Clinical handover

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Clinical handover (patient handover or handover) is the transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for a patient, or group of patients, to another person or professional group on a temporary or permanent basis. [1]

Timely clinical handover to the appropriate person(s) is essential to ensuring patient safety and delivery of the right care Communicative people.png
Timely clinical handover to the appropriate person(s) is essential to ensuring patient safety and delivery of the right care

When critical clinical information emerges or there is a risk to patient care, timely communication of this information to the appropriate person(s) is essential to ensuring patient safety and delivery of the right care. Failure in handover is a major source in preventable patient harm. Clinical handover is an international concern and Australia, the United Kingdom and other countries have developed risk reduction recommendations. [1]

It is important to define and agree on the minimum information content for clinical handovers relevant to a service or discipline. It may be helpful to consider what clinical and non-clinical information is time critical or significant to patient care, such as: [2]

Use of structured handover tools can help to provide a framework for communicating the minimum information content for clinical handovers. This may be supported by electronic clinical handover templates. [3]

Examples of clinical handover tools to help structure handover: [2]

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Suzanne Eggins is an Australian linguist who is an Honorary Fellow at Australian National University (ANU), associated with the ANU Institute for Communication in Health Care. Eggins is the author of a best selling introduction to systemic functional linguistics and she is known for her extensive work on critical linguistic analysis of spontaneous interactions in informal and institutional healthcare settings. 


  1. 1 2 " Government of Western Australia Department of health, Clinical handover, Retrieved 15 September 2012". Archived from the original on 21 March 2012. Retrieved 15 September 2012.
  2. 1 2 "Communicating for Safety Standard". Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Retrieved 22 June 2024.
  3. Wendy Chaboyer et al, Bedside Handover; One Quality Improvement Strategy to “Transform Care at the Bedside”, Retrieved 15 September 2012