to deliver drugs to cancer cells in a more effective manner, while reducing unwanted side effects. [2] [4] [12] [15] [19] In fact, the justification for using such systems, guided by chemotaxis, is that the environment inside a tumor has a higher resting temperature, higher peroxide concentration, lower pH, and a lower oxygen concentration than its surrounding tissue. [4] With these unique conditions, researchers can exploit chemotactic drug delivery to target tumor cells directly, avoiding healthy tissues, reducing toxicity, improving drug efficacy, and decreasing drug dosage. [12] [13]


Inflammation is the body's response to foreign objects, irritants, germs, and even pathogens. Although such a response is standard in some cases, if left untreated, chronic inflammation can lead to muscle degeneration, gastrointestinal disorders, and some types of cancers. [23] [24] While most treatments, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections, can help relieve symptoms, they often fail to address the condition's underlying cause. Therefore, researchers have sought to explore new and innovative ways of inflammation treatment, such as chemotactic drug delivery.

One promising drug delivery system was based on engineered neutrophils that targeted inflammation sites through chemotaxis's unique properties. [4] [7] This approach took advantage of the concentration difference between iNOS and ROS for inflammatory disease sites and normal tissues. [7] By doing so, this drug delivery system provides the possibility to target areas of inflammation, increase drug efficacy, and minimize damage to the surrounding tissue. [3] [11] Moreover, because this concentration gradient is ubiquitous in the microenvironment of inflammatory diseases, common drug-targeting limitations such as individual differences can be avoided. [7] Another example of an innovative drug delivery system that uses the property of chemotaxis is leukocytes. [4] Indeed, during inflammation, the molecules on a cell that allows for adhesion are overly produced. [4] With this unique condition, researchers can modify leukocytes to quickly detect the cell, attach itself to the surface, and deliver a therapeutic payload. [4] Overall, many promising therapies and drug delivery systems are being developed to target inflammation more effectively. Chemotactic drug delivery systems are just one of many promising avenues that seek to increase target sites specifically, decreasing the needed drug dosage, reducing toxicity, and increasing drug efficacy. [3] [4] [11]

Advantages and limitations

While this emerging field of drug delivery shows excellent promise in targeting specific cells and locations within the body, understanding current challenges and drawbacks can allow researchers to optimize design, development, and delivery to improve the overall outcome of their medical treatment.



Biological and Bio-hybrid drug carriers


Generally speaking, chemotactic drug-targeting is a drug delivery strategy with promising avenues for treating diseases such as cancer and inflammation. This approach mimics the biological process of chemotaxis, which biological organisms use to detect, maneuver, and react to chemical signals in their environment. By applying this technique to targeted drug delivery, researchers aim to create drugs that can precisely reach their intended targets, minimizing the potential for side effects, improving drug efficacy, and decreasing drug dosage. Some examples include but are not limited to microdroplets, protocells, biological and bio-hybrid drug carriers, leukocytes, and neutrophils.

While chemotactic drug targeting holds great promise for drug delivery, there are key advantages and limitations that must be considered. One main advantage is that these systems can precisely target specific cells, tissues, or organs within the body while minimizing their disruptive effects on healthy tissue. Moreover, by delivering the drug directly to the desired target, researchers can effectively reduce the required drug dosage needed. However, some limitations to chemotactic drug targeting include issues with biocompatibility, drug-carrying capacity, and the life span of specific carriers. Another major challenge with this approach is motility, when either the chemical stimuli diminish, or the attached enzymes become oversaturated. This can limit the effectiveness of the drug delivery system and may require additional modifications to improve its performance. Thus, although these approaches have shown great promise, more research is still needed to fully understand chemotaxis mechanisms and optimize this property for targeted drug delivery strategies.

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