Council of Presidential Candidates in Somalia

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The Council of Presidential Candidates was formed in November 2020 as a group of 14 presidential candidates met in Mogadishu for a six day conference on the upcoming 2021 Somali presidential election during which Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was nominated as chairman. [1]


The aspirants include: [2]

Election Agreement

In a letter addressed to the UN and copied to IGAD, AU, EU, OIC, Norway, UK and US, the candidates stated that they accept the election model which was agreed in September 2020. However, they listed a number of points concerning the implementation of the agreement which they were unhappy with and concluded that this has been mismanaged by the Federal Government. [3]

Harma'ad Police Unit

In the letter addressed to Turkey’s ambassador in Somalia, presidential candidates expressed concern that Turkey was planning to deliver 1,000 G3 assault rifle and 150,000 bullets to Harma’ad, a special unit in Somalia’s police, between December 16 and December 18, 2020. [4]

The Council of Presidential Candidates condemned the use of live bullets by the Harama’ad forces against Somali people. On 15 December, four protesters were wounded in Mogadishu during a peaceful protest when the Harama'ad forces opened fire on them, while two others were arrested. [5]

2021 Somali election impasse

In September 2020 the Federal Government of Somalia agreed with member states to hold parliamentary elections on 1 December 2020. [6]

In November 2020 the First Deputy Speaker of the Upper House of Parliament, Abshir Mohamed Bukhari, said that Mohamed had proven unreliable in overseeing the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in the country and that Mohamed and his government could not be trusted with the election. [7]

Following a six day conference in Mogadishu, in November 2020, the Council of Presidential Candidates in Somalia issued a statement calling for the dismissal of the electoral commissions and accusing Mohamed of being an impedance to the implementation of the election deal. [8] In it they called on NISA chief Fahad Yasin to step down due to conflict of interest being that he is also the head of Mohamad's re-election campaign. [9]

The Council of Presidential Candidates accused Mohamed of "bypassing the electoral law by stacking the poll committee with his allies". [10] Opposition candidates including Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud accused the Federal Government of Somalia of selecting National Intelligence and Security Agency members and civil servants loyal to Mohamed to the Electoral Dispute Resolution Committee. In December the Council of Presidential Candidates accused Mohamed of deployment of Somali National Army troops to offices which host opposition parties. In Haantadheer security forces fired live rounds closing off major city roads, as hundreds of opposition supporters gathered. [11]

The international community raised concerns about the political standoff, some view this election impasse as a new stumbling block for Somalia's road to democratisation. [12]

Abdirashid Hashi, an analyst at the Heritage Institute for Policy Studies, said the Somali government needed to show stronger leadership. [13] [14]

Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe accused Mohamed of violating the September election deal in which the Federal Government of Somalia had promised to withdraw Somali National Army from Gedo region, handing administration to Kismayo. [13]

In December 2020 hundreds of opposition supporters marched through the streets of Mogadishu denouncing Mohamed for delays in elections for both chambers of parliament. Mohamed was accused of wanting to subvert Somali nationhood to consolidate power. [12] During the demonstrations were reports of clashes between gunmen protecting the protesters and security forces. [15]

Former president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud accused Mohamed of suppressing the Somali people after several protesters were arrested and at least four were wounded by Somali forces during anti-government protests, saying: [16]

The rule of law must be protected and the government should always respect the rights and freedoms of the people. We shall not sit and watch someone violating the constitution he swore to protect. It's our duty to call for accountability.

After hearing that Turkey planned to send a shipment of weapons and ammunition, including 1,000 G3 assault rifles and 150,000 bullets to Harma’ad, a special unit in Somalia's police, between Dec. 16 and Dec. 18, opposition party leaders wrote to the Turkish ambassador in Somalia urging the Turkish government not to send the shipment, for fear that Mohamed would use it to 'hijack' the upcoming elections. [17]

On 2nd February 2021, Mohamed convened a meeting in Dusmareb with federal state leaders in an attempt to break the election deadlock. [18]

Presidential term expired

On 8th February 2021, the Council of Presidential Candidates announced that they no longer recognise Mohamed as the President of Somalia since his term expired without any agreement on the path toward elections to replace him. [19] [20]

Attacks on opposition candidates

On the night of 18 February 2021 there was an attack by government forces on the Ma'ida hotel in Mogadishu where opposition candidates including two former Presidents, Sheikh Sharif and Sheikh Hassan were staying. [21]

On 19 February 2021, opposition candidates were again targeted by government forces, while taking part in a protest in Mogadishu over the election delay, when shells fired at them landed inside Mogadishu Airport. Another opposition candidate, former prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire said that he and several other presidential candidates, lawmakers, other officials and civilians had survived an "assassination attempt" at the protest. [21]

Sheikh Hassan accused Mohamed of a coup saying; [22] [23] [24]

What transpired in Mogadishu last night and today is a coup orchastrated by the former president (Mohamed) who turned down calls to lead the country to elections. The Federal Parliament and the militia commanders who have backed him in the coup will be held accountable for their actions and brought to justice.

The southern Somali state of Jubaland, which is led by President Ahmed Madobe, issued a statement condemning the violence, "Jubaland condemns the violence meted out by the Somali government against unarmed civilians and the illegal use of the armed forces. The heinous act in Mogadishu by Somali troops is a blow to efforts to resolve the current political crises in the country". [25]

The United Arab Emirites expressed grave concern over the deteriorating situation in Somalia, calling upon the interim government of Mohamed and all parties, "to demonstrate the highest levels of restraint in order to achieve Somalia's aspirations to build a secure and stable future for all", and expressed its hope that stability would prevail in Somalia, "in a way that preserves its national sovereignty and fulfills the aspirations of its brotherly people". [26]

Information minister Osman Dubbe subsequently lashed out at U.A.E., blaming them for allegedly contributing to the election delays. He claimed that unnamed Somali officials had raised pre-conditions to the election process after having travelled to U.A.E. The Council of Presidential Candidates refuted his claims saying that he was leaving them no say in the election process of their own country. [27]

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  1. "Former President picked as chair of presidential candidates union in Somalia". Garowe. 26 November 2020.
  2. "Somalia's opposition candidates demand dissolution of electoral teams". Garowe. 27 November 2020.
  3. "Farmajo under more pressure from Somalia's opposition candidates". Garowe. 9 December 2020.
  4. "Somalia's opposition urges Turkey not to send arms to police unit". Reuters. 16 December 2020.
  5. "Turkey's promise to send arms to Somalia draws criticism". Arab News. 18 December 2020.
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  7. "Senate Deputy Speaker says president Farmajo 'cannot be trusted' with election". Somali Affairs. 24 November 2020.
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  17. "Somalia's opposition urges Turkey not to send arms to police unit". Reuters. 16 December 2020.
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  21. 1 2 "Gunfire at Mogadishu Protest Intensifies Somali Election Impasse". New York Time. 19 February 2021.
  22. "Outgoing leader Farmaajo accused of staging a coup in Somalia". Garowe Online. 20 February 2021.
  23. "Somali security forces fire on protest over delayed election". Associated Press. 19 February 2021.
  24. "Deaths reported as Somali security forces open fire on protesters in Mogadishu". Irish Times. 19 February 2021.
  25. "Jubaland slams use of excessive force against peaceful protesters". Garowe Online. 20 February 2021.
  26. "UAE expresses grave concern over deteriorating situation in Somalia". Khaleej Times. 20 February 2021.
  27. "Tensions rise between Somalia and UAE over delayed elections". Independent. 21 February 2021.