Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle

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The Commission nationale de la certification professionnelle (CNCP, in English National Commission for Vocational Certification [1] ) is a French inter-ministerial commission, interprofessional and interagency. It has been created by the social modernization law (No. 2002-73 [2] ). It is under the authority of the Minister responsible for vocational training. [3] It is composed of sixteen departmental officials, ten social partners, three elected representatives of chambers, three elected representatives of regions and twelve qualified persons. These commissioners are appointed by order of the Prime Minister for a period of five years renewable. [4] It replaces the Commission technique d’homologation des titres et diplômes de l’enseignement technologique (Technical Commission for approval of foreign education qualifications technological). [5]



The commission has several missions:

The CNCP is based on the work of a specialized committee, a permanent secretariat and a network of regional correspondents. It contributes to the international work the transparency of qualifications.

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  1. National Certification Committee and Register Archived 2011-10-28 at the Wayback Machine
  2. "The French Commission nationale de la certification professionnelle (CNCP – national committee for professional certification)". Archived from the original on 2016-06-25. Retrieved 2012-04-28.
  3. (in French) Décret n°2002-617 du 26 avril 2002 pris en application des articles L. 335-6 du code de l'éducation et L. 900-1 du code du travail, relatif à la Commission nationale de la certification professionnelle
  4. (in French) Décret n°2006-583 du 23 mai 2006 relatif aux dispositions réglementaires du livre III du code de l'éducation (décrets en Conseil d'Etat et décrets).
  5. (in French) La Commission Nationale de Certification Professionnelle Archived 2012-01-06 at the Wayback Machine
  6. (in French) Décret n°2002-616 du 26 avril 2002 pris en application des articles L. 335-6 du code de l'éducation et L. 900-1 du code du travail, relatif au répertoire national des certifications professionnelles
  7. (in French) Décret n°92-23 du 8 janvier 1992 relatif à l'homologation des titres et diplômes de l'enseignement technologique.