Complex segregation analysis

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Complex segregation analysis (CSA) is a technique within genetic epidemiology to determine whether there is evidence that a major gene underlies the distribution of a given phenotypic trait. CSA also provides evidence to whether the implicated trait is inherited in a Mendelian dominant, recessive, or codominant manner.


Purpose of CSA

CSA is often a preliminary step in genetic epidemiology. The purpose of CSA is to provide initial evidence that a single gene has a major effect on a particular phenotypic trait. Only phenotypic information, not genotypic information, is required for CSA. CSA can provide evidence, but not definitively prove a trait is under the control of a single gene. Evidence from CSA studies can be used to justify which phenotypes might be appropriate for more in-depth studies such as linkage analysis. [1]

Study design and data analysis

CSA requires phenotypic information on family members in a pedigree. A variety of models with different parameters and assumptions about the nature of the inheritance of the trait are fit to the data. CSA studies may include non-genetic models which assume the trait has no genetic component and is only determined by environmental factors, models which include environmental components as well as multi-gene heritability components, and models which include environment, multi-gene heritability, and a single major gene to best fit the data. [2] CSA software uses a maximum likelihood estimator to assign the best fitting coefficients to each component in all models. Nested models are then tested for their goodness of fit starting at the most complex. If two models are found to fit equally well, the more complex model is rejected in favor of the simpler model. If the best fitting model includes a single major gene component, there is evidence that the trait of interest is under Mendelian control.

Examples of publications using CSA

See also

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The candidate gene approach to conducting genetic association studies focuses on associations between genetic variation within pre-specified genes of interest, and phenotypes or disease states. This is in contrast to genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which is a hypothesis-free approach that scans the entire genome for associations between common genetic variants and traits of interest. Candidate genes are most often selected for study based on a priori knowledge of the gene's biological functional impact on the trait or disease in question. The rationale behind focusing on allelic variation in specific, biologically relevant regions of the genome is that certain alleles within a gene may directly impact the function of the gene in question and lead to variation in the phenotype or disease state being investigated. This approach often uses the case-control study design to try to answer the question, "Is one allele of a candidate gene more frequently seen in subjects with the disease than in subjects without the disease?" Candidate genes hypothesized to be associated with complex traits have generally not been replicated by subsequent GWASs or highly powered replication attempts. The failure of candidate gene studies to shed light on the specific genes underlying such traits has been ascribed to insufficient statistical power, low prior probability that scientists can correctly guess a specific allele within a specific gene that is related to a trait, poor methodological practices, and data dredging.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Family resemblance (anthropology)</span> Physical and psychological similarities shared between close relatives

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Complex traits</span>

Complex traits, also known as quantitative traits, are traits that do not behave according to simple Mendelian inheritance laws. More specifically, their inheritance cannot be explained by the genetic segregation of a single gene. Such traits show a continuous range of variation and are influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. Compared to strictly Mendelian traits, complex traits are far more common, and because they can be hugely polygenic, they are studied using statistical techniques such as quantitative genetics and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping rather than classical genetics methods. Examples of complex traits include height, circadian rhythms, enzyme kinetics, and many diseases including diabetes and Parkinson's disease. One major goal of genetic research today is to better understand the molecular mechanisms through which genetic variants act to influence complex traits.


  1. Elston R (1992). "Segregation and linkage analysis". Animal Genetics. 23 (1): 59–62. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.1992.tb00232.x. PMID   1570893.
  2. Jarvik G (October 1998). "Complex segregation analyses: uses and limitations". American Journal of Human Genetics. 63 (4): 931–4. doi:10.1086/302075. PMC   1377507 . PMID   9758633.