Christian Democratic Youth of Finland

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Christian Democratic Youth of Finland
Suomen Kristillisdemokraattiset Nuoret
PresidentAmi Rinta-Valkama
Secretary GeneralTommi Terä
HeadquartersKarjalankatu 2 A, 00520 Helsinki
Mother party Christian Democrats

Christian Democratic Youth of Finland (Finnish : Suomen Kristillisdemokraattiset Nuoret, KDN / Swedish : Finlands Kristdemokratiska Unga) is a political youth organization in Finland. It is the youth league of Christian Democrats. It currently has more than 1,500 registered members. It has been chaired by Aki Ruotsala since November 2010 until December 2012. From January 2013 Lauri Kangasniemi leads the organization.

Kristillisdemokraattiset Nuoret is a member of the Youth of the European People's Party, youth organization of European Parliaments largest political group.

Political viewpoints

Traditionally Christian Democratic Youth of Finland has supported a more moderate conservative ideology than its political concern, the Christian Democrat Party of Finland. Furthermore the Youth division of the party represents the most liberal wing of its party. Its political ideology is founded on three principles:

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