DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection

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DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection
FormatHardback book format
First issue2015-2021 (Incomplete)
CompanyEaglemoss Collections
CountryUnited Kingdom
Language English

DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection was a fortnightly partwork magazine published by Eaglemoss Collections and DC Comics in the UK. The series was a collection of special edition hardback graphic novels, collecting significant DC Comics superhero story-arcs as well as bonus origin stories for the characters within.



The debut issue, Batman: Hush Part 1, was released on 19 August 2015 at the special price of £2.99. The price gradually rose to £9.99 per issue, then £10.99 from issue #37 [1] and £11.99 from issue #107. The initial series of 60 issues was extended to 100 issues, and then to 180.

Eaglemoss no longer offers new subscriptions to this collection. [2]

Similar collections had been released in countries like Germany, Brazil, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Spain but with a different order and contents. A small local test run was also run in select parts of the UK, similar to what happens with most partworks. The German language version of the Collection ended with a total of 150 issues: most are the same as the UK series, but were released in a different order. In December 2020 an email was sent to subscribers to confirm the collection has been extended to 180 issues.

Eaglemoss launched a companion partwork DC Comics The Legend Of Batman in December 2017.

Hachette Partworks launched their own series of hardcover graphic novels, DC Heroes and Villains Collection in January 2021. [3] [4]

Eaglemoss announced they were bankrupt on 11 July 2022, the Webshop is no longer accessible and to date there have been no new subscription deliveries since Issue 170 - 172 in December 2021. [5]

The Subscription Account Website is now no longer operating as of w/c 12 September 2022.

List of books

Below is a working list of the books which will be released as part of the collection. They may change and are different to the line-ups of other countries who share the collection. The information is sourced from an email to their customer services department. [6]

#TitlePtCollectingRelease Date
1 Batman: Hush 1Batman #608-613 and Detective Comics #2719 August 2015
22Batman #614-618 and Detective Comics #333 September 2015
3Superman: Last Son of KryptonAction Comics #844-846 & #851, Action Comics Annual #11, Superman Annual #13 and Superman #117 September 2015
4 JLA: Tower of Babel JLA #43-46, JLA Secret Files #3 and The Brave and the Bold #281 October 2015
5 Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Superman/Batman #1-6 and Superman #7615 October 2015
6 Batman and Son Batman #655-658, #664-665 and Detective Comics #41129 October 2015
7JLA: Year One1JLA: Year One #1-6 and Justice League of America #912 November 2015
82JLA: Year One #7-12 and Detective Comics #22526 November 2015
9Harley Quinn: Preludes and Knock-Knock JokesHarley Quinn #1-7 (2000 – 2001) and "Batgirl: Year One" from The Batman Adventures #1210 December 2015
10 The Man of Steel Man of Steel #1-6 and "Superman, Champion of the Oppressed" from Action Comics #124 December 2015
11 Batman: A Death in the Family Batman #426-#429 and Batman #3667 January 2016
12 Lex Luthor: Man of Steel Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #1-5 and Action Comics #2321 January 2016
13 JLA: Earth 2 JLA: Earth 2 and The Flash #1234 February 2016
14The Brave and the Bold: Lords of LuckThe Brave and the Bold #1-6 and The Brave and the Bold #5018 February 2016
15 Green Lantern: Secret Origin Green Lantern #29-35 and Showcase #223 March 2016
16 The Death of Superman Superman: The Man of Steel #18-19, Justice League of America #69, Superman #74-75, and Action Comics #68417 March 2016
17 Batman: The Long Halloween 1Batman: The Long Halloween #1-6 and Batman #18131 March 2016
182Batman: The Long Halloween #7-13 and Detective Comics 6614 April 2016
19Flash: Born to RunThe Flash #62-65, The Flash Annual #8, Speed Force #1, The Flash 80-Page Giant #1 and The Flash 13528 April 2016
20 Robin: Year One Robin: Year One 1-4 and Detective Comics 3812 May 2016
21Superman/Batman: SupergirlSuperman/Batman 8-13 and Action Comics 25226 May 2016
22 Trinity Trinity 1-3 and World's Finest 719 June 2016
23Wonder Woman: Paradise LostWonder Woman 164-170 and New Teen Titans 3823 June 2016
24 JLA: The Nail Justice League of America: The Nail 1-3 and Superman 137 July 2016
25 Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham 1-3 and The Demon 121 July 2016
26 Wonder Woman: The Circle Wonder Woman (Vol. 3) 14-17 and Wonder Woman 98 + 1054 August 2016
27 Superman: Brainiac Action Comics 866–870, Superman: New Krypton Special 1 and Action Comics 24218 August 2016
28Catwoman: Selina's Big ScoreCatwoman: Selina's Big Score, Detective Comics 759-762 and Batman 11 September 2016
29 Justice 1Justice 1-6 and More Fun Comics 7315 September 2016
302Justice 7-12 and Whiz Comics 229 September 2016
31 Superman: Secret Origin Superman: Secret Origin 1-6 and Superman 12513 October 2016
32 Batgirl: Year One Batgirl: Year One 1-9 and Batman 13927 October 2016
33Batman: Birth of the Demon1Batman: Son of the Demon, Batman: Bride of the Demon and Batman 23210 November 2016
342Batman: Birth of the Demon and Batman 23524 November 2016
35Young Justice: A League of Their OwnYoung Justice Secret Files 1 & Young Justice 2-7 (incorrectly credited as Young Justice 1–6) and The Flash 928 December 2016
36Catwoman: Trail of the CatwomanCatwoman 1–4, 6-9 and Batman 6222 December 2016
37 Green Arrow: Quiver 1Green Arrow 1-5 and The Brave and the Bold 855 January 2017
382Green Arrow 6-10 and Flash Comics 86 + 9219 January 2017
39The Flash: Rogue WarThe Flash 220-225 and Showcase 82 February 2017
40 Superman: Birthright 1Superman: Birthright 1-6 and Action Comics 24516 February 2017
412Superman: Birthright 7-12 and Adventure Comics 2712 March 2017
42Batman: Strange ApparitionsDetective Comics 468, 471–476, 478–479, 481 and Detective Comics 3616 March 2017
43Wonder Woman: Eyes of the GorgonWonder Woman 206-213 and Wonder Woman 9230 March 2017
44Plastic Man: On the LamPlastic Man 1-6 and Police Comics 113 April 2017
45 Green Arrow: Year One Green Arrow: Year One 1-6 and More Fun Comics 7327 April 2017
46 The New Frontier 1DC: The New Frontier 1-3 and Adventure Comics 46611 May 2017
472DC: The New Frontier 4-6 and Showcase 1725 May 2017
48Flash: The Return of Barry AllenThe Flash 74-79 and Superman 1998 June 2017
49 Justice League: Another Nail JLA: Another Nail 1-3 and Showcase 3422 June 2017
50 Wonder Woman: Gods and Mortals Wonder Woman (Vol. 2) 1-7 and Wonder Woman (Vol. 1) 16 July 2017
51 The Man Who Laughs/Arkham Asylum Batman: The Man Who Laughs, Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House on Serious Earth and Batman 32720 July 2017
52JLA: New World OrderJLA 1–4, JLA Secret Files and Origins 1 and Justice League of America 423 August 2017
53 New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract The New Teen Titans 39–40, Tales of the Teen Titans 41–44, Tales of the Teen Titans Annual 3 and The Brave and the Bold 5417 August 2017
54 Superman: For Tomorrow 1Superman 204-209 and Action Comics 24131 August 2017
552Superman 210-215 and Action Comics 28314 September 2017
56 Justice League: Cry for Justice Justice League: Cry for Justice 1-7 and Action Comics 24828 September 2017
57 Batman: Under the Hood Batman 635-641 and Detective Comics 16812 October 2017
58 Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling HeroesGreen Lantern/Green Arrow 76-81 and All American Comics 1626 October 2017
59 Flashpoint Flashpoint 1-5, The Flash 1399 November 2017
60Superman/Batman: TormentSuperman/Batman #37-42 and Forever People #123 November 2017
61Batman/Huntress: Cry For BloodBatman/Huntress 1-6, DC Super Stars #177 December 2017
62 JLA: Act of God JLA: Act of God (2000) #1-3, The Brave and the Bold (1955) #3021 December 2017
63 Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? Superman (1939) #30 (IV) & #423, Superman Annual (1960) #11, Action Comics (1938) #583, DC Comics Presents (1978) #854 January 2018
64JLA/JSA Virtue & ViceJLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice (2002), Justice League of America (1960) #21, More Fun Comics (1936) #5518 January 2018
65 Swamp Thing 1The Saga of Swamp Thing (1982) #21-27, House of Secrets (1956) #921 February 2018
66Superman/Batman: World's FinestLegends of the World's Finest (1994) #1-3, World's Finest Comics (1941) #8815 February 2018
67Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green LanternsGreen Lantern (2005) #7-13, DC Comics Presents (1978) #271 March 2018
68 Superman/Shazam: First Thunder Superman/Shazam: First Thunder (2005) #1-4, Superman (1939) #27615 March 2018
69 The Golden Age (comics) The Golden Age (1993) #1-4, Justice League of America (1961) #22]29 March 2018
70 Justice League International 1Justice League (1987) #1-6, Justice League International (1987) #7, Captain Atom (1965) #8312 April 2018
71Swamp Thing2The Saga of Swamp Thing (1982) #28-34, Swamp Thing Annual (1982) #2, Swamp Thing (1972) #126 April 2018
72Green Lantern: Wanted Hal JordanGreen Lantern (2005) #14-20, Green Lantern (1960) #1610 May 2018
73 Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes Action Comics (1938) #858-863, Adventure Comics (1938) #24724 May 2018
74Teen Titans: The Future is NowTeen Titans/Legion Special (2004) #1, Teen Titans (2003) #16-23, The Brave and the Bold (1955) #607 June 2018
75 Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty (1997), The Flash (1959) #13721 June 2018
76The Flash: Lightning in a BottleThe Flash: The Fastes Man Alive (2006) #1-6, Impulse (1995) #15 July 2018
77Justice League International2Justice League International (1987) 8-12, Mister Miracle (1971) 119 July 2018
78Superman: Krisis of The Krimson KryptoniteSuperman (1987) 49-50, Adventures of Superman (1987) 472-423, Action Comics (1938) 659-660, Starman (1988) 28, Superman (1939) 612 August 2018
79Hawkman Endless FlightHawkman (2002) 1-6, Hawkman Secret Files and Origins (2002) 1, Flash Comics (1940) 116 August 2018
80 Superman & Batman: Generations Superman & Batman Generations (1999) 1-4, World's Finest (1941)30 August 2018
81 The New Gods 1New Gods (1971) 1-6, Tales of the Unexpected (1956) 1613 September 2018
822New Gods (1971) 7-11, Detective Comics (1937) 6427 September 2018
83New Teen Titans: Birth of the TitansDC Comics Presents (1978) 26 (II), New Teen Titans (1980) 1-6, Doom Patrol (1964) 9911 October 2018
84Superman: Panic in the SkyAction Comics (1938) 544, 674-675, Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) 9-10, Superman (1987) 65-66, Adventures of Superman (1987) 488-48925 October 2018
85 The Great Darkness Saga Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) 290-294, Adventure Comics (1938) 3008 November 2018
86JSA: Justice Be DoneJSA (1999) 1-4, More Fun Comics (1940) 5522 November 2018
87Kingdom Come1Kingdom Come (1996) 1-2, More Fun Comics (1936) 526 December 2018
882Kingdom Come (1996) 3-4, All-Star Comics (1940) 320 December 2018
89Batman Odyssey1Batman: Odyssey (2010) 1-6, Detective Comics (1937) 323 January 2019
902Batman: Odyssey (2011) 1-7 & Batman (1940) 3517 January 2019
91LegendsLegends (1986) 1-6 & Firestorm (1978) 131 January 2019
92Flash: Terminal VelocityThe Flash (1987) 95-100, The Flash (1959) 12514 Feb 2019
93Teen Titans: The Return of Donna TroyDC Special: The Return of Donna Troy (2005), Teen Titans (1966) 128 Feb 2019
94Batman & The OutsidersBatman and the Outsiders (1983) 1-4, The Brave and the Bold (1955) 20014 Mar 2019
95Justice League: Rise & Fall.Justice League: Rise and Fall Special (2010) 1, Green Arrow and Black Canary (2007) 31-32, Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal (2010) 1-4, More Fun comics (1936) 8928 Mar 2019
96Time Masters: Vanishing PointTime Masters: Vanishing Point (2010) 1-6 & Time Masters (1990) 111 April 2019
97Teen Titans: A Kid's GameTeen Titans (2003) 1-7 & The Flash (1959) 11025 April 2019
98Wonder Woman: Amazons Attack1Wonder Woman (2006) 6-10, Amazons Attack! (2007) 1-2 Wonder Woman (1942) 1839 May 2019
992Wonder Woman (2006) 11-13, Amazons Attack! (2007) 3-6 & Wonder Woman (1942) 18523 May 2019
100JLA Scary MonstersJLA: Scary Monsters (2003) 1-6 & All-Star Squadron (1981) 25]6 June 2019
101Batman: OutlawsBatman: Outlaws (2000) 1-3 & Batman (1940) 36020 June 2019
102JLA GatekeeperJLA: Gatekeeper (2001) 1-3 & Green Lantern Annual (2000) 94 July 2019
103Green Lantern Corps: To be a LanternGreen Lantern Corps (2006) 1-6 & Green Lantern Corps (1986) 20118 July 2019
104Batman: TensesBatman: Tenses (2003) #1-2 & Green Lantern: Mosaic (1992) #118 August 2019
105Supergirl: True StrengthSupergirl (2005) #0-5 & Action Comics (1938) #2861 September 2019
106The Flash: Full ThrottleThe Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (2007) #7-13 & The Flash (1956) #12815 September 2019
107Catwoman: When In RomeCatwoman: When In Rome (2004) #1-6 & Batman: Legends Of The Dark Knight Halloween Special (1993) #129 September 2019
108The Brave and the Bold: The Book Of DestinyThe Brave and the Bold (2007) #7-12 & My Greatest Adventure (1955) #806 October 2019
109Batman: Second Chances1Batman (1940) #402-403, #408-411 & Batman (1940) #36820 October 2019
110Batman: Second Chances2Batman (1940) #412-416, Batman Annual #11 & Star-Spangled Comics #653 November 2019
111Booster Gold: Blue and GoldBooster Gold (2007) #0, #7-10, #1,000,000 & Booster Gold (1986) #117 November 2019
112Superman/Supergirl: MaelstromSuperman/Supergirl: Maelstrom #1-5 & Mister Miracle (1971) #61 December 2019
113The Flash: Fast MoneyThe Flash #238-243 & The Flash #1068 December 2019
114The World's Greatest Super-Heroes1Superman: Peace on Earth, Batman: War on Crime and Shazam: Power of Hope & Shazam #122 December 2019
115The World's Greatest Super-Heroes2Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth, JLA: Secret Origins and JLA: Liberty and Justice & Christmas with the Super-Heroes #22 January 2020
116Green Arrow/Black Canary: The Wedding AlbumGreen Arrow #75, Black Canary #1-4, Black Canary: Wedding Planner #1, Green Arrow & Black Canary Wedding Special #1 & Justice League Of America #7519 January 2020
117Wonder Woman: Rise of the OlympianWonder Woman #26-33 & Wonder Woman #1062 February 2020
118Justice League: Formerly Known as the Justice LeagueFormerly Known as the Justice League #1-6 & DC Comics Presents #4616 February 2020
119Batman: Jekyll and HydeBatman: Jekyll and Hyde 1-6 & Batman #818 March 2020
120Superman: Superman Versus LoboAdventures of Superman #464, Superman: Man of Steel #30, Superman Adventures Special #1, DC First: Superman/Lobo #1 & Justice League International #1922 March 2020
121JLA: Two ThousandDC Two Thousand #1-2 & The Flash #1435 April 2020
122Final Crisis: Legion of 3 WorldsFinal Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #1-5 & Legion of Super-Heroes #019 April 2020
123Supergirl: Way of the WorldSupergirl #28-33 & Resurrection Man #13 May 2020
124JLA: OmegaJustice League of America #49-53 & Justice League of America #8717 May 2020
125Batwoman: ElegyDetective Comics #854-860 & Detective Comics #48531 May 2020
126Superman/Batman: VengeanceSuperman/Batman #20-25 & Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #13414 June 2020
127Wonder Woman: Ends of the EarthWonder Woman #20-25 & Sensation Comics #228 June 2020
128Superboy: The Boy of SteelAdventure Comics #1-3 and #5-6 & Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes #2222 July 2020
129Supergirl: Death and the FamilySupergirl Annual #1 and Supergirl #48-50 & Action Comics #595July 2020
130Wonder Woman: Who is Wonder Woman?Wonder Woman #1-5, Wonder Woman Annual #1 and The Power of Shazam #15
131Superman/Batman: Enemies Among UsSuperman/Batman #28-33 and Superman #127
132Batman: Lovers and MadmenBatman Confidential #7-12 and Batman #251
133Green Arrow: Hunter's MoonGreen Arrow #1-6 and Action Comics #428
134Nightwing: The Giant LeapNightwing #147-153 and Superman #158
135Wonder Woman: Odyssey1Wonder Woman #600-606 and All-Star Comics #8
136Wonder Woman: Odyssey2Wonder Woman #607-614 and Sensation Comics #6
137Superman: Kryptonite NevermoreSuperman #233-238 and #240-242 and Action Comics #261
138Batman And The Outsiders: ChrysalisBatman and the Outsiders #1-5 and Detective Comics #402
139JSA: Black ReignJSA #56-58, Hawkman #23-25 and The Marvel Family #1
140Superman: Dark Knight Over MetropolisAction Comics Annual #1, Adventures of Superman #466-467, Action Comics #653-654, Superman #44 and Adventure Comics #293
141Zero Hour: Crisis in TimeZero Hour: Crisis in Time #4-0 and Showcase #75
142JLA: World War IIIJLA #34-41 and Justice League of America #111
143The Flash: WonderlandThe Flash #164-169 [7] and The Flash #105
144Batman: Year TwoDetective Comics #575-578, Batman: Full Circle and Batman #237
145Aquaman: Time and TideAquaman: Time and Tide #1-4 and Adventure Comics #260
146Superman For All Seasons
147Wonder Woman: Destiny CallingWonder Woman (1986) #20-24
148Suicide Squad: Trial By FireSecret Origins #14 (1987) and Suicide Squad #1-7 (1987)
149Cosmic OdysseyCosmic Odyssey #1-4 (1988)
150Green Arrow: The Archer's QuestGreen Arrow (Volume 3) #16-21 (2002)
151Batman: Super PowersBatman Confidential #50-54 (2011)
152Superman: Secret IdentitySuperman: Secret Identity #1-4 (2004) and Action Comics #313 (1964)
153Harley Quinn: Night And DayHarley Quinn #8-13 (2001), Harley Quinn:Our Worlds At War #1 (2001) and The Batman Adventure Annual #1 (1994)
154JLA: The Tornado's PathJustice League Of America #1-6 (2006 / 2007) and Justice League Of America #64 (1968)
155The Atom: Sword Of The AtomSword of the Atom #1-4 (1983), Sword of the Atom Special #1-3 (1984, 1985 & 1988) & Showcase #34 (1961)
156Superman: KryptoniteSuperman Confidential #1-5 (2007), #11 (2008) & Superman #162 (1963)
157The New Teen Titans: Volume 2The New Teen Titans #9-16 (1981 / 1982) & Star Spangled Comics #82 (1948)
158Batman: Knight and SquireKnight and Squire #1-6 (2010 / 2011) & Batman #62 (1950)
159Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight / New DawnGreen Lantern #48-55 (1994) & Green Lantern #87 (1971)
160Wonder Woman: Paradise FoundWonder Woman #171-177 (2001 / 2002) & Wonder Woman #6 (1943)
161Superman: Escape From Bizarro WorldAction Comics #855-857 (2007), Superman #140 (1960), DC Comics Presents #71 (1984), The Man Of Steel #5 (1986) & Superboy #68 (1958)
162The Flash: Emergency StopThe Flash #130-135 (1997 / 1998) & The Flash #1 (1987)
163 Batman: Broken City Batman #620-625 (2003 / 2004) & Detective Comics #524 (1983)
164Death Of The New Gods1Death Of The New Gods #1-4 (2007 / 2008) & Mister Miracle #4 (1971)
165Death Of The New Gods2Death Of The NewGods #5-8 (2008) & 1st Issue Special #13 (1976)
166Superman: The Many Worlds Of KryptonSuperman #233, #236, #238, #240 (1971), #266 (1973), Superman Family #182 (1977), World Of Krypton #1-3 (1979), The World Of Krypton #1-4 (1987 - 1988) & Superman #132 (1959)
167JLA: The Lightning SagaJLA #8-11 (2007), JSA #5-6 (2007), JLA #0 (2006) & Adventure Comics #267 (1959)
168The Flash: The Human RaceThe Flash #136-141 (1998), Secret Origins #50 (1990) & The Flash #175 (1967)
169Batman And The Monster MenBatman And The Monster Men #1-6 (2006) & Batman #1 (1940)
170Superman: Grounded1Superman #700-706 (2010/2011) & Superman #161 (1963)
171Superman: Grounded2Superman #707-711, 713-714 (2011) & Action Comics #340 (1966)
172Wonder Woman: Bitter RivalsWonder Woman #201-205 (2004) & The Brave And The Bold #78 (1968)
173Batman: Dark Knight, Dark City
174JLA: A League Of One

Special issues

The following 'special' books are due to be released as part of the collection with a UK retail price of £21.99. Special issues are available to subscribers at a discounted price of £20.99. [8]

Issue/Volume NumberTitlePtCollectingRelease Date
Special 1Crisis on Infinite Earths
Special 2 Infinite Crisis Infinite Crisis #1-7, Infinite Crisis Secret Files and Origins 2006, Superman #226, Action Comics #836, and Adventures of Superman #64917 March 2016
Special 3 DC Universe Legacies Legacies #1-109 June 2016
Special 4 Final Crisis Final Crisis #1-7, Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1-2, Final Crisis: Submit #1, Final Crisis: Secret Files and Origins (one-shot), Final Crisis: Requiem (one-shot)29 September 2016
Special 5 Identity Crisis Identity Crisis #1-7, The Flash #214-21724 November 2016
Special 6 One Million 1One Million #1-3, Man of Steel: One Million, Superman: One Million, Batman: Shadow of the bat: One Million, Nightwing: One Million, Detective Comics: One Million, Starman: One Million, JLA: One Million, Batman: One Million, Catwoman: One Million.16 March 2017
Special 72One Million #4, Robin: One Million, Wonder Woman: One Million, Shazam: One Million, Flash: One Million, Aquaman: One Million, Action Comics: One Million, Adventures of Superman: One Million, Man of Tomorrow: One Million, Resurrection Man: One Million11 May 2017
Special 8 Brightest Day 1Brightest Day #0-126 July 2017
Special 92Brightest Day #13-2428 September 2017
Special 10 Invasion! Invasion (1989) 1–3, Wonder Woman (1987) 25, Superman (1987) 26, Doom Patrol (1988) 17, Power of the Atom (1989) 7, Justice League International (1987) 22, Detective Comics (1937) 59518 December 2017
Special 11Batman: Gotham after MidnightBatman: Gotham After Midnight #1-1215 March 2018
Special 12 Superman: Earth One Superman: Earth One Vol. 1-31 July 2018
Special 13Earth One: Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Teen TitansWonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 1, Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1, Teen Titans: Earth One Vol. 19 September 2018
Special 14Solo1Solo Vol. 1 1-622 November 2018
Special 152Solo Vol. 1 7-1214 March 2019
Special 16Superman: Reign of DoomsdaySteel 1, Outsiders 37, Justice League of America 55, Superman/Batman Annual 5, Superboy 6, Action Comics 900-90412 May 2019
Special 17Checkmate1Checkmate (Vol. 2) #1-161 September 2019
Special 18Checkmate2Checkmate (Vol. 2) #17-3127 October 2019
Special 19ConvergenceConvergence #0-816 December 2019
Special 20Superman: Our Worlds at War1Superman Vol. 2 #171-172, Adventures Of Superman Vol. 1 #593-594, Superman: The Man Of Steel Vol. 1 #115-116, Action Comics Vol 1. #780-781, Supergirl Vol. 4 #59, JLA: Our Worlds At War Vol. 1 #19 April 2020
Special 21Superman: Our Worlds at War2Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #172-173, Superman Vol.2 #173, Young Justice Vol.1 #36, Adventures of Superman Vol.1 #595, Impulse Vol.1 #77, Superboy Vol.4 #91, Superman: The Man of Steel Vol.1 #117, Action Comics Vol.1 #782, World's Finest: Our Worlds At War Vol.1 #16 July 2020
Special 22Gotham City Sirens1Gotham City Sirens #1-135 October 2020
Special 23Gotham City Sirens2Gotham City Sirens #14-2629 December 2020
Special 24Superman: All-Star Superman23 March 2021
Special 25Wonder Woman: War Of The Gods31 May 2021
Special 26Batman: City Of CrimeBatman Detective #801-81426 July 2021
Special 27Superman: DoomsdaySuperman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey #1-3, Doomsday Annual #1, Superman: The Doomsday Wars Vol 1-317 September 2021
Special 28Batman: TransferenceBatman: Gotham Knights #3-12
Special 29Superman: Reign of the SupermenNot Published

Deluxe special editions (only available online)

The following 'deluxe special edition' books are only available online directly from Eaglemoss. Each book has a UK retail price of £35.99.

Issue/Volume NumberTitleCollectingRelease Date
Deluxe special edition 1 [9] Thy Kingdom Come Justice Society of America Vol 3 #7-22 (September 2007-February 2009), Justice Society of America Annual #1 (August 2008), JSA Kingdom Come Special Superman #1 (January 2009), JSA Kingdom Come Special Magog #1 (January 2009), JSA Kingdom Come Special The Kingdom #1 (January 2009)27 November 2018
Deluxe special edition 2 [10] Gotham Central Volume 1Gotham Central #01–20 (February 2003 – August 2004)28 February 2019
Deluxe special edition 3 [11] Gotham Central Volume 2Gotham Central #21–40 (September 2004 – April 2006), packed with a slipcase to house both Gotham Central volumes22 April 2020

Subscriber exclusive issues

Issue/Volume NumberTitleCollectingRelease Date
Upsell 1The Sinestro Corps WarGreen Lantern #21-25, Green Lantern Corps #14-19, Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1, Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Paralax #1, Cyborg Superman #1, Superman Prime #1 and Ion #19 June 2016
Upsell 2Prelude to Blackest NightGreen Lantern #26-28 & 36–42, Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1, Green Lantern Corps #29-3916 March 2017
Upsell 3 Blackest Night Green Lantern #43-52(the cover incorrectly states that it is 50–52), Blackest Night #0-823 November 2017
Upsell 4Green Lantern: Brightest DayGreen Lantern (2005) 53-62, Green Lantern Corps (2006) 47-5730 August 2018
Upsell 5 War of the Green Lanterns Green Lantern (2005) 63-67, Green Lantern Corps (2006) 58-63, Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors (2010) 8-13, War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath (2011) 1-26 June 2019
Upsell 652: Volume 152 #1-26 (2006)23 March 2020
Upsell 752: Volume 252 #27-52 (2006)March 2021
Upsell 8Batman: Arkham Unhinged Volume 1Batman: Arkham Unhinged #1-10 (2012 / 2013)August 2021

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Archie Goodwin (comics)</span> American writer (1937–1998)

Archie Goodwin was an American comic book writer, editor, and artist. He worked on a number of comic strips in addition to comic books, and is known for his Warren and Marvel Comics work. For Warren he was chief writer and editor of landmark horror anthology titles Creepy and Eerie between 1964 and 1967. At Marvel, he served as the company's editor-in-chief from 1976 to the end of 1977. In the 1980s, he edited the publisher's anthology magazine Epic Illustrated and its Epic Comics imprint. He is also known for his work on Star Wars in both comic books and newspaper strips. He is regularly cited as the "best-loved comic book editor, ever."

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Infinite Crisis</span> 2005–2006 comic book limited miniseries by DC Comics

"Infinite Crisis" is a 2005–2006 comic book storyline published by DC Comics, consisting of an eponymous, seven-issue comic book limited series written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Phil Jimenez, George Pérez, Ivan Reis, and Jerry Ordway, and a number of tie-in books. The main miniseries debuted in October 2005, and each issue was released with two variant covers: one by Pérez and one by Jim Lee and Sandra Hope.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chuck Dixon</span> American comic book writer

Charles Dixon is an American comic book writer, best known for his work on the Marvel Comics character the Punisher and on the DC Comics characters Batman, Nightwing, and Robin in the 1990s and early 2000s.

<i>Batman & Dracula</i> trilogy 1991 graphic novel by Doug Moench and Kelley Jones

The Batman & Dracula trilogy consists of three American graphic novels—Batman & Dracula: Red Rain (1991), Bloodstorm (1994), and Crimson Mist (1998)—written by Doug Moench and penciled by Kelley Jones. The books were published by DC Comics as a part of its Elseworlds line of comics. Moench created the concept for the first installment and convinced Jones, of whom he was a fan, to join the project. Red Rain's eventual popularity resulted in DC commissioning sequels.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mike W. Barr</span> American writer (born 1952)

Mike W. Barr is an American writer of comic books, mystery novels, and science fiction novels. Barr has written for every one of the first four incarnations of Star Trek: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, in either comic book or other media.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scott Beatty</span>

Scott Beatty is an American author, comic book writer, and superhero historian actively published since the late 1990s. He is a distinguished alumnus of Juniata College and Iowa State University.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jordan B. Gorfinkel</span> American cartoonist, writer (born 1967)

Jordan B. Gorfinkel, also known as Gorf, is an American comic book creator, newspaper cartoonist, and an animation and multi-media entertainment producer. He is also an a cappella singer, most notably with the groups Beat'achon and Kol Zimra, and produces music, videos, and live events.

DC Universe Classics is an action figure toyline, a sub-line of the DC Universe toy brand manufactured by Mattel. They were 6-inch scale figures based on the fictional characters owned by DC Comics. The entire line was sculpted by the Four Horsemen Studios, and was first available for sale in 2008. The "DC Classics" line ceased to be sold at retail in 2012. The series then became an online-and-convention exclusive line. It was announced in late 2014 that the line would end with a final series of six figures celebrating the history of the line.

The DC Comics Super Hero Collection was a fortnightly magazine collection, by Eaglemoss Publications, and DC Comics, launched on the 15 March 2008, in the United Kingdom. The series was inspired by the success of The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection, also published by Eaglemoss. Each issue featured a hand painted, lead figure of a character from DC comic books, as well as an informational magazine, about the character. The collection consisted of two regular issues a month, with a special issue released every two months, to accommodate the larger characters in the DC Universe. The series also spawned a sub-series called "The Blackest Night/Brightest Day" collection, featuring characters from the various lantern corps from the DC Universe.

<i>The Official Marvel Graphic Novel Collection</i> Partwork magazine

The Official Marvel Graphic Novel Collection is a fortnightly partwork magazine published by Hachette Partworks. The series is a collection of special edition hardback graphic novels, collecting all the parts in a story arc for one of Marvel's best known superheroes, often a fan-favourite or "important" story from Marvel comics lore.

Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection was a British fortnightly partwork collection of hardback books published by Hachette Partworks. The series is made up of 90 volumes which contain thematic collections of stories about 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd and related characters, as well as bonus material including previously unpublished art. The spine art on the books combine to display a new image by artist Patrick Goddard. The series was also accompanied by the launch of a series of podcasts called '2000 AD Thrill-Casts' which, after the 6th episode, widened its focus to 2000 AD in general. On 5 July 2017 it was officially announced that the series had been extended from 80 to 90 issues.

<i>Batman: White Knight</i> Limited comic book series by Sean Murphy

Batman: White Knight is an American comic book published by DC Comics. The eight-issue limited series, written and illustrated by Sean Murphy, began monthly publication in October 2017 and concluded in May 2018. In the series, the Joker is seemingly cured of his madness and sets out to become a politician under his real name of Jack Napier, seeking to change his public image as a "villain" and save Gotham City from Batman, whom he views as the real enemy of the city.

DC Comics – The Legend of Batman was a fortnightly partwork magazine published by Eaglemoss Collections and DC Comics. In 2024, FanHome—a popular subscription based collectible company—announced they would begin rereleasing Eaglemoss's original books and release new content with the collection. The series was a collection of special edition hardback graphic novels, that tell Batman's life story from beginning to end. The series follows the success of the DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection, which itself began in 2015 with the Batman story Hush.


  1. "DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection". Eaglemoss.
  2. "DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection". Eaglemoss.
  3. "DC Heroes & Villains Collection". Hachette.
  4. "DC Heroes & Villains Collection". Previewsworld.
  5. "Part Works publisher Eaglemoss goes out of business". Downthetubes. 12 July 2022.
  6. "DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection". PreviewsWorld.
  7. Misprinted as #164-149 on Back Cover
  8. "DC Comics Graphic Novel Collection". PreviewsWorld.
  9. "DC Comics Thy Kingdom Come". Eaglemoss.
  10. "DC Comics Gotham Central Volume 1". Eaglemoss.
  11. "DC Comics Gotham Central Volume 2". Eaglemoss.