Claw Law

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Claw Law, rpg supplement.jpg

Claw Law is a supplement published by Iron Crown Enterprises in 1982 for the fantasy role-playing game Rolemaster .



Claw Law is a supplement to Arms Law with 12 new tables for attack forms including bite, talon, and sting. [1]

Shannon Appelcline explains that "Claw Law (1982) extended Rolemaster's combat rules to beasts." [2] :97


In the October 1982 edition of The Space Gamer (No. 56), Richard Wolfe, Jr. was ambivalent about the book, saying, "If you own Arms Law and like it, this is for you. If you are pleased with the combat system you use now, or you don't like the idea of killer rabbits, you can live without it." [1]

In the August 1984 edition of Dragon (Issue #88), Arlen Walker criticized the lack of descriptions of the animals covered in Claw Law, saying, "The animal descriptions have little if anything to do with animals. Calling them descriptions, in fact, is probably overstating the case dramatically... We are told nothing else about the animal, including what it looks like, where it can be found, and how it will behave if found." [3]

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  1. 1 2 Wolfe, Jr., Richard (October 1982). "Capsule Reviews". The Space Gamer . Steve Jackson Games (56): 29.
  2. Shannon Appelcline (2014). Designers & Dragons: The '80s. Evil Hat Productions. ISBN   978-1-61317-081-6.
  3. Walker, Arlen (August 1984). "ICE can stand the heat: A long look at Iron Crown's Rolemaster series". Dragon . TSR, Inc. (88): 64–68.