De novo sequence assemblers

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De novo sequence assemblers are a type of program that assembles short nucleotide sequences into longer ones without the use of a reference genome. These are most commonly used in bioinformatic studies to assemble genomes or transcriptomes. Two common types of de novo assemblers are greedy algorithm assemblers and De Bruijn graph assemblers.


Types of de novo assemblers

There are two types of algorithms that are commonly utilized by these assemblers: greedy, which aim for local optima, and graph method algorithms, which aim for global optima. Different assemblers are tailored for particular needs, such as the assembly of (small) bacterial genomes, (large) eukaryotic genomes, or transcriptomes.

Greedy algorithm assemblers are assemblers that find local optima in alignments of smaller reads. Greedy algorithm assemblers typically feature several steps: 1) pairwise distance calculation of reads, 2) clustering of reads with greatest overlap, 3) assembly of overlapping reads into larger contigs, and 4) repeat. These algorithms typically do not work well for larger read sets, as they do not easily reach a global optimum in the assembly, and do not perform well on read sets that contain repeat regions. [1] Early de novo sequence assemblers, such as SEQAID [2] (1984) and CAP [3] (1992), used greedy algorithms, such as overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) algorithms. These algorithms find overlap between all reads, use the overlap to determine a layout (or tiling) of the reads, and then produce a consensus sequence. Some programs that used OLC algorithms featured filtration (to remove read pairs that will not overlap) and heuristic methods to increase speed of the analyses.

Graph method assemblers [4] come in two varieties: string and De Bruijn. String graph and De Bruijn graph method assemblers were introduced at a DIMACS [5] workshop in 1994 by Waterman [6] and Gene Myers. [7] These methods represented an important step forward in sequence assembly, as they both use algorithms to reach a global optimum instead of a local optimum. While both of these methods made progress towards better assemblies, the De Bruijn graph method has become the most popular in the age of next-generation sequencing. During the assembly of the De Bruijn graph, reads are broken into smaller fragments of a specified size, k. The k-mers are then used as edges in the graph assembly. Nodes are built as (k-1)-mers connect by an edge. The assembler will then construct sequences based on the De Bruijn graph. De Bruijn graph assemblers typically perform better on larger read sets than greedy algorithm assemblers (especially when they contain repeat regions).

Commonly used programs

List of de-novo assemblers
NameDescription /


TechnologiesAuthorPresented /

Last updated

ABySSparallel, paired-end sequence assembler designed for large genome assembly of short reads (genomic and transcriptomic), employ a Bloom filter to De Bruijn graphIllumina [8] [9] 2009 / 2017OS link
CanuSmall and large, haploid/diploid genomesPacBio/Oxford Nanopore reads [10] 2001 / 2018OS link
DISCOVARpaired-end PCR-free reads (successor of ALLPATHS-LG)Illumina (MiSeq or HiSeq 2500) [11] 2014OS link
DNA Baser Sequence AssemblerDNA sequence assembly with automatic end trimming & ambiguity correction. Includes a base caller.Sanger, IlluminaHeracle BioSoft SRL2018.09C ($69)NA
DNASTAR Lasergene GenomicsLarge genomes, exomes, transcriptomes, metagenomes, ESTs. Also de novo assembly and polishing of long read sequencing data from Oxford Nanopore and PacBio, including PacBio Hifi reads.Illumina, ABI SOLiD, Roche 454, Ion Torrent, Solexa, Sanger DNASTAR 2007 / 2023C link
FalconDiploid genomesPacBio reads [12] 2014 / 2017OS link
Flyegenomes and metagenomes. Makes use of repeat graphsPacBio/Oxford Nanopore reads [13] 2018/2023OS link
HGAPGenomes up to 130 MBPacBio reads [14] 2011 / 2015OS link
hifiasmGraph assemblyPacBio HiFi reads [15] 2021OS link
HingeSmall microbial genomesPacBio/Oxford Nanopore reads [16] 2016 / 2018OS link
MaSuRCAAny size, haploid/diploid genomesIllumina and PacBio/Oxford Nanopore data, legacy 454 and Sanger data [17] 2011 / 2018OS link
Newbler genomes, ESTs454, Sanger 454 Life Sciences 2004/2012C link
Phrap genomesSanger, 454, Solexa Green, P. 1994 / 2008C / NC-A link
PlassProtein-level assembler: assembles six-frame-translated sequencing reads into protein sequencesIllumina [18] 2018 / 2019OS link
Raya suite of assemblers including de novo, metagenomic, ontology and taxonomic profiling; uses a De Bruijn graph [19] 2010OS link
SPAdes (small) genomes, single-cellIllumina, Solexa, Sanger, 454, Ion Torrent, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore [20] 2012 / 2021OS link
Trinitytranscriptome assemblies by de Bruijn graphIllumina RNA-seq [21] 2011 link
Velvet (small) genomesSanger, 454, Solexa, SOLiD [22] 2007 / 2011OS link
*Licences: OS = Open Source; C = Commercial; C / NC-A = Commercial but free for non-commercial and academics

Different assemblers are designed for different type of read technologies. Reads from second generation technologies (called short read technologies) like Illumina are typically short (with lengths of the order of 50-200 base pairs) and have error rates of around 0.5-2%, with the errors chiefly being substitution errors. However, reads from third generation technologies like PacBio and fourth generation technologies like Oxford Nanopore (called long read technologies) are longer with read lengths typically in the thousands or tens of thousands and have much higher error rates of around 10-20% with errors being chiefly insertions and deletions. This necessitates different algorithms for assembly from short and long read technologies.


There are numerous programs for de novo sequence assembly and many have been compared in the Assemblathon. The Assemblathon is a periodic, collaborative effort to test and improve the numerous assemblers available. Thus far, two assemblathons have been completed (2011 and 2013) and a third is in progress (as of April 2017). Teams of researchers from across the world choose a program and assemble simulated genomes (Assemblathon 1) and the genomes of model organisms whose that have been previously assembled and annotated (Assemblathon 2). The assemblies are then compared and evaluated using numerous metrics.

Assemblathon 1

Assemblathon 1 [23] was conducted in 2011 and featured 59 assemblies from 17 different groups and the organizers. The goal of this Assembalthon was to most accurately and completely assemble a genome that consisted of two haplotypes (each with three chromosomes of 76.3, 18.5, and 17.7 Mb, respectively) that was generated using Evolver. Numerous metrics were used to assess the assemblies, including: NG50 (point at which 50% of the total genome size is reached when scaffold lengths are summed from the longest to the shortest), LG50 (number of scaffolds that are greater than, or equal to, the N50 length), genome coverage, and substitution error rate.

Assemblathon 2

Assemblathon 2 [24] improved on Assemblathon 1 by incorporating the genomes of multiples vertebrates (a bird (Melopsittacus undulatus), a fish (Maylandia zebra), and a snake (Boa constrictor constrictor)) with genomes estimated to be 1.2, 1.0, and 1.6Gbp in length) and assessment by over 100 metrics. Each team was given four months to assemble their genome from Next-Generation Sequence (NGS) data, including Illumina and Roche 454 sequence data.

See also

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In bioinformatics, sequence assembly refers to aligning and merging fragments from a longer DNA sequence in order to reconstruct the original sequence. This is needed as DNA sequencing technology might not be able to 'read' whole genomes in one go, but rather reads small pieces of between 20 and 30,000 bases, depending on the technology used. Typically, the short fragments (reads) result from shotgun sequencing genomic DNA, or gene transcript (ESTs).

In graph theory, an n-dimensional De Bruijn graph of m symbols is a directed graph representing overlaps between sequences of symbols. It has mn vertices, consisting of all possible length-n sequences of the given symbols; the same symbol may appear multiple times in a sequence. For a set of m symbols S = {s1, …, sm}, the set of vertices is:

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<i>k</i>-mer Substrings of length k contained in a biological sequence

In bioinformatics, k-mers are substrings of length contained within a biological sequence. Primarily used within the context of computational genomics and sequence analysis, in which k-mers are composed of nucleotides, k-mers are capitalized upon to assemble DNA sequences, improve heterologous gene expression, identify species in metagenomic samples, and create attenuated vaccines. Usually, the term k-mer refers to all of a sequence's subsequences of length , such that the sequence AGAT would have four monomers, three 2-mers, two 3-mers and one 4-mer (AGAT). More generally, a sequence of length will have k-mers and total possible k-mers, where is number of possible monomers.

Velvet is an algorithm package that has been designed to deal with de novo genome assembly and short read sequencing alignments. This is achieved through the manipulation of de Bruijn graphs for genomic sequence assembly via the removal of errors and the simplification of repeated regions. Velvet has also been implemented in commercial packages, such as Sequencher, Geneious, MacVector and BioNumerics.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hybrid genome assembly</span>

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De novo transcriptome assembly is the de novo sequence assembly method of creating a transcriptome without the aid of a reference genome.

In DNA sequencing, a read is an inferred sequence of base pairs corresponding to all or part of a single DNA fragment. A typical sequencing experiment involves fragmentation of the genome into millions of molecules, which are size-selected and ligated to adapters. The set of fragments is referred to as a sequencing library, which is sequenced to produce a set of reads.

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Link together a non-contiguous series of genomic sequences into a scaffold, consisting of sequences separated by gaps of known length. The sequences that are linked are typically contiguous sequences corresponding to read overlaps.

SPAdes is a genome assembly algorithm which was designed for single cell and multi-cells bacterial data sets. Therefore, it might not be suitable for large genomes projects.

In bioinformatics, a DNA read error occurs when a sequence assembler changes one DNA base for a different base. The reads from the sequence assembler can then be used to create a de Bruijn graph, which can be used in various ways to find errors.

In genetics, coverage is one of several measures of the depth or completeness of DNA sequencing, and is more specifically expressed in any of the following terms:

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Third-generation sequencing is a class of DNA sequencing methods which produce longer sequence reads, under active development since 2008.

Transcriptomics technologies are the techniques used to study an organism's transcriptome, the sum of all of its RNA transcripts. The information content of an organism is recorded in the DNA of its genome and expressed through transcription. Here, mRNA serves as a transient intermediary molecule in the information network, whilst non-coding RNAs perform additional diverse functions. A transcriptome captures a snapshot in time of the total transcripts present in a cell. Transcriptomics technologies provide a broad account of which cellular processes are active and which are dormant. A major challenge in molecular biology is to understand how a single genome gives rise to a variety of cells. Another is how gene expression is regulated.

Bloom filters are space-efficient probabilistic data structures used to test whether an element is a part of a set. Bloom filters require much less space than other data structures for representing sets, however the downside of Bloom filters is that there is a false positive rate when querying the data structure. Since multiple elements may have the same hash values for a number of hash functions, then there is a probability that querying for a non-existent element may return a positive if another element with the same hash values has been added to the Bloom filter. Assuming that the hash function has equal probability of selecting any index of the Bloom filter, the false positive rate of querying a Bloom filter is a function of the number of bits, number of hash functions and number of elements of the Bloom filter. This allows the user to manage the risk of a getting a false positive by compromising on the space benefits of the Bloom filter.


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