Doukki Gel

Last updated
Doukki Gel
Sudan adm location map.svg
Archaeological site icon (red).svg
Shown within Sudan
Location Northern State, Sudan
Region Nubia
Coordinates 19°36′36.58″N30°24′46.65″E / 19.6101611°N 30.4129583°E / 19.6101611; 30.4129583
Part of Kerma culture
Site notes
ConditionIn ruins

Doukki Gel, or Dukki Gel, was an ancient Nubian settlement. Dukki Gel was inhabited between 1800 BC to 400 AD and was occupied by a coalition of African rulers from the south around 1700 BC during the Classical Kerma period, and later by Ancient Egyptian and Nubian officials during the new kingdom period. [1] The settlement is located less than 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) south of the city of Kerma, [1] and settlement shows distinctive Sub Saharan influences architecturally distinct from Kerma with more rounded structures. [2]


During the Egyptian conquest in the new kingdom, the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt Thutmose I founded a new city neighbouring Dukki Gel just North of it. [3] [4]


Doukki Gel means "red hill" in a Nubian dialect and was named by archaeologists.

Fortifications and castles

When the military commanders of Thutmose I reached Dokki Gel in the early 15th century BC, they discovered the city. The architecture differed from the Egyptian models, and the military structures must have been awe inspiring to the Egyptian commanders and unseen in Egypt. [5]

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  1. 1 2 ""New Look at Ancient Nubia - Archaeology Magazine"".
  2. "Charles Bonnet: The Black Kingdom of the Nile" . Retrieved 2024-06-09.
  5. SARS_SN23_Bonnet_Marchi.pdf