Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing

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Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) is an algorithm for encoding data bytes that results in efficient, reliable, unambiguous packet framing regardless of packet content, thus making it easy for receiving applications to recover from malformed packets. It employs a particular byte value, typically zero, to serve as a packet delimiter (a special value that indicates the boundary between packets). When zero is used as a delimiter, the algorithm replaces each zero data byte with a non-zero value so that no zero data bytes will appear in the packet and thus be misinterpreted as packet boundaries.


Byte stuffing is a process that transforms a sequence of data bytes that may contain 'illegal' or 'reserved' values (such as packet delimiter) into a potentially longer sequence that contains no occurrences of those values. The extra length of the transformed sequence is typically referred to as the overhead of the algorithm. HDLC framing is a well-known example, used particularly in PPP (see RFC 1662 § 4.2). Although HDLC framing has an overhead of <1% in the average case, it suffers from a very poor worst-case overhead of 100%; for inputs that consist entirely of bytes that require escaping, HDLC byte stuffing will double the size of the input.

The COBS algorithm, on the other hand, tightly bounds the worst-case overhead. COBS requires a minimum of 1 byte overhead, and a maximum of n/254⌉ bytes for n data bytes (one byte in 254, rounded up). Consequently, the time to transmit the encoded byte sequence is highly predictable, which makes COBS useful for real-time applications in which jitter may be problematic. The algorithm is computationally inexpensive, and in addition to its desirable worst-case overhead, its average overhead is also low compared to other unambiguous framing algorithms like HDLC. [1] [2] COBS does, however, require up to 254 bytes of lookahead. Before transmitting its first byte, it needs to know the position of the first zero byte (if any) in the following 254 bytes.

A 1999 Internet Draft proposed to standardize COBS as an alternative for HDLC framing in PPP, due to the aforementioned poor worst-case overhead of HDLC framing. [3]

Packet framing and stuffing

When packetized data is sent over any serial medium, some protocol is required to demarcate packet boundaries. This is done by using a framing marker, a special bit-sequence or character value that indicates where the boundaries between packets fall. Data stuffing is the process that transforms the packet data before transmission to eliminate all occurrences of the framing marker, so that when the receiver detects a marker, it can be certain that the marker indicates a boundary between packets.

COBS transforms an arbitrary string of bytes in the range [0,255] into bytes in the range [1,255]. Having eliminated all zero bytes from the data, a zero byte can now be used to unambiguously mark the end of the transformed data. This is done by appending a zero byte to the transformed data, thus forming a packet consisting of the COBS-encoded data (the payload ) to unambiguously mark the end of the packet.

(Any other byte value may be reserved as the packet delimiter, but using zero simplifies the description.)

Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoding process Cobs encoding with example.png
Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoding process

There are two equivalent ways to describe the COBS encoding process:

Prefixed block description
To encode some bytes, first append a zero byte, then break them into groups of either 254 non-zero bytes, or 0–253 non-zero bytes followed by a zero byte. Because of the appended zero byte, this is always possible.
Encode each group by deleting the trailing zero byte (if any) and prepending the number of non-zero bytes, plus one. Thus, each encoded group is the same size as the original, except that 254 non-zero bytes are encoded into 255 bytes by prepending a byte of 255.
As a special exception, if a packet ends with a group of 254 non-zero bytes, it is not necessary to add the trailing zero byte. This saves one byte in some situations.
Linked list description
First, insert a zero byte at the beginning of the packet, and after every run of 254 non-zero bytes. This encoding is obviously reversible. It is not necessary to insert a zero byte at the end of the packet if it happens to end with exactly 254 non-zero bytes.
Second, replace each zero byte with the offset to the next zero byte, or the end of the packet. Because of the extra zeros added in the first step, each offset is guaranteed to be at most 255.

Encoding examples

These examples show how various data sequences would be encoded by the COBS algorithm. In the examples, all bytes are expressed as hexadecimal values, and encoded data is shown with text formatting to illustrate various features:

ExampleUnencoded data (hex)Encoded with COBS (hex)
200 000101 0100
300 11 000102 1101 00
411 22 00 330311 22023300
511 22 33 440511 22 33 4400
611 00 00 00021101 01 0100
701 02 03 ... FD FEFF01 02 03 ... FD FE00
800 01 02 ... FC FD FE01FF01 02 ... FC FD FE00
901 02 03 ... FD FE FFFF01 02 03 ... FD FE02FF00
1002 03 04 ... FE FF 00FF02 03 04 ... FE FF010100
1103 04 05 ... FF 00 01FE03 04 05 ... FF020100

Below is a diagram using example 4 from above table, to illustrate how each modified data byte is located, and how it is identified as a data byte or an end of frame byte.

   [OHB]                                : Overhead byte (Start of frame)      3+ -------------->|                : Points to relative location of first zero symbol                        2+-------->|     : Is a zero data byte, pointing to next zero symbol                                   [EOP] : Location of end-of-packet zero symbol.      0     1     2     3     4    5     : Byte Position      03    11    22    02    33   00    : COBS Data Frame            11    22    00    33         : Extracted Data       OHB = Overhead Byte (Points to next zero symbol) EOP = End Of Packet 

Examples 7 through 10 show how the overhead varies depending on the data being encoded for packet lengths of 255 or more.


The following code implements a COBS encoder and decoder in the C programming language:

#include<stddef.h>#include<stdint.h>#include<assert.h>/** COBS encode data to buffer @param data Pointer to input data to encode @param length Number of bytes to encode @param buffer Pointer to encoded output buffer @return Encoded buffer length in bytes @note Does not output delimiter byte*/size_tcobsEncode(constvoid*data,size_tlength,uint8_t*buffer){assert(data&&buffer);uint8_t*encode=buffer;// Encoded byte pointeruint8_t*codep=encode++;// Output code pointeruint8_tcode=1;// Code valuefor(constuint8_t*byte=(constuint8_t*)data;length--;++byte){if(*byte)// Byte not zero, write it*encode++=*byte,++code;if(!*byte||code==0xff)// Input is zero or block completed, restart{*codep=code,code=1,codep=encode;if(!*byte||length)++encode;}}*codep=code;// Write final code valuereturn(size_t)(encode-buffer);}/** COBS decode data from buffer @param buffer Pointer to encoded input bytes @param length Number of bytes to decode @param data Pointer to decoded output data @return Number of bytes successfully decoded @note Stops decoding if delimiter byte is found*/size_tcobsDecode(constuint8_t*buffer,size_tlength,void*data){assert(buffer&&data);constuint8_t*byte=buffer;// Encoded input byte pointeruint8_t*decode=(uint8_t*)data;// Decoded output byte pointerfor(uint8_tcode=0xff,block=0;byte<buffer+length;--block){if(block)// Decode block byte*decode++=*byte++;else{block=*byte++;// Fetch the next block lengthif(block&&(code!=0xff))// Encoded zero, write it unless it's delimiter.*decode++=0;code=block;if(!code)// Delimiter code foundbreak;}}return(size_t)(decode-(uint8_t*)data);}

See also

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  1. Cheshire, Stuart; Baker, Mary (April 1999). "Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing" (PDF). IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking . 7 (2): 159–172. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1109/90.769765. S2CID   47267776 . Retrieved November 30, 2015.
  2. Cheshire, Stuart; Baker, Mary (17 November 1997). Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (PDF). ACM SIGCOMM '97. Cannes . Retrieved November 23, 2010.
  3. Carlson, James; Cheshire, Stuart; Baker, Mary (November 1997). PPP Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS). I-D draft-ietf-pppext-cobs-00.txt.