Daily Science Fiction

Last updated
Daily Science Fiction
Editors-in-Chief Jonathan Laden and Michele Barasso
Categories Science fiction, Short fiction, Flash fiction
First issueSeptember 1, 2010 (2010-09-01)
Country United States
Language American English
Website dailysciencefiction.com

Daily Science Fiction is an email and online magazine devoted to publishing science fiction stories that was founded in 2010. [1] Per the title, it is a daily publication, publishing each weekday, edited by Jonathan Laden and Michele Barasso. [2]


On August 11, 2022, founders Michele and Jonathan announced the newsletter will be on hiatus either temporarily or somewhat longer beginning middle of December 2022. The January 9, 2023 newsletter was the last sent out before the hiatus started.


Notable authors

Notable authors published in the magazine include:


  1. "Daily Science Fiction Website Launch". SF Signal. 2010-09-01. Archived from the original on 2010-11-11. Retrieved 2010-12-09.
  2. "SF Site News » Daily Science Fiction". Archived from the original on 2020-07-29. Retrieved 2019-06-11.