Deep Blue C

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Deep Blue C is a compiler for a subset of the C programming language for Atari 8-bit computers distributed by the Atari Program Exchange (APX). The compiler is a version of Ron Cain's public domain Small-C [1] modified by John Howard Palevich to run on the Atari computer hardware. Palevich also wrote the Atari 8-bit game Dandy for APX. [2] The syntax supported by Deep Blue C is close to that of ANSI C with significant limitations. The compiler creates binary code for Intel 8080 processor which is then executed by an 8080 virtual machine. [3]


The source code to the compiler was sold separately by APX as Deep Blue Secrets. [1]


The following language constructs are not supported: [4]

Other non-standard properties of Deep Blue C:

Sample program

This program prints "Hello World!": [5]

 main()  $(    printf("Hello World!");  $)

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  1. 1 2 Palevich, John Howard (1982). Deep Blue Secrets Manual. Atari Program Exchange.
  2. Hague, James. "The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers".
  3. Atari 8-bit FAQ
  4. Deep Blue C documentation at Atari Archives
  5. W. Zientara, "Jezyki programowania Atari cz.2", SOETO, Warsaw, 1989