Co-stardom network

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In social network analysis, the co-stardom network represents the collaboration graph of film actors i.e. movie stars. The co-stardom network can be represented by an undirected graph. Nodes correspond to the movie star actors and two nodes are linked if they co-starred (performed) in the same movie. The links are un-directed, and can be weighted or not depending on the goals of study. If the number of times two actors appeared in a movie is needed, links are assigned weights [1] . Initially, the network was found to have a small-world property [2] . Afterwards, it was discovered that more precisely it exhibits a scale-free (power-law) behavior. [3]


The co-stardom network can also be represented by a bipartite graph where nodes are of two types: actors and movies. Links connect different types of nodes (i.e. actors to movies) if they have a relationship (actors in a movie) [4] .

The parlor game of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon involves finding paths in this network from specified actors to Kevin Bacon.

Network representation

In order to represent any network, it is necessary to characterize the properties of the corresponding graph of nodes and links. Studies on the collaboration network of movie actors have been described in literature such as the work done by Watts and Strogatz (1998) [2] and Barabási and Albert in 1999 [3] and 2000[ citation needed ]. The general characteristics are described below. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Size: 225 226
Average degree: 61
Average path length: 3.65
Average clustering coefficient: 0.79

Compared to a random graph of the same size and average degree, the average path length is close in value. However, the clustering coefficient is much higher for the movie actor network.

Size: 212 250
Average degree(connectivity): 28.78
Clustering coefficient: 0.79

The network fits a scale-free degree distribution p(k) ~ kγactor, with an exponent γactor = 2.3 ± 0.1 [3] .

Data collection

The Internet Movie Database IMDB represents one of the largest internet sources for movies/actors data, and it is where most of the datasets are collected to study the collaboration network of co-star actors. IMDB facilitates the ability to collect data for very specific and variable types of network. For example, a network can be constructed using data from all the horror movies made within the 2020–2021 timeframe and only picking the top three co-stars in each movie.

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  9. Albert, Réka; Barabási, Albert-László (2000-12-11). "Topology of Evolving Networks: Local Events and Universality". Physical Review Letters. 85 (24): 5234–5237. arXiv: cond-mat/0005085 . Bibcode:2000PhRvL..85.5234A. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.85.5234. ISSN   0031-9007. PMID   11102229.