Early onset dementia

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Early onset dementia is dementia in which symptoms first appear before the age of 65. [1] The term favored until about 2000 was presenile dementia; young onset dementia is also used. [2]


Early onset dementia may be caused by degenerative or vascular disease, or it may be due to other causes, such as alcohol-related dementia and other inflammatory or infectious processes. [1] Early-onset Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and frontotemporal lobar degeneration are the most common forms of early onset dementia, with Alzheimer's accounting for between 30 and 40%. [1] Early onset dementia may also occur, less frequently, in the Lewy body dementias (dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease dementia), multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease and other conditions. [2]

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Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) is dementia that is associated with Parkinson's disease (PD). Together with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), it is one of the Lewy body dementias characterized by abnormal deposits of Lewy bodies in the brain.

Corticobasal syndrome (CBS) is a rare, progressive atypical Parkinsonism syndrome and is a tauopathy related to frontotemporal dementia. CBS is typically caused by the deposit of tau proteins forming in different areas of the brain.


  1. 1 2 3 Quach C, Hommet C, Mondon K, Lauvin MA, Cazals X, Cottier JP (April 2014). "Early-onset dementias: Specific etiologies and contribution of MRI". Diagn Interv Imaging (Review). 95 (4): 377–98. doi: 10.1016/j.diii.2013.07.009 . PMID   24007775.
  2. 1 2 Rossor MN, Fox NC, Mummery CJ, Schott JM, Warren JD (August 2010). "The diagnosis of young-onset dementia". Lancet Neurol (Review). 9 (8): 793–806. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(10)70159-9. PMC   2947856 . PMID   20650401.

Further reading