The Disordered Structure Refinement [1] [2] program (DSR), written by Daniel Kratzert, is designed to simplify the modeling of molecular disorder in crystal structures using SHELXL [3] [4] [5] by George M. Sheldrick. It has a database of approximately 120 standard solvent molecules and molecular moieties. These can be inserted into the crystal structure with little effort, while at the same time chemically meaningful binding and angular restraints [6] are set. DSR was developed because the previous description of disorder in crystal structures with SHELXL was very lengthy and error-prone. Instead of editing large text files manually and defining restraints manually, this process is automated with DSR.
DSR can be started in a command line. The call has the basic form:
dsr [option] (SHELXL file)
DSR is controlled with a special command in the corresponding SHELXL file. This has the following syntax:
REM DSR PUT/REPLACE "fragment" WITH (atoms) ON (atoms or q-peaks) PART 1 OCC -21 = RESI DFIX
The DSR command must always start with REM so that SHELXL does not recognize this line as its own command. Which atom of the molecule fragment from the database corresponds to which atom or q-peak in the crystal structure is specified in the list following WITH and ON.
By running
dsr -r file.res
the fragment fit is performed and the restraints transferred.
Since 2016 ShelXle has a graphical interface to DSR. Most commands of the command line version can be executed there.
In order to transfer a fragment into a structure, three atoms / q-peaks have to be selected in ShelXle and in the DSR GUI each to specify the position of the fragment. The 3D view of the fragment then shows a preview of the subsequent fragment fit.
DSR is only programmed in Python. Therefore, it runs in any Python-supported operating system.
It is under the free Beerware license and can be downloaded free of charge and changed as desired.
X-ray crystallography is the experimental science of determining the atomic and molecular structure of a crystal, in which the crystalline structure causes a beam of incident X-rays to diffract in specific directions. By measuring the angles and intensities of the X-ray diffraction, a crystallographer can produce a three-dimensional picture of the density of electrons within the crystal and the positions of the atoms, as well as their chemical bonds, crystallographic disorder, and other information.
In physics, the phase problem is the problem of loss of information concerning the phase that can occur when making a physical measurement. The name comes from the field of X-ray crystallography, where the phase problem has to be solved for the determination of a structure from diffraction data. The phase problem is also met in the fields of imaging and signal processing. Various approaches of phase retrieval have been developed over the years.
Electron crystallography is a subset of methods in electron diffraction focusing upon detailed determination of the positions of atoms in solids using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). It can involve the use of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images, electron diffraction patterns including convergent-beam electron diffraction or combinations of these. It has been successful in determining some bulk structures, and also surface structures. Two related methods are low-energy electron diffraction which has solved the structure of many surfaces, and reflection high-energy electron diffraction which is used to monitor surfaces often during growth.
Hugo M. Rietveld was a Dutch crystallographer who is famous for his publication on the full profile refinement method in powder diffraction, which became later known as the Rietveld refinement method. The method was developed to refine neutron diffraction data, but is applicable to other diffraction experiments as well, like X-ray diffraction. The Rietveld refinement uses a least squares approach to refine a theoretical line profile until it matches the measured profile. The introduction of this technique which used the full profile instead of individual reflections was a significant step forward in the diffraction analysis of powder samples.
In X-ray crystallography, a difference density map or Fo–Fc map shows the spatial distribution of the difference between the measured electron density of the crystal and the electron density explained by the current model.
Multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction is a technique used in X-ray crystallography that facilitates the determination of the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules via solution of the phase problem.
Acta Crystallographica is a series of peer-reviewed scientific journals, with articles centred on crystallography, published by the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). Originally established in 1948 as a single journal called Acta Crystallographica, there are now six independent Acta Crystallographica titles:
Isomorphous replacement (IR) is historically the most common approach to solving the phase problem in X-ray crystallography studies of proteins. For protein crystals this method is conducted by soaking the crystal of a sample to be analyzed with a heavy atom solution or co-crystallization with the heavy atom. The addition of the heavy atom (or ion) to the structure should not affect the crystal formation or unit cell dimensions in comparison to its native form, hence, they should be isomorphic.
Single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) is a technique used in X-ray crystallography that facilitates the determination of the structure of proteins or other biological macromolecules by allowing the solution of the phase problem. In contrast to multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD), SAD uses a single dataset at a single appropriate wavelength.
A crystallographic database is a database specifically designed to store information about the structure of molecules and crystals. Crystals are solids having, in all three dimensions of space, a regularly repeating arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules. They are characterized by symmetry, morphology, and directionally dependent physical properties. A crystal structure describes the arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules in a crystal..
Eleanor Joy Dodson FRS is an Australian-born biologist who specialises in the computational modelling of protein crystallography. She holds a chair in the Department of Chemistry at the University of York. She is the widow of the scientist Guy Dodson.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances is a peer-reviewed structural science journal published bimonthly by the International Union of Crystallography. It contains papers describing fundamental developments in structural science. It was founded in 1967 when Acta Crystallographica was split into two sections, and was initially titled Acta Crystallographica Section A: Crystal Physics, Diffraction, Theoretical and General Crystallography. The journal's name changed in 1982 to Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography. The journal adopted its current title in 2013.
The program ShelXle is a graphical user interface for the structure refinement program SHELXL. ShelXle combines an editor with syntax highlighting for the SHELXL-associated .ins (input) and .res (output) files with an interactive graphical display for visualization of a three-dimensional structure including the electron density (Fo) and difference density (Fo-Fc) maps.
Macromolecular structure validation is the process of evaluating reliability for 3-dimensional atomic models of large biological molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. These models, which provide 3D coordinates for each atom in the molecule, come from structural biology experiments such as x-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The validation has three aspects: 1) checking on the validity of the thousands to millions of measurements in the experiment; 2) checking how consistent the atomic model is with those experimental data; and 3) checking consistency of the model with known physical and chemical properties.
George Michael Sheldrick, FRS is a British chemist who specialises in molecular structure determination. He is one of the most cited workers in the field, having over 280,000 citations as of 2020 and an h-index of 113. He was a professor at the University of Göttingen from 1978 until his retirement in 2011.
The Multipole Density Formalism is an X-ray crystallography method of electron density modelling proposed by Niels K. Hansen and Philip Coppens in 1978. Unlike the commonly used Independent Atom Model, the Hansen-Coppens Formalism presents an aspherical approach, allowing one to model the electron distribution around a nucleus separately in different directions and therefore describe numerous chemical features of a molecule inside the unit cell of an examined crystal in detail.
Durward William John Cruickshank, often known as D. W. J. Cruickshank, was a British crystallographer whose work transformed the precision of determining molecular structures from X-ray crystal structure analysis. He developed the theoretical framework for anisotropic displacement parameters, also known as the thermal ellipsoid, for crystal structure determination in a series of papers published in 1956 in Acta Crystallographica.
This is a timeline of crystallography.
Alexander Frank Wells, or A. F. Wells, was a British chemist and crystallographer. He is known for his work on structural inorganic chemistry, which includes the description and classification of structural motifs, such as the polyhedral coordination environments, in crystals obtained from X-ray crystallography. His work is summarized in a classic reference book, Structural inorganic chemistry, first appeared in 1945 and has since gone through five editions. In addition, his work on crystal structures in terms of nets have been important and inspirational for the field of metal-organic frameworks and related materials.
Urea can crystallise with other compounds. These can be called urea adducts or if a solvent is involved, a urea solvate, and the process is called urea extraction crystallization. Urea can also be a neutral ligand if it is coordinated to a central metal atom. Urea can form hydrogen bonds to other oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the substance it crystallises with. This stiffens the solid and raises the melting point. T