Deaf hearing

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Deaf hearing refers to a condition in which deaf individuals are able to react to an auditory stimulus, without actually being able to hear it. [1]


When patients are completely deaf in both ears they begin to rely more strongly on their other senses. [2] Because hearing relies on external sound waves, a deaf patient will feel the vibrations, rather than relying on what would normally be perceived as sound. As a patient relies on "feeling" sounds rather than hearing them, they subconsciously hear with their sense of touch, therefore reacting to auditory stimuli without actually hearing sound.

Deaf patients also adapt to their disability by relying more on sight. While a patient with normal hearing relies on sound to perceive different things than they would by sight, the deaf use their sense of sight to observe things that would usually be perceived through hearing. For example, if a person were to walk into a room from an angle that could not be seen, a person with normal hearing would most likely detect them from hearing the door open. A deaf person might rely on changes in lighting patterns or the sympathetic movement of other objects in the room.

Similar compensations have long been noted among the blind.

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Deafness has varying definitions in cultural and medical contexts. In medical contexts, the meaning of deafness is hearing loss that precludes a person from understanding spoken language, an audiological condition. In this context it is written with a lower case d. It later came to be used in a cultural context to refer to those who primarily communicate through sign language regardless of hearing ability, often capitalized as Deaf and referred to as "big D Deaf" in speech and sign. The two definitions overlap but are not identical, as hearing loss includes cases that are not severe enough to impact spoken language comprehension, while cultural Deafness includes hearing people who use sign language, such as children of deaf adults.


  1. GARDE, M; COWEY, A (1 January 2000). ""Deaf Hearing": Unacknowledged Detection of Auditory Stimuli in a Patient with Cerebral Deafness". Cortex. 36 (1): 71–79. doi:10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70837-2.
  2. Turley, Susan (2007). Medical Language: Immerse Yourself, Second Edition . Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. p.  813. ISBN   978-0-13-505578-6.