Commutator collecting process

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In group theory, a branch of mathematics, the commutator collecting process is a method for writing an element of a group as a product of generators and their higher commutators arranged in a certain order. The commutator collecting process was introduced by Philip Hall in 1934 [1] and articulated by Wilhelm Magnus in 1937. [2] The process is sometimes called a "collection process".


The process can be generalized to define a totally ordered subset of a free non-associative algebra, that is, a free magma; this subset is called the Hall set. Members of the Hall set are binary trees; these can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with words, these being called the Hall words; the Lyndon words are a special case. Hall sets are used to construct a basis for a free Lie algebra, entirely analogously to the commutator collecting process. Hall words also provide a unique factorization of monoids.


The commutator collecting process is usually stated for free groups, as a similar theorem then holds for any group by writing it as a quotient of a free group.

Suppose F1 is a free group on generators a1, ..., am. Define the descending central series by putting

Fn+1 = [Fn, F1]

The basic commutators are elements of F1 defined and ordered as follows:

Commutators are ordered so that x > y if x has weight greater than that of y, and for commutators of any fixed weight some total ordering is chosen.

Then Fn/Fn+1 is a finitely generated free abelian group with a basis consisting of basic commutators of weight n.

Then any element of F can be written as

where the ci are the basic commutators of weight at most m arranged in order, and c is a product of commutators of weight greater than m, and the ni are integers.

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Free group

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In mathematics, in the areas of group theory and combinatorics, Hall words provide a unique monoid factorisation of the free monoid. They are also totally ordered, and thus provide a total order on the monoid. This is analogous to the better-known case of Lyndon words; in fact, the Lyndon words are a special case, and almost all properties possessed by Lyndon words carry over to Hall words. Hall words are in one-to-one correspondence with Hall trees. These are binary trees; taken together, they form the Hall set. This set is a particular totally ordered subset of a free non-associative algebra, that is, a free magma. In this form, the Hall trees provide a basis for free Lie algebras, and can be used to perform the commutations required by the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem used in the construction of a universal enveloping algebra. As such, this generalizes the same process when done with the Lyndon words. Hall trees can also be used to give a total order to the elements of a group, via the commutator collecting process, which is a special case of the general construction given below. It can be shown that Lazard sets coincide with Hall sets.


  1. Hall, Philip (1934), "A contribution to the theory of groups of prime-power order", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 36: 29–95, doi:10.1112/plms/s2-36.1.29
  2. W. Magnus (1937), "Über Beziehungen zwischen höheren Kommutatoren", J. Grelle177, 105-115.
